All Sauce from Weekly Gravy:

— Boys who drink lots of sugary soda and fruit juice could be more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life, a new study has found. Each daily 8-ounce serving of sugary drinks during a boy’s childhood is associated with a 34% increase in insulin resistance by the time they are teens, researchers found. Sugary drinks and fruit juices also were associated with increases in blood sugar levels, results show. “While these findings are preliminary, they support the existing evidence about the potential relationship between beverages with added sugar and long-term risk of Type 2 diabetes in children,” lead researcher Soren Harnois-Leblanc, a registered dietitian and postdoctoral researcher at Harvard Medical School, said in a news release. For the study, researchers tracked the health of almost 500 Massachusetts children taking part in an ongoing long-term study of women and their children. As part of the study, dietary records were kept on the childen. Nearly two-thirds of U.S. kids and teens consume at least one sugary drink – soda, lemonade, energy drinks and the like – every day, according to the American Heart Association. Eating too many foods with added sugars raises a person’s risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and tooth decay, researchers said. For the new study, researchers estimated how much sugary drinks and fruit juices kids…  read on >  read on >

People who are double-jointed might be at increased risk of developing long COVID, a new study reports. Double-jointed folks are 30% more likely to not fully recover from COVID-19 infection, compared with those who are less flexible, researchers report in the journal BMJ Public Health. They also are more likely to experience the persistent fatigue associated with long COVID, results show. These findings demonstrate how COVID attacks different parts of the body, taking advantage of whatever it finds, researchers said. Long COVID is more likely in people with health problems also shared among the double-jointed, researchers noted – fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, allergies, anxiety, depression and back pain. The presence of what the researchers called “joint laxity” gives “an important clue to differences in connective tissue composition that can affect multiple bodily systems,” explained the research team. It was led by Dr. Jessica Eccles, a clinical neuroscientist with Brighton and Sussex Medical School in Brighton, U.K. For the study, researchers analyzed data on more than 3,000 participants in a COVID symptom study. About 1 in 3 people said they had not fully recovered from their last bout with COVID, and among them nearly 30% were double-jointed. After accounting for other risks, double-jointedness was strongly associated with a failure to fully recover from COVID infection and higher levels of fatigue. Long COVID is probably a…  read on >  read on >

Intermittent fasting might be bad for your heart, a new study warns. People who restricted their eating to an 8-hour window had nearly twice the risk of heart-related death compared to folks who ate freely, results show. This runs counter to previous research in which intermittent fasting improved several measures related to heart health, including blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, the researchers noted. “We were surprised to find that people who followed an 8-hour, time-restricted eating schedule were more likely to die from cardiovascular disease,” said senior researcher Victor Wenze Zhong, chair of epidemiology and biostatistics at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine in Shanghai. “Even though this type of diet has been popular due to its potential short-term benefits, our research clearly shows that, compared with a typical eating time range of 12-16 hours per day, a shorter eating duration was not associated with living longer,” Zhong added in an American Heart Association (AHA) news release. For the study, Zhong and his colleagues analyzed data on more than 20,000 U.S. adults who participated in an annual federal survey on health and nutrition between 2003 and 2018. The survey tracked participants’ pattern of eating. Many people who adhere to time-restricted fasting tend to eat all their food in an 8-hour window, and then fast for the rest of the day, researchers…  read on >  read on >

“Havana Syndrome” appears to cause real and severe symptoms among federal employees suffering from the mystery illness, but there’s no evidence of brain injury or biological abnormalities among them, a new report shows. Researchers evaluated 81 U.S. diplomats and other federal employees, mostly stationed abroad, who had complained of hearing noise and feeling head pressure just before experiencing headache, dizziness, trouble thinking and other symptoms. These symptoms have been described as “Havana Syndrome” because U.S. government personnel stationed in Havana, Cuba, first reported such cases in 2016. Since then, hundreds of American personnel in stations in many different countries have reported similar symptoms. After nearly five years of research, investigators from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that MRI brain scans of Havana Syndrome patients did not appear significantly different than those taken of healthy patients in a control group. A battery of other medical tests also found no differences between Havana Syndrome patients and healthy controls that would explain their symptoms. These included blood panels, hearing tests, balance tests, vision screening and psychological evaluation. However, researchers hastened to add that these symptoms are genuine, even if a cause isn’t apparent. “While we did not identify significant differences in participants with [Havana Syndrome], it’s important to acknowledge that these symptoms are very real, cause significant disruption in the lives of those affected and can…  read on >  read on >

People with dementia — and their caregivers — need active social lives to stay healthy, a new study reports. However, researchers found that both dementia patients and their caregivers had declining social connections as the disease progressed. Patients’ social networks faltered, as failing memory made conversation difficult, causing family and friends to become uncomfortable in their presence, researchers said. And their caregivers — spouses, adult children and others — became isolated as their responsibilities to the patient mounted. None of that was healthy for patients or caregivers. “Unmet social needs negatively impact quality of life, and that can lead to health outcomes like depression and cardiovascular disease, as well as high health-care use and early death,” explained lead researcher Dr. Ashwin Kotwal, an assistant professor of medicine in the University of California, San Francisco’s Division of Geriatrics.  “We know from previous research that older adults with higher levels of social isolation have more than double the odds of nursing home placement,” Kotwal added in a university news release. For the study, researchers analyzed the cases of two dozen mainly male patients with dementia and four dozen mainly female caregivers. The average age of patients was 80, and the average age of caregivers was 67. Results indicate that both patients and caregivers should be regularly screened for loneliness and isolation, so doctors can find ways to…  read on >  read on >

Middle-aged Americans are lonelier than ever, with new research showing they are even more isolated than some of their peers in Europe. That does not bode well for their health. “Loneliness is gaining attention globally as a public health issue because elevated loneliness increases one’s risk for depression, compromised immunity, chronic illness and [premature death],” said study author Frank Infurna, an associate professor of psychology at Arizona State University in Tempe. For the new research, Infurna’s team used representative surveys from the United States and 13 European nations to look at how loneliness has changed over time and how it differs from one country to the next.  All told, the surveys included more than 53,000 people from the Silent Generation (1928-45), Baby Boomer (1946-64) and Generation X (1965-80). When they took the surveys, between 2002 and 2020, participants were between 45 and 65 years of age. “We focused on middle-aged adults because they form the backbone of society and empirical evidence demonstrates that U.S. midlife health is lagging other industrialized nations,” Infurna noted in an American Psychological Association news release. “Middle-aged adults carry much of society’s load by constituting most of the workforce, while simultaneously supporting the needs of younger and older generations in the family.” Still, middle-aged Americans reported higher levels of loneliness than many folks in Europe.  And the younger folks were lonelier…  read on >  read on >

As millions of Americans prepare to travel abroad this summer and measles outbreaks increase worldwide, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has tightened its guidance on how travelers should handle the potential health threat. Americans planning to fly to other countries should consult their doctors at least six weeks before they leave, if they are unsure about whether they are up to date on their measles vaccines, the guidance now says. That’s two weeks earlier than the one month advance notice the CDC said in November would be needed in order to have enough time to get vaccinated. Russia and Malaysia have also been added to the CDC’s map of 46 countries now facing large measles outbreaks. However, the agency warns that the global rise in measles cases remains a threat in other parts of the world. “Measles spreads rapidly and may become a risk to travelers in places not included on the list above. CDC recommends all travelers are fully vaccinated against measles when traveling to any international destination,” the agency stressed in its guidance. In recent weeks, health authorities have ramped up their plea for Americans to get vaccinated before traveling this year.  Officials have cited recent outbreaks linked to travelers who were infected abroad and had been eligible to be vaccinated, CBS News reported.  Those include a cluster of cases reported over the winter in Philadelphia linked…  read on >  read on >

In people with type 1 diabetes, fluctuations in blood sugar levels can affect thinking skills in various ways, new research shows. Researchers looked specifically at what’s known as cognitive processing speed (how fast people process incoming information) and attention. “Our results demonstrate that people can differ a lot from one another in how their brains are impacted by glucose,” said study co-senior author Laura Germine. “We found that minimizing glucose fluctuations in daily life is important for optimizing processing speed, and this is especially true for people who are older or have other diabetes-related health conditions,” Germine said. She directs McLean Hospital’s Laboratory for Brain and Cognitive Health Technology, in Boston. According to the researchers, it’s long been known that big dips or spikes in blood sugar levels can impair thinking in people with type 1 diabetes. But to what extent does this happen, and does it differ between people? To find out, they used wearable digital glucose sensors and smartphone-based cognitive tests to collect data on 200 people with type 1 diabetes as they went through their day. Over the course of 15 days, data on each person’s blood sugar levels was collected via the sensors every five minutes. Participants completed the cognitive tests three times per day. As expected, cognitive skills declined when blood sugar levels were either very low or very high,…  read on >  read on >

High school students who use tobacco and cannabis products miss more school and have lower grades than classmates who use them individually or not at all. That’s the conclusion of a study by researchers at UC Davis Health. “Substance use is a main predictor of educational outcomes, including absenteeism,” said first study author Melanie Dove, an assistant adjunct professor of public health sciences at UC Davis. “These results highlight the need for comprehensive efforts to prevent and reduce substance use from both cannabis and tobacco products among youth.” For the study, her team analyzed 2021-22 data from the California Healthy Kids Survey. It included more than 287,600 ninth- and 11th-graders. Of that group: 3.7% used tobacco and cannabis 3.7% used cannabis only 1.7% used tobacco only Those who used both products missed an average three days of school in the preceding month — twice as many as teens who didn’t use both.  Their grades suffered, too.  On an 8-point scale with an 8 representing A’s and a 1 representing F’s, nonusers averaged about 6.2, mostly Bs. In comparison, double users averaged about 5.1 (mostly Bs and Cs), the survey showed. Classmates who used one substance also had poorer grades than abstainers. Tobacco users averaged 5.6; cannabis users averaged about 5.5 — or mostly B’s for both groups. The findings were recently published online in The Journal…  read on >  read on >

After a car crash, women are more likely to go into shock than men, even when their injuries are less severe, new research shows. “Women are arriving to the trauma bay with signs of shock more often than men, regardless of injury severity,” said study leader Susan Cronn, a researcher at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. “We need to look further into how and why this is happening.” For the study, her team looked at clinical injury data from more than 56,000 car crash victims — half men, half women.  Even though men had more injuries overall, women suffered more injuries to the pelvis and liver, they found. More importantly, women surpassed a shock index greater than 1.0 more often than men. This was true even for those with fewer, less severe injuries.  Healthy adults have a normal shock index between 0.5 and 0.7.  Higher numbers may be a warning sign of a life-threatening condition called hemorrhagic shock, in which blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature plummet. Often caused by heavy blood loss, it can be a predictor of premature death. “Our findings might mean that women’s bodies have less capacity to function when physiological changes occur, that some injuries might have more impact on female bodies, or that female bodies handle blood loss differently than male bodies,” Cronn said. “It might…  read on >  read on >