The daily use of low-dose aspirin against heart disease may have taken another knock. New research shows that the practice may not provide black Americans with any lowering of their heart attack risk. Researchers analyzed 11 years of data from more than 65,000 people, ages 40-79, living in the American Southeast. More than two-thirds of the participants were black, and about two-thirds were at high risk for heart attack or stroke at the start of the study period. Taking low-dose aspirin was associated with a reduced risk of a fatal heart attack in whites, particularly in white women, but it did not appear to lower the risk among blacks, even among those with the highest risk of heart disease, the research found. The reasons for the “race gap” in aspirin effectiveness are unclear, but “we think the reason aspirin use did not have a beneficial effect for African Americans could involve a different genetic response to aspirin therapy and poor control of other risk factors,” said study lead author Dr. Rodrigo Fernandez-Jimenez. He’s a cardiologist and researcher at National Center for Cardiovascular Research in Madrid, Spain. The researchers stressed that the study wasn’t designed to prove cause and effect, only showing associations between aspirin use and heart health. The findings were published Dec. 11 in the Journal of the American Heart Association. While millions of…  read on >

More Americans are having trouble falling and staying asleep, and smartphones and technology are probably to blame, researchers report. Their analysis of data from nearly 165,000 adults nationwide showed that the number who reported difficulty falling asleep at least once a week was up 1.4% between 2013 and 2017, and those who had trouble staying asleep rose 2.7%. Those percentages may appear small, but it means that as many as 5 million more adults have sleep problems, according to study leader Zlatan Krizan, a professor of psychology at Iowa State University (ISU), in Ames, Iowa. “How long we sleep is important, but how well we sleep and how we feel about our sleep is important in its own right,” Krizan said in a university news release. “Sleep health is a multidimensional phenomenon, so examining all the aspects of sleep is crucial for future research.” The study was published online recently in the journal Sleep Health. Krizan and his team could not say what’s contributing to the increase in sleep problems, but technology is likely a factor, according to lead author Garrett Hisler. He’s a former ISU graduate student who is now a postdoctoral associate at the University of Pittsburgh. “We know from our previous research there is a correlation between smartphone use and insufficient sleep among teens,” Hisler said in the news release. “If we’re…  read on >

More Americans are having trouble falling and staying asleep, and smartphones and technology are probably to blame, researchers report. Their analysis of data from nearly 165,000 adults nationwide showed that the number who reported difficulty falling asleep at least once a week was up 1.4% between 2013 and 2017, and those who had trouble staying asleep rose 2.7%. Those percentages may appear small, but it means that as many as 5 million more adults have sleep problems, according to study leader Zlatan Krizan, a professor of psychology at Iowa State University (ISU), in Ames, Iowa. “How long we sleep is important, but how well we sleep and how we feel about our sleep is important in its own right,” Krizan said in a university news release. “Sleep health is a multidimensional phenomenon, so examining all the aspects of sleep is crucial for future research.” The study was published online recently in the journal Sleep Health. Krizan and his team could not say what’s contributing to the increase in sleep problems, but technology is likely a factor, according to lead author Garrett Hisler. He’s a former ISU graduate student who is now a postdoctoral associate at the University of Pittsburgh. “We know from our previous research there is a correlation between smartphone use and insufficient sleep among teens,” Hisler said in the news release. “If we’re…  read on >

As Americans pay tribute to all veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces Monday, new research suggests that how comrades died can affect levels of grief among soldiers who served in Afghanistan and Iraq. “Our goal was to better understand how combat veterans experience the deaths of their military comrades in battle or by suicide, and what factors predict the nature and level of their grief,” said study senior author Roxane Cohen Silver. She is a professor of psychological science, public health and medicine at the University of California, Irvine. More than 5,400 U.S. military personnel have died in combat since the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq began in 2001 and 2003, respectively, according to the latest casualty report from the U.S. Department of Defense. And a 2017 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America survey found that 58% of respondents said they knew a veteran who had died by suicide, and 65% knew a veteran who had attempted suicide. The study included hundreds of veterans of the two wars and discovered that a number of factors influence grief over the loss of comrades. Suicide death is unexpected and can make acceptance of the loss more difficult, the findings showed, while combat death was described as expected and heroic, and can help make it easier to accept the loss. Bonds forged in combat intensify…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Wet leaves, fog, sun glare, frost and wildlife are some of the driving hazards that motorists encounter each Autumn, says the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. To stay safe while driving at this time of year, PennDot encourages you to: Slow down and use caution, especially where there are deer crossing signs. Be most careful during morning and evening, when wildlife is most active. Increase your following distance in severe weather. Check that your headlights, taillights, treads and wiper systems are working properly. Always wear your seatbelt. Never drive impaired.

Surprisingly, we’re still on a learning curve when it comes to the availability of electronic health records, the digital way to access what used to be paper-only files. You have a legal right to records held by doctors, hospitals and other providers. But many people don’t know how to get them — or even that they can. Others find it onerous that their doctors aren’t in the same medical network and they have to sign up for various portals that don’t “talk” to one another. That lack of coordination means you may need to be the one to communicate test results and other reports to your health care providers. Yes, it might seem that this is just another task to put on your to-do list. But gaining access to all facets of your health information can be lifesaving in an emergency and makes it easier for each of your providers to know what the others are doing for you. Being able to access your records through your computer lets you keep track of medications and lab results, and access information about preventive care. It’s also the easy way to print reports and share them with specialists using different portals. While the system isn’t perfect, almost half of all patients say electronic records have made the doctor-patient relationship better, according to a poll earlier this year…  read on >

Young and middle-aged adults with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have an increased risk of stroke, new research suggests. For the study, researchers analyzed medical data from more than 1 million veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. They ranged in age from 18 to 60 years and two-thirds were white. Of those, 29% had been diagnosed with PTSD. None had previously suffered a stroke or mini-stroke (also known as a transient ischemic attack, or “TIA”). During 13 years of follow-up, 766 vets had a TIA and 1,877 had an ischemic stroke, which is caused by blocked blood flow to the brain. Veterans with PTSD were 62% more likely to have a stroke, raising the risk more than known risk factors such as obesity and smoking. They were also twice as likely to have a TIA, increasing the risk more than diabetes and sleep apnea. Even after accounting for known stroke risk factors, mental health disorders (such as depression and anxiety) and drug and alcohol abuse, the investigators found that veterans with PTSD were still 61% more likely to have a TIA and 36% more likely to have a stroke than vets without PTSD. The link between PTSD and stroke was stronger in men than in women. In addition, vets with PTSD were more likely to have unhealthy habits — such as smoking and inactivity —…  read on >

Could America’s roads become safer in the future? Maybe. A new online survey involving just over 1,400 participants showed that a growing number of American teens are getting their driver’s license before age 18, which means more of them are learning to drive under supervised conditions. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study released Oct. 21 surveyed teens and young adults aged 18 to 24 to determine when they got their license. The questionnaire was administered over this past summer. The researchers found that nearly 41% of survey participants got their license at or before age 16, and about 60% did so before age 18, an 11% increase since 2012. “The trend for teens to acquire their driver’s license has changed over the past 10 years,” said David Yang, executive director of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. “Many are getting licensed before the age of 18, which means more of Generation Z is learning to drive under the protection of state graduated-driver licensing programs and parental supervision,” Yang added in a foundation news release. In 2012, the United States was just emerging from a recession and many young people said they’d delayed getting their license because their family couldn’t afford the high cost of having an additional driver, the researchers noted. The new study also found that nearly two-thirds of respondents in less urbanized…  read on >

You say that you can’t get to the gym or afford to hire your own personal trainer, but you want a routine made just for you. It might not be mission impossible after all. Why not consider online fitness training with your computer, smartphone or tablet, and a workout pro on the other end? There are almost as many of these offerings as there are exercises themselves. Some websites offer live action, two-way trainer-led workouts with the instructor watching you and able to give corrections. Others offer customized routines that you follow from a video library or with an app. Many will track your progress and update your routine as needed. Some provide monthly consultation phone calls or video chats or feedback when you send in a videotaped workout, and answer your questions via text. As you investigate the choices, check that the trainer is certified by an established fitness organization. Leading Certifying Fitness Organizations American Council on Exercise National Strength and Conditioning Association American College of Sports Medicine Ask for references and read comments on social media, not just testimonials posted on the website. Beware of unrealistic promises. Compare the costs from different companies so that you know what you’re getting for your money. Online training isn’t right for everyone, especially if you’re out of shape or have medical issues. But even then, it…  read on >

The health risks that spring from poor posture while using mobile devices don’t concern many Americans, a new survey finds. But maybe it should. Poor posture can lead to health issues such as chronic pain in the back, neck and knees, circulation problems, heartburn and digestive problems, according to researchers from the Orlando Health system in Florida. American adults spend an average more than 3.5 hours on their smartphones every day, meaning they may be looking down or slouching for long periods of time, they noted. Their national survey, published Oct. 9, asked respondents their level of concern about eye strain, carpal tunnel and other potential health consequences of mobile device use. Only 47% said they were concerned about poor posture and how it affected their health. “It’s not just when you’re scrolling on your phone, but any time you put your body in a less-than-optimal position, whether that’s reading a book, working at a desk or lounging on the couch,” said Nathaniel Melendez, an exercise physiologist at Orlando Health’s National Training Center in Clermont, Fla. “People don’t realize the strain they’re putting on their body when it is not aligned correctly, or just how far corrective exercises and daily adjustments can go toward improving pain and postural issues,” he added in a health system news release. “I see a lot of people compensating for…  read on >