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Staying calm during the coronavirus pandemic isn’t easy, but a few simple steps will help you stay informed yet relaxed. Keep up-to-date with reliable sources. “Given the onslaught of media coverage and information, it’s important to make sure you are getting updates from reputable sources,” said Nathaniel Van Kirk, coordinator of inpatient group therapy at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass. Good sources include the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress. “Using these guidelines as a foundation, while acknowledging that you won’t be able to get 100% certainty in an evolving situation, may help you continue to live your daily life,” he said in a hospital news release. “It can help you keep your entire day from being consumed by anxiety or worry and instead let you focus on what you can control.” Limit your exposure to media, including social media, which has a lot of misinformation, and skip watching the news right before bedtime, experts advise. Try to stay calm. Kathryn Boger, program director of the McLean Anxiety Mastery Program, said being aware of two common thinking traps can help you avoid falling into them. One is catastrophizing, where you imagine the worst-case scenario, and the other is overgeneralizing, where you think the worst is much more likely to happen. “We…  read on >

Coronavirus is officially a pandemic, and Americans are adopting “social distancing” to prevent a surge in potential illnesses and death. So, what if you run a fever or experience shortness of breath? Should that send you running to an emergency room? Not necessarily, since most coronavirus cases are mild and there’s no need to panic, experts note. The first thing to do is match your symptoms to those experienced by COVID-19 patients, said Dr. William Jaquis, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). Fever, a dry cough and shortness of breath are the three most common symptoms, Jaquis said. Headaches, body aches, sore throat and fatigue sometimes occur but are more often associated with the flu, medical experts say. A runny nose rarely occurs with COVID-19, and sneezing is not a symptom of the virus. Next, assess the severity of your symptoms. Don’t just rush to the hospital. If you can still breathe reasonably well or your fever responds to over-the-counter remedies like acetaminophen (Tylenol), you should call your family doctor to discuss your best options for care, experts say. According to Dr. Aimee Moulin, an emergency medicine physician with the University of California, Davis, “If your symptoms are mild, you can reach out to your primary care physician, and if you feel like you can manage at home, folks are advised to…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Are you scared and confused over the threat of coronavirus? You’re not alone: Every day, every hour, new media reports can have you worrying about worst-case scenarios. Experts say panic is a natural — if unhelpful — response to major crises like COVID-19. But there are ways to stay both informed and calm. It’s not always easy, acknowledged psychologist Roxane Silver. “One of the most stressful aspects of this outbreak is the uncertainty and ambiguity that surrounds transmission,” said Silver, who’s professor of psychological science at the University of California, Irvine. “Because individuals can apparently spread the virus without exhibiting any symptoms, the threat is invisible, and anyone can be a carrier of disease,” she noted. So the unease folks feel “is normal and appropriate,” she said. But it can also tip over into panic, and media is often key to that, Silver believes. Sources matter “What is likely to be unhealthy is the spreading of rumors and misinformation, which often creep in during uncertain periods,” she said. For many, endless cycling through cable news or reading specious posts on Facebook can prove harmful, not helpful. Instead, people should proactively “seek out information from authoritative sources,” she said, such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), or your local department of health. Both the…  read on >

Some people love to run no matter the season, even cold weather, and that is OK as long as you take proper precautions, a physical therapist says. “It’s up to the runner. As long as he or she is healthy, wearing appropriate attire and highly visible, the cold doesn’t have to deter you from being outside,” said Grace “Annie” Neurohr. She’s a therapist and running specialist at Sinai Hospital’s Rubin Institute Running Injury Program, in Baltimore. But, if it’s icy, stay inside and use the treadmill, she advised. When you do run outside in the cold, wear the proper clothing and layer it. “A good base layer is crucial,” Neurohr said in a news release from LifeBridge Health. “A wool or wool hybrid base layer will wick away moisture while maintaining warm body temperature.” A warm hat is important for maintaining core temperature “since the majority of our heat is lost through our heads,” Neurohr said. Gloves are also essential. “Since the majority of your blood is getting pumped to your larger muscles, your hands need a little extra help staying warm,” she explained. Before heading out, warm up for five to 10 minutes to reduce the risk of muscle strains or joint pain. “A dynamic warm-up typically will consist of various types of skips, high knees, walking lunges, inchworms and leg swings, so typically…  read on >

A test that can detect the genetic “fingerprint” of prostate cancer in blood could improve diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of the disease, researchers say. The test checks for prostate cancer DNA in blood in order to provide the earliest evidence that prostate cancer is active. This could help doctors monitor tumor behavior, determine if cancer has spread (“metastasized”) and choose the most appropriate treatment, according to the team at University College London Cancer Institute in the United Kingdom. The study was published March 9 in The Journal of Clinical Investigation. The next step is to assess whether this test could be used along with, or replace, the current prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, according to the study authors. “Metastatic prostate cancer — the most dangerous late stage of the disease — can vary substantially in its treatment response and clinical progression,” lead author Dr. Anjui Wu said in a college news release. “We urgently need biomarkers that will help us determine how far along each patient’s cancer is, to determine the best course of treatment,” he explained. Corresponding author Gerhardt Attard, a professor at the institute, said researchers are testing the technique in a patient trial. The aim is to see if it can complement or replace the PSA test. “We believe the increased sensitivity and additional information we derive will significantly improve the outcomes of…  read on >

If you are feeling the aches and pains of what you think is the flu, a trendy diet may be the culprit instead, a new study confirms. Researchers took a dive into what’s become known as “keto flu” — the fatigue, headache, nausea and mental fog that some people develop soon after starting a ketogenic diet. The keto diet, which is loaded with fat and skimpy on carbs, has become a popular way to lose weight. By depriving the body of carbs — its main source of fuel — the diet pushes it to burn fat instead. The tactic “undeniably works” in spurring quick weight loss, said Ginger Hultin, a Seattle-based registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. At the same time, though, it can leave people feeling miserable, at least in the first few weeks. That so-called keto flu has been recognized for some time, and it’s thought to be the result of the radical dietary change. Keto plans typically recommend getting 70% to 80% of calories from fat, 10% to 20% from protein, and a mere 5% to 10% from carbs. “You’re asking your body to shift into a completely different metabolic state,” Hultin explained. For the new study, researchers looked to online forums to see what keto dieters had to say about their short-term side effects. First, they…  read on >

Suicidal thoughts have haunted nearly one of every 10 pre-teens in the United States, a new study reveals. About 8.4% of children aged 9 or 10 said they’d temporarily or regularly harbored thoughts of suicide, researchers report. Importantly, only around 1% of children that age reported a suicide attempt or planning their suicide. But suicidal thoughts at that age are a warning sign of a future filled with woe, said senior researcher Dr. Sophia Frangou, a professor of psychiatry with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in New York City. “When you think of how young they are, 8% is quite a startling number,” Frangou said. “Thinking of killing yourself, and that life isn’t worth it, when you’re 9 is pretty extreme.” Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 10- to 14-year-olds, researchers said in background notes, and these sorts of thoughts paint a picture of a troubled childhood. “Being so seriously unhappy so early in life is a sign of vulnerability for adverse mental health outcomes in adulthood,” Frangou noted. “It’s not just about suicide.” For this study, Frangou and her colleagues analyzed data from the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development study, which is tracking the growth and health of nearly 12,000 children across the United States. Children and their caregivers filled out reports that included questions related to suicidal…  read on >

Could clues to future health emergencies be found in Facebook posts? Maybe so, according to a new study that discovered there are changes in users’ posts before they seek emergency care. For the study, researchers analyzed the Facebook posts and medical records of more than 2,900 patients at a U.S. urban hospital, including 419 who’d had a recent emergency department visit for problems ranging from chest pain to pregnancy-related issues. Analysis of Facebook posts from as early as 2.5 months before those patients’ emergency visits revealed that most had changes in their language before seeking emergency care. Specifically, they were less likely to post about leisure or use words like “play,” “fun” and “nap,” and less likely to use internet slang and informal language such as “u” instead of “you,” the findings showed. The closer they got to their emergency department visit, the patients’ Facebook posts increasingly focused on family and health. There was also increased use of anxious, worrisome and depressed language, according to the study published March 12 in the journal Nature Scientific Reports. The study suggests that social media posts may offer clues about health problems and could potentially be used to identify and help people, the researchers said. “The better we understand the context in which people are seeking care, the better they can be attended to,” said study author Sharath…  read on >

Chronic pain can keep kids from being social and active, leading to anxiety and depression, a child psychiatrist says. Unfortunately, this can turn into a vicious cycle — worsening depression and anxiety can also worsen pain perception. Between 5% and 20% of children live with chronic pain. It usually takes the form of bone and muscle pain, headaches or abdominal pain. “Parents may feel helpless and frightened as they watch their children try to cope — which can make them feel anxious and depressed, just when they need to be their child’s biggest cheerleader,” said Dr. Taranjeet Jolly. He is a psychiatrist at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in Harrisburg, Pa. But hope is not lost, he said. The first step is recognizing that a problem exists. “Look for red flags that depression may be overwhelming your child. Often your first clue is a change in their everyday routine,” Jolly said. “Is their sleep time way up or down? Is there a marked change in their social interaction? Maybe they are more irritable, angry or emotional.” Talk to your child about what’s going on and follow up with a pediatrician, he suggested. If he or she is diagnosed with depression, follow up with a child psychiatrist, he advised. “The treatment varies according to the level of severity, but something called cognitive behavioral…  read on >

For people who want to stop drinking, the world’s oldest alcohol support group is still the best way, a new review concludes. In an analysis of 27 studies, researchers found that Alcoholics Anonymous was typically more effective than behavioral therapies when it came to helping people remain abstinent. AA also appeared as good as those therapies in reducing excessive drinking, and the consequences of it. The researchers said the results might sound surprising: Behavioral therapies are delivered by mental health professionals, while AA is a support group run by lay people. Lead researcher Keith Humphreys said he was once a skeptic. “Early in my career, I thought it sounded silly,” said Humphreys, a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine in California. “What could come from a bunch of people sitting around talking?” But it turns out, Humphreys said, that the program can give many people what they need — fellowship. That includes other group members who are dealing with the same issues, and a “sponsor” who can serve as a role model — someone who has managed to stay sober and get his or her life back on track. AA was founded in 1935, by two men in Akron, Ohio, who were looking for a way to stop drinking. They began a support group, then later developed AA’s famous “12 steps” —…  read on >