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Dangerously low blood pressure is considered an “invisible” consequence of paralysis, adding to the woes of as many as 9 out of 10 people with spinal cord injuries. Now, a new implant has been developed that treats the problem by delivering electrical stimulation to a select group of spinal neurons. The device, called a neuroprosthetic baroflex, stimulates the lower part of the spine, which contains the most neurons involved in blood pressure control, researchers said. The findings were published April 6 as an essay in Science. Spinal cord injury often interferes with the brain’s ability to modulate blood pressure when a person changes posture, such as moving from a sitting to a standing position. This ability, called the baroreceptor reflex, involves a series of quick responses within the body to keep blood pressure in a normal range when someone abruptly changes position, the Cleveland Clinic says. The brain senses that artery walls are stretching due to a sudden increase in blood pressure. In response, the brain can order the body to compensate, though a series of reactions that take place within a couple of heartbeats. A person with a spinal cord injury can be rendered dizzy, nauseous or prone to fainting if their baroreceptor reflex fails and their blood pressure drops to very low levels as a result of trying to move. “Almost all of…  read on >  read on >

You may be struggling with stomach pain and digestive distress without understanding why, thinking it might be something you ate. Can stress cause stomach pain? Stress, especially chronic stress, can indeed increase your risk for gastrointestinal (GI) problems. “Stress and anxiety are common causes of stomach pain and other GI symptoms,” Dr. Nina Gupta, a gastroenterologist at University of Chicago Medicine, said recently in an article. Stress impacts the digestive system through the nervous system, and can affect food movement and the gut’s bacterial balance. Stress can also cause people to eat poorly, smoke and/or drink too much alcohol or caffeine — all habits that can trigger stomach pain. Outside the brain, the gut has the greatest area of nerves. This component of the autonomic nervous system — known as the enteric nervous system — is sometimes referred to as the “second brain.” According to Harvard Health, “neurons lining the digestive tract signal muscle cells to initiate a series of contractions that propel food farther along, breaking it down into nutrients and waste.” The enteric nervous system communicates with the central nervous system and is known as the “brain-gut axis.” This connection explains why stress may cause digestive problems. According to the American Psychological Association, stress may increase the risk for or exacerbate symptoms of the following gut diseases or dysfunction: Bloating, burping, gas Heartburn,…  read on >  read on >

For what they say is the first time, British researchers report that they have found the spread of COVID-19 in households is linked to the presence of the virus on hands and surfaces, not just in the air. The investigators collected data from households at the height of the pandemic, finding that people were much more likely to get COVID-19 from someone in their house if virus was present on hands or frequently touched places, like refrigerator door handles or sink faucets. “There’s no doubt that if you have COVID-19, you’re emitting the virus into the air as micro-aerosols as well as large droplets that land on your hands and the surfaces around you. What hasn’t been shown, until now, is that the presence of the virus on people’s hands or household surfaces predicts transmission to contacts,” said study author Ajit Lalvani. He is director of the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health Protection Research Unit (HPRU) in Respiratory Infections. The NIHR HPRU is a research partnership between Imperial College London and the UK Health Security Agency. Researchers from University of Oxford also worked on the study. “Our real-life study in London households provides the first empirical evidence to show that the presence of SARS-CoV-2 on people’s hands and surfaces contributes significantly to spread of COVID-19. Since we didn’t systematically sample household…  read on >  read on >

Four out of 10 people who have lingering health issues after COVID-19 infection can count bothersome sleep problems among them. About 41% of those with so-called long COVID have moderate to severe sleep issues, according to new research from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Black patients are three times more likely to develop these sleep disturbances. “Sleep difficulties and fatigue are widely reported by people with long COVID, but little is known about the severity and factors associated with these symptoms,” said lead author Dr. Cinthya Pena Orbea, assistant professor of medicine at Cleveland Clinic’s Sleep Disorders Center. “Our findings not only emphasize the importance of identification of sleep disturbance in long COVID considering its impact on patients’ quality of life, daytime functioning and medical health status, but they also draw the attention to the persistent inequities seen throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” Pena Orbea said in a clinic news release. Risk factors for these lingering sleep disturbances include race, hospitalization for COVID-19, and greater severity of anxiety and fatigue, she and her colleagues found. The researchers analyzed data collected from 962 long-COVID patients who were treated at Cleveland Clinic’s reCOVer Clinic between February 2021 and April 2022. The patients, all adults, completed sleep disturbance and fatigue questionnaires. Among the other findings: About 67% reported moderate to severe fatigue. About 22% reported severe fatigue. More than…  read on >  read on >

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday formally withdrew its approval of a drug that was meant to prevent preterm births. Sold as Makena, the drug was first approved in 2011 under the FDA’s accelerated approval program, but subsequent research questioned the medication’s effectiveness and noted serious side effects that included blood clots and depression. “It is tragic that the scientific research and medical communities have not yet found a treatment shown to be effective in preventing preterm birth and improving neonatal outcomes — particularly in light of the fact that this serious condition has a disparate impact on communities of color, especially Black women,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf said in an agency news release. “Fundamentally, however, the touchstone of FDA drug approval is a favorable benefit-risk assessment; without that favorable assessment, the drug should not have the status of being FDA-approved,” Califf added. The decision follows a meeting of one of the agency’s advisory committees last October where panel members voted 14-1 to recommend that Makena be pulled from the market. FDA officials have long said they want to withdraw the medication because of lack of evidence that it works and its side effects. “It would be unfair to keep the drug on the market and expose especially vulnerable populations to an ineffective therapy,” panel member Dr. Mark Hudak, a pediatrician at…  read on >  read on >

Does it sometimes feel like your young picky eater is turning every meal and snack into an epic power battle — and you’re just not sure how to get them the nutrition they need? If so, you’re not alone. According to an article published recently in the journal Pediatrics, up to 50% of kids may be described as “picky eaters.” And while there’s no one agreed-upon definition of picky eating, in general, if your child or adolescent is particular about the food they eat at least some of the time, you may have a picky eater on your hands. “I think all parents have said at one time, ‘My kid is such a picky eater!’” clinical psychologist Rachel Busman said in a recent Child Mind Institute article. “It’s very normal for kids to go through stages where they’re a little more picky, especially when they are trying to assert their autonomy.” Experts at the institute note that picky eating is one of the most “common complaints” of parents. Here, they and other child experts weigh in on the topic with five top tips for parents of picky eaters: Grocery shop and cook together Involving your child in grocery shopping can help extend their picky eater food list to include novel items, Busman explained. When they are shown a wide variety of food flavors and options,…  read on >  read on >

It’s well known that being overweight or obese can increase health risks. But a new study finds that the reasons why a person is obese may have some impact on heart disease risk. Specifically, being obese because of lifestyle carried higher risks than it did if the extra weight was due to genetic predisposition, researchers found. “The link between obesity and cardiovascular disease was twice as strong in those with a genetic predisposition to a low BMI as it was in those with obesity driven by genetic factors,” said study author Ida Karlsson, an assistant professor at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Karolinska Institute in Solna, Sweden. To study this, her team used data from more than 15,000 twins from the Swedish Twin Registry. Information included their BMI and their genetic predisposition for high BMI. The researchers also used data from medical registries to establish the incidence of heart disease in this group. Karlsson stressed that a healthy lifestyle is always important for everyone. The risk of heart disease was still higher in all people who were overweight or obese compared to people with a healthy weight. “Obesity is a complex common disease that can have many different causes,” Karlsson said in an institute news release. “Since it’s so stigmatized, the results can help us understand that its effects on health…  read on >  read on >

Medicaid reimbursement for mental health services varies widely across the United States, making it hard for many folks who need help to get it, a new study finds. Researchers found as much as a fivefold difference among states in Medicaid reimbursement rates. Even though Medicaid, the governmental health care program for low-income Americans, serves a population that is disproportionately affected by mental illness, many providers choose not to care for Medicaid patients due to low reimbursement rates. At the same time, a growing demand for help with depression, anxiety and substance use means many psychologists are unable to take on new patients, according to a 2022 American Psychological Association survey. Medicare, the federal health insurance program for American seniors, pays much more for mental health services, the study found. “We find that Medicaid reimbursement to psychiatrists for a common set of 20 frequently billed services varies across states and that on average, Medicaid pays about 80% of what Medicare pays for the same services,” said lead researcher Dr. Jane Zhu, an assistant professor of medicine at Oregon Health & Science University. Mental health services generally have low insurance acceptance rates, but this is worse in Medicaid, partly due to low reimbursement rates, she said. “Our study confirms that some states are setting these reimbursement rates quite low, which has implications not just for provider acceptance…  read on >  read on >

Life isn’t all fun and games for kids. They do a fair amount of worrying, too. In fact, according to a survey of kids ages 9 to 13, a striking number, 86%, say they worry. More than one-third worry at least once a week. School and friendships are key concerns. And as they get older, worries increase. “One of the things that we really saw rising to the surface during the pandemic was this overall increase in kids’ difficulties with mental health — and that’s both depression and also anxiety and worry,” said Meghan Walls, a pediatric psychologist at Nemours Children’s Health in Delaware. “Really what we were curious about is what does it look like now? What does it look like today in this landscape?” To better understand kids’ concerns, Nemours surveyed 504 youngsters. The oldest respondents — age 13 — were more likely than their younger counterparts to say they thought they would never stop worrying. Nearly half felt that way. About 1 in 3 kids felt they worry more than most children their age. About 50% of girls said they worry about friendships, compared to 32% of boys. About 35% of kids were worried about loved ones’ health. Girls were more likely than boys to worry about their looks (39% versus 24%). More than 6 in 10 said they worried about school.…  read on >  read on >

A therapy that bolsters the immune system may not only help certain cancer patients live longer, but better, a new study finds. The treatment, called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, is used to fight certain types of blood cancer — including leukemia and lymphoma — that have not responded to standard treatments. It involves removing a patient’s own immune system T-cells, genetically tweaking them to target the cancer, then infusing them back into the patient. For some people with advanced blood cancers, CAR T-cell therapy is able to wipe out the malignant cells and keep the disease at bay for years. But there has been relatively little known about patients’ quality of life post-treatment, said study author Dr. Patrick Connor Johnson, an oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston. “That’s obviously very important to patients,” he said. While CAR T-cell therapy can send cancer into remission, Johnson said, it’s also an intensive treatment that requires about two weeks in the hospital. That’s, in part, to monitor patients for potentially severe side effects. One of the most concerning is cytokine release syndrome, where the infused T-cells flood the bloodstream with chemicals called cytokines — which can cause problems like high fever, a rapid drop in blood pressure and breathing difficulty. Severe cases can be fatal. In addition, some patients develop problems with the nervous system,…  read on >  read on >