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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s heavily criticized tobacco program promised changes on Friday, including a five-year strategic plan to better outline priorities. “As we enter this era of declining use of combustible tobacco and continued innovation in the e-cigarette industry, the societal concerns are not subtle,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf said in an agency news release. “Our ability to keep pace with these changes will depend on immediate, short-term and long-term actions the center is taking that we believe will position the agency to more successfully implement our regulatory oversight of tobacco products.” The agency has faced criticism from anti-tobacco advocates, the industry and lawmakers for its past work in cigarette and vaping regulation, the Associated Press reported. An external review commissioned last summer released a report in December that called the FDA “reactive and overwhelmed.” Its workforce was struggling to manage tobacco and largely unauthorized e-cigarettes, the report stated. The FDA’s new strategic plan is expected to outline efforts on e-cigarettes, as well as to be more transparent about FDA decisions, such as mass rejection of applications from e-cigarette makers. Regulators would like to “better communicate” with companies about how the FDA makes decisions, said Brian King, tobacco chief for the agency. “Some things will take longer than others, but we’re committed to getting everything done that we’ve outlined as expeditiously as…  read on >  read on >

When a couple seeks out therapy, they’ve probably been struggling and stuck for some time. Licensed therapists offer expertise and experience at helping couples work through issues, not altogether different from what an individual therapist might do for an individual who is struggling. Whether the issue is conflict, communication, forgiveness for past hurts or something else, a couples therapist can guide a willing pair through the process of working issues out or deciding what to do next. “People don’t go to therapy just with the equivalent of a headache in terms of the relationship problems,” said Everett Worthington, commonwealth professor emeritus for Virginia Commonwealth University, in Richmond. “I think when couples feel frustrated and can’t seem to make any headway on the problems on their own, then they start looking for some kind of help.” What is a couples therapist? The American Psychological Association (APA) describes couple and family psychology as a specialty that is “focused on the emotions, thoughts and behaviors of individuals, couples and families in relationships and in the broader environment in which they function.” Marriage and family therapy is “brief; solution-focused; specific, with attainable therapeutic goals; and designed with the ‘end in mind,’” according to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). A therapist may be licensed by the AAMFT to work with couples and families after receiving a…  read on >  read on >

It’s natural for everyone to experience anxiety at different times in their lives. Maybe you’re worried about making a good first impression with your new partner’s family, and you become anxious in the days leading up to the meeting about what you’ll wear. Being anxious even has its benefits, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). It can keep you alert when you’re behind the wheel during a snowstorm, for example, or help you better prepare for a work presentation. Yet, for over 40 million Americans, anxiety has affected so much of their lives that it’s considered a mental health disorder. When that happens, it can have major emotional, physical and mental impacts on your health, so learning how to deal with it is important. Here are some science-based, evidence-backed tips on how to deal with anxiety when it pops up, including easy self-care ideas. In addition, anxiety medications are available to help you manage and control your anxiety symptoms. What is anxiety? According to NAMI, anxiety may be considered a disorder when fear or worry prevents you from accomplishing everyday activities. It includes several disorders. Among them are generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder and panic disorder. While the exact causes of anxiety disorders aren’t known, several factors are thought to play a role, according to the Cleveland Clinic. These include…  read on >  read on >

People living in heavily polluted areas of the United States may be more vulnerable to Parkinson’s disease, a new study suggests. Specifically, the culprit is a type of air pollution called fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which is less than 2.5 microns in diameter and comes from car exhaust, burning of fuels in power plants and other industries, and forest and grass fires, researchers say. “We found an association between Parkinson’s disease and exposure to fine particulate matter. In specific, people in the highest exposure have a 25% greater risk of Parkinson’s disease compared to people with the lowest exposure,” said lead researcher Brittany Krzyzanowski, from the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Ariz. “We also found that the regions with the strongest association between particulate matter and Parkinson’s disease were the Mississippi-Ohio River Valley and the Rocky Mountain region,” she said. “Our findings suggest that the regional differences in Parkinson’s disease might reflect that the composition of the particulate matter in some areas may be more toxic than others,” Krzyzanowski added. “We know that air pollution causes inflammation in the brain, which is linked to Parkinson’s disease.” Krzyzanowski said that lowering levels of air pollution might help lower the risk of Parkinson’s, especially in areas where pollution levels are high. “Despite 30 years of research trying to identify the environmental risk factors of Parkinson’s disease, most…  read on >  read on >

It may seem counterintuitive, but a new study review suggests that consuming too little salt could be harmful to heart failure patients. Doctors currently recommend a low-sodium diet to lower blood pressure and avoid fluid buildup and swelling, which can be common symptoms for heart failure. The condition develops when the heart muscle becomes too weak or stiff to effectively pump blood to the rest of the body. But the new meta-analysis of nine randomized, controlled trials found that restricting dietary sodium intake below the standard recommended maximum of about 2.3 grams per day did not bring additional benefits, and it also may increase the risk of death. The findings will be presented March 5 at the American College of Cardiology’s annual meeting, in New Orleans. “Our findings showed that restricting dietary sodium to less than the usual recommendation was counterproductive in the management of heart failure,” said study lead author Dr. Anirudh Palicherla, an internal medicine resident at Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Neb. “Limiting sodium is still the way to go to help manage heart failure, but the amount of restriction has been up for debate,” Palicherla said in a meeting news release. “This study shows that the focus should be on establishing a safe level of sodium consumption, instead of overly restricting sodium.” While the average American eats about 3.4…  read on >  read on >

Men who have physically demanding jobs and regularly lift heavy objects at work also have higher sperm counts and testosterone levels. A new study that is part of broader effort to explore how exposure to environmental chemicals and lifestyle choices affect reproductive health found the link. “We already know that exercise is associated with multiple health benefits in humans, including those observed on reproductive health, but few studies have looked at how occupational factors can contribute to these benefits,” said study author Lidia Mínguez-Alarcón. She is a reproductive epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and co-investigator of the broader Environment and Reproductive Health (EARTH) study. “What these new findings suggest is that physical activity during work may also be associated with significant improvement in men’s reproductive potential,” she said in a hospital news release. The EARTH study is a collaboration between the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Mass General Brigham health care system. For the EARTH study, the researchers have collected samples and survey data from more than 1,500 men and women. The latest study, published recently in the journal Human Reproduction, focused on a subset of this overall group, including 377 male partners in couples seeking fertility treatment. The investigators found that men who reported often lifting or moving heavy objects on the job had 46% higher sperm concentration.…  read on >  read on >

When heart failure strikes, being a lifelong bachelor may mean you might die sooner than women or previously married men diagnosed with the same condition, a new study suggests. Lifetime marital history appears to be an important predictor of survival in men with heart failure, but not women. Specifically, lifelong bachelors had significantly worse long-term survival than men who had been married, separated, divorced or widowed, said senior researcher Dr. David Kao, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora. In contrast, women with heart failure who had never been married did not appear to be at higher risk of death than those who had, he added. “These findings suggest that marriage has some kind of beneficial effect for men that helps them survive longer after developing heart failure,” Kao said. “At present, we have not identified precisely what these effects are, but they could include health-seeking behaviors, socioeconomic and family support in older age, or differences in factors like frailty and nutrition, and mood.” The lack of difference in survival between women with different marital histories could indicate that either the same factors are not as clinically beneficial in women or possibly that there are fewer deficits in those traits that are affected through marriage, Kao said. With heart failure, the heart becomes too weak or stiff…  read on >  read on >

Getting good sleep may have long-term benefits — even extending your life span, a new study suggests. Researchers found that young people with better sleep habits were incrementally less likely to die early. About 8% of deaths from any cause could be attributed to poor sleep patterns. Study co-author Dr. Frank Qian, a resident at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and clinical fellow at Harvard Medical School, said his team found a “clear dose-response relationship.” Simply put: The better the sleep, the greater the protection from early death from all causes, including heart disease. “These findings emphasize that just getting enough hours of sleep isn’t sufficient,” Qian said in an American College of Cardiology news release. “You really have to have restful sleep and not have much trouble falling and staying asleep.” Researchers identified several sleep habits that made a difference: sleeping seven to eight hours a night; having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep no more than twice a week; not using any sleep medication, and feeling well rested on awaking at least five days a week. “If people have all these ideal sleep behaviors, they are more likely to live longer,” Qian said. “So, if we can improve sleep overall, and identifying sleep disorders is especially important, we may be able to prevent some of this premature [deaths].” For the study,…  read on >  read on >

Confused about emergency contraception? The experts have you covered. Here’s a breakdown of what emergency contraception is, the different types that are available, the side effects you may experience, and how emergency contraception works. Plus, you’ll find out where you can get emergency contraception. What is emergency contraception? Emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). It must be used before a pregnancy occurs. Planned Parenthood states that emergency contraception is not the abortion pill, which is a way to end an early pregnancy. “When used correctly, emergency contraception works well to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. It can be useful if birth control fails (like when a condom breaks or slips off), if birth control wasn’t used during sex, or after sexual assault or rape. But there’s a fairly short time in which to use it,” Mount Sinai obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Cynthia Abraham said in a recent blog. Types of emergency contraception There are two main types of emergency contraception, according to the ACOG. These are IUDs (intrauterine devices) and emergency contraception pills. IUDs Copper IUDs are currently the only type of IUD used in emergency contraception. They must be inserted into your uterus by a health care practitioner. The other type of IUD, the levonorgestrel (hormonal) IUD, is used for…  read on >  read on >

All those images of beautiful-looking people on social media can deflate a young person’s self-image, but there may be an easy fix: limiting time spent on TikTok, Instagram and the like. A new Canadian study finds that teens and young adults who already had symptoms of anxiety or depression and who cut their social media usage by about 50% experienced a significant improvement in how they felt about their overall appearance in just a few weeks. They also felt better about their weight. “I don’t think it completely surprised me,” said study co-author Helen Thai, a PhD student in the psychology department at McGill University in Montreal. Past research on traditional media and the impact of unattainable beauty and body ideals has obtained similar results, Thai suggested. “Not only are there celebrities and influencers on there, but it’s also people within your social circle,” Thai said about social media, “which can make comparison a bit more easy.” The authors estimated that youth spend about six to eight hours each day on screens. A lot of that time is spent on social media sites, where they may see hundreds or thousands of images, internalizing them. In a news release about the study, lead author Gary Goldfield, a senior scientist with the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, said that whether people who already have body…  read on >  read on >