Some parents may be reluctant to give their kids powerful stimulants to treat the symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but a new review shows the medications bring significant benefits. In addition to helping kids calm down and concentrate in school, the review also found that the drugs help children avoid a lot of long-term negative consequences associated with ADHD, including depression, substance abuse and even driving problems. “Treating ADHD can help children avert some of the serious complications associated with ADHD,” said study author Dr. Joseph Biederman. He’s chief of clinical and research programs in pediatric psychopharmacology and adult ADHD at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston. Specifically, the study suggested that early use of ADHD stimulant medications was linked to a lower risk of: Major depression Anxiety Oppositional defiant disorder Conduct disorder Bipolar disorder Smoking Substance abuse Driving problems, such as car accidents Poor performance in school Although the current study can’t prove a definitive cause-and-effect relationship, Dr. Alan Geller, a psychiatrist from Gracie Square Hospital in New York City who treats children and adolescents, said it makes sense that treating ADHD symptoms can help prevent other problems. “A hyperactive child who interrupts and disrupts class is annoying. They end up getting marginalized, which can lead to substance abuse or conduct disorders, or depression and anxiety if they’re constantly frustrated,” he explained. Geller said adults… read on >