firstdateFirst dates are the best. Each one offers the opportunity for something meaningful and lasting – or, at the very least, a one-night stand, which is pretty cool. Other times, however, they can go horribly. When they do, it’s usually because of something the guy said.

Here are some things you should not say if you don’t want to blow it.

    1. “My favorite movie is definitely Step Up 2: The Streets.”
    2. “I’ll tell you this: you’re an excellent photographer, if the ones you put on that dating website are any indication. Like, the things you do with lighting and angles? They’re totally revolutionary. And misleading.”
    3. “Well, I kind of consider myself an artist, real avant-garde, though. What I want to do is this piece where I reenact the film Forest Gump in real life, for the rest of my mortality. And I’m going to set up this website for people to tell me what to do when I reach the end of the film, so it’s like we can continue Forest’s story through me, until the day I die.”
    4. “How was the ladies’ room? I definitely didn’t put any Rufinol in your wine while you were gone. But, well, that’s what I would’ve said to you if I had, too.”
    5. “I just don’t understand how people can’t get behind the Catholic religion. It makes so much sense to me.”
    6. “I still don’t fully understand why I’m not allowed to at least try out for Jamaica’s bobsled team.”
    7. “I bet I would’ve had ample time to learn more about feminism if I hadn’t spent so much time in my 24 years on this earth folding laundry and making my own damn sandwiches!”
    8. “I do not care about your cat.”
    9. “Well, if you want you can come over to my place and watch Homeward Bound – I have it on VHS. Or, we could just stop by there and grab it then bring it to your place, because my roommate is home. You have a VCR, right?”
    10. “What do I do? Well, my dad tells all his friends I’m a Pool Boy, because I live with my parents, who have a pool at their house. But he’s just joking when he says that. I’m not going to clean his pool for him.”
    11. “You really remind me of my mother.”
    12. “You really remind me of my father.”
    13. “We didn’t need to go the hooker route, but it seemed like a great idea at the time. And no, it wasn’t a bachelor party. Why does everyone always ask me that?”
    14. “Nickelback is my favorite band.”
    15. “I love you.”