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For a host of reasons, millions worldwide are deciding to give up meat and focus on a plant-based diet. But new research out of Greece is a reminder that not all vegetarian diets are healthy — especially for people who are already obese. “The quality of plant-based diets varies,” concluded a team led by Matina Kouvari of Harokopio University in Athens. Reporting Thursday at the virtual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), her team assessed the diets of 146 randomly selected obese people in Athens, who had normal blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar, and did not yet have heart disease. Their diets were assessed using a questionnaire about their typical eating habits in the previous year. It asked about 156 foods and beverages commonly consumed in Greece. Within 10 years, nearly half of the participants had gone on to develop high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and high blood sugar — a combination that’s particularly risky for the heart. However, diets focused on healthier plant-based foods were associated with normal blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar. These “healthier” vegetarian options included whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil and tea/coffee, as well as foods made with the least amount of processing. On the other hand, unhealthy plant-based foods — items such as juices, sweetened beverages, refined grains (for example, white…  read on >

The first rapid coronavirus test that doesn’t need any special computer equipment to produce results was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday. Made by Abbott Laboratories, the 15-minute test will sell for $5, giving it an edge over similar tests that need to be popped into a small machine, the Associated Press reported. No larger than a credit card, the Abbott test is based on the same technology used to test for the flu, strep throat and other infections. BinaxNOW is the fourth rapid test in the United States that detects COVID-19 antigens, proteins found on the surface of the coronavirus, rather than the virus itself, the AP reported. It’s considered a faster, but less precise, screening method. Abbott’s entry into the rapid COVID-19 test market offers yet another option to expand testing, the AP reported. The FDA also recently gave its blessing to a saliva test from Yale University that bypasses some of the supplies that have led to testing bottlenecks, the wire service said. Neither test can be performed at home. But several companies are developing rapid at-home tests, though none have yet won FDA approval, the AP reported. Abbott’s new test still requires a nasal swab be taken by a health worker, like most older coronavirus tests. The Yale saliva test eliminates the need for a swab, but…  read on >

Middle-aged men who were anxious or depressed teens are at increased risk for heart attack, according to a large, long-term study. It included more than 238,000 men born between 1952 and 1956 who underwent extensive exams when they were 18 or 19 years old and were followed to age 58. Men diagnosed with anxiety or depression in their late teens had a 20% higher risk of heart attack than those who didn’t, the study showed. The findings only reflect an association. The link was partly, but not fully, explained by poorer ability to cope with everyday stress and lower physical fitness in teens with the mental health conditions, according to findings presented Wednesday at a virtual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology. The takeaway: “Be vigilant and look for signs of stress, depression or anxiety that is beyond the normal teenage angst: Seek help if there seems to be a persistent problem,” suggested study author Cecilia Bergh, a senior lecturer in health sciences at Orebro University in Sweden. “If a healthy lifestyle is encouraged as early as possible in childhood and adolescence it is more likely to persist into adulthood and improve long-term health,” she said in a meeting news release. Bergh said researchers already knew that men who were physically fit but stressed as teens seemed less likely to maintain fitness. “Our previous…  read on >

Despite the wave of criticism that has followed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s emergency approval of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19 patients, infectious disease experts say the therapy remains promising. Some scientists have questioned both the timing of the approval and the veracity of a key survival statistic cited by FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn. And the clinical trials needed to make sure that convalescent plasma really works are not yet complete. Still, survivors’ plasma has been on the list of potential COVID-19 treatments since the pandemic began and an emergency approval for its widespread use was not unexpected, said Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski, chair of biomedical research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City. Data coming in from around the world shows that antibody-loaded plasma taken from COVID-19 survivors can help people fighting off an infection, Pirofski said. For example, reports from China have shown that desperately ill patients treated late in their disease with convalescent plasma experienced a very rapid decrease in their viral load, Pirofski noted. There’s also no evidence that convalescent plasma can hurt a person, she added. “I cannot think of one shred of data that I have seen that would suggest harm,” Pirofski said. But scientists still don’t know exactly how effective plasma can be, when it would be best administered…  read on >

Just weeks after colleges across the United States reopened their campuses for the fall semester, thousands of coronavirus infections are cropping up in students and staff alike. More than 1,500 American colleges and universities were tallied in The New York Times survey. That included every four-year public institution, every private college that competes in NCAA sports and others that identified cases. The case total: At least 26,000 cases and 64 deaths have been reported since the pandemic began, the Times reported. The trend is unfolding everywhere. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sent most undergraduates home after COVID-19 clusters popped up in campus housing. In-person classes were delayed at Notre Dame as students tested positive by the hundreds. Clemson, Baylor, Louisville and dozens of other Division I universities have confirmed COVID-19 cases in their athletic departments. Meanwhile, aggressive testing of students moving into dorms turned up scores of cases at Iowa State, the Times reported. Meanwhile, the potential of convalescent plasma as a treatment for severe COVID-19 was still unclear Tuesday, as the World Health Organization cautioned the therapy remains experimental and American scientists challenged a key statistic cited by U.S. officials as grounds for emergency approval of the treatment. In announcing the approval this week, President Donald Trump and two of his top health officials stirred controversy when they used the same…  read on >

Women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant may need to forgo coffee, tea, sodas and other sources of caffeine. A new data analysis finds no safe level of the drug during this time. “The cumulative scientific evidence supports pregnant women and women contemplating pregnancy being advised to avoid caffeine,” concluded study author Jack James, a professor at Reykjavik University in Iceland. The findings challenge current U.S. expert recommendations from organizations such as the March of Dimes and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Those guidelines say that consuming a small amount of caffeine each day — 200 milligrams, equal to about a cup or two of coffee — does not appear to harm the fetus. In the new analysis, James tracked data from 37 studies and 11 meta-analyses (data gleaned from multiple studies) published over the past two decades. The study focused on six major negative pregnancy outcomes: miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight and/or babies small for gestational age, preterm birth, childhood acute leukemia, and childhood overweight/obesity. Of the 42 separate findings in the observational studies, 32 found that caffeine significantly increased the risk of a negative pregnancy outcome, while 10 others found either no associations or inconclusive associations. Caffeine-related risks were reported with moderate to high levels of consistency for all pregnancy outcomes except preterm birth. Of the 17 findings from…  read on >

Smokers with the most common type of heart rhythm disorder can reduce their risk of stroke and death by giving up cigarettes, a new study says. “Smoking precipitates blood clots that could lead to a stroke, which may be why giving up lowers risk,” said study author So-Ryoung Lee of Seoul National University Hospital in South Korea. But even former smokers had higher odds for stroke compared to never smokers, the study found. “The remaining stroke risk after quitting might be through the damage already caused to the arteries — called atherosclerosis,” Lee said in a European Society of Cardiology news release. Stroke is the most common cause of death in people with atrial fibrillation (a-fib). People with a-fib are five times more likely to have a stroke than those without the heart rhythm disorder. And a-fib increases the risk of death two-fold in women and 1.5-fold in men. Previous research has shown that smokers are at higher risk for a-fib and a subsequent stroke. This study included nearly 98,000 people, average age 61, in South Korea who were diagnosed with a-fib from 2010 to 2016. They were followed until the end of 2017, for a median follow-up of three years. Compared to current smokers, quitters were 30% less likely to have a stroke and 16% less likely to die from any cause. However, quitters…  read on >

If you have hypertension and you’re depressed, don’t blame your blood pressure drugs. Although previous research hinted there might be a connection between high blood pressure medications and depression, a new study of dozens of commonly used drugs found no such link. In fact, the Danish researchers found the opposite — nine blood pressure drugs were associated with a lower risk of depression. How could blood pressure medication help depression? “It is possible that the mechanism involved in decreasing the risk of depression is the anti-inflammatory effect among these nine medications,” study author Dr. Lars Vedel Kessing said in a statement from the journal Hypertension, where the findings were published Aug. 24. He’s a professor of psychiatry at the Psychiatric Center Copenhagen and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Kessing added that more study is needed. But the findings might help doctors when choosing medications to treat high blood pressure in patients who also have depression or a high risk of depression. He also noted that the study wasn’t designed to prove a cause-and-effect relationship between the medications and a lower risk of depression. The new study relied on a Danish population registry. The researchers included 5.4 million people in Denmark in 2005 and followed their health outcomes until December 2015. During that time, nearly 3.75 million people were given a prescription for a high…  read on >

As the World Health Organization cautioned on Monday that using plasma from COVID-19 survivors to treat other patients is still an experimental therapy, American scientists challenged a key statistic cited by U.S. officials as grounds for emergency approval of the treatment. In announcing the approval on Sunday, President Donald Trump and two of his top health officials spoke of the same stunning statistic — that the treatment had reduced deaths by 35 percent, the New York Times reported. Dr. Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, went so far as to say that 35 out of 100 COVID-19 patients “would have been saved because of the administration of plasma.” But many scientists, including a researcher on the Mayo Clinic study from which the statistic was supposedly gleaned, said Monday they could not ascertain where the number came from and that Hahn had appeared to overstate the treatment’s benefits, the Times reported. “Do I know where the 35 percent comes from?” said Dr. Arturo Casadevall, one of the May Clinic study’s main authors who hails from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. “No.” The actual data from the Mayo Clinic study shows that, among a group of more than 35,000 patients, when plasma was given within three day of diagnosis, the death rate was about 22 percent, compared with 27 percent when it was…  read on >

It may seem like a paradox, but giving someone a gift to help them save money is a sure way to make them hate it. The reason: It will make the recipient feel inferior to you, researchers say. In contrast, a gift that helps a recipient save time is taken as a compliment. The findings, from a series of experiments, are outlined in a study recently published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. “Most of us have this belief that any gift we give is going to be appreciated — but the way a gift is presented can influence how people feel about it,” said study co-author Grant Donnelly, assistant professor of marketing at Ohio State University, in Columbus. “When you don’t have time, you’re perceived as busy and in high demand. There’s something high-status about that, compared to not having enough money, which is seen as low status,” Donnelly said in a university news release. In one experiment, the researchers asked 405 people how they felt about receiving a gift they thought was intended to save them either time or money. Those who received a gift that was intended to save them money were more likely to say it made them feel embarrassed, ashamed and bad, compared to those who received a time-saving gift. “They thought the gift-giver was implying they…  read on >