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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved the over-the-counter use of a nasal spray that can reverse an opioid overdose. Research has shown that wider availability of naloxone (Narcan) could save lives as the opioid epidemic rages on in this country. “The FDA remains committed to addressing the evolving complexities of the overdose crisis. As part of this work, the agency has used its regulatory authority to facilitate greater access to naloxone by encouraging the development of and approving an over-the-counter naloxone product to address the dire public health need,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf said in an agency news release. “Today’s approval of OTC naloxone nasal spray will help improve access to naloxone, increase the number of locations where it’s available and help reduce opioid overdose deaths throughout the country,” Califf said. “We encourage the manufacturer to make accessibility to the product a priority by making it available as soon as possible and at an affordable price.” Emergent BioSolutions, the Maryland company that makes the Narcan spray, made no mention of price in a statement it released after the FDA approval was announced, but the company’s president applauded the move. The approval “marks a historic milestone as we have delivered on our commitment to make this important emergency treatment widely accessible, given the alarming rates of opioid overdoses occurring across the country,”…  read on >  read on >

For those who want to get active but feel that joining a gym or exercising on a daily basis is a bridge too far, new research may have found the sweet spot: walking. After stacking the walking habits of 3,100 adults up against a decade’s worth of health outcomes, investigators concluded that those who logged roughly 8,000 steps in a single day — even if only just one day a week — reduced their risk for premature death. An 8,000-step jaunt is hardly a quick stroll around the block. It’s equivalent to about 4 miles a day. But the study team counted all steps taken — including while doing chores or shopping for groceries — not just dedicated walks. And in the end, logging one or two 4-mile days per week lowered the risk for premature death by roughly 15%. An even greater benefit was seen among those who logged 4-mile walks three days a week. They lowered their risk by nearly 17%, though the benefit appeared to max out at three days per week; no additional protection was seen among those who walked 4 miles on four or more days. “Our findings should not discourage walking as many days as possible,” said study author Dr. Kosuke Inoue, a physician-scientist in chronic disease epidemiology at Kyoto University in Japan. “The more, the better. But they…  read on >  read on >

Children’s screen use could be altering their developing brains as they enter adolescence and increasing their risk for mood disorders, a major new study finds. Children ages 9 and 10 who spend more time on smartphones, tablets, video games and TV exhibited higher levels of depression and anxiety by the time they were 11 and 12, researchers found. Further, the investigators linked some of these mood disorders to actual structural changes occurring in the kids’ developing brains, according to the report published online recently in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions. “There were specific brain mechanisms that in part contributed to this relationship, meaning from a statistical perspective there were brain-based changes occurring over the two-year period that mediated the relationship between screen media activity in the younger children and internalizing concerns relating to depression and anxiety two years later,” said senior researcher Dr. Marc Potenza. He is a professor of psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center, in New Haven, Conn. The proportion of mood disorders associated with structural changes in the brain is relatively small, “on the order of 2% to 3%,” Potenza noted. But child development experts hailed the study as an important step toward fully understanding how excessive screen time affects children. For the study, Potenza and his colleagues analyzed data on more than 5,100 children participating in the…  read on >  read on >

Giving patients who have septic shock a combo of two steroids could potentially be a lifesaver, according to a new study. Researchers found that patients receiving a combination of hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone had lower death rates and discharge to hospice compared to those who received hydrocortisone alone. “Our results provide robust evidence that one steroid regimen is superior to the other regimen and, in absence of further clinical trials, directly inform the choice of steroids in patients with septic shock,” said study co-author Dr. Nicholas Bosch, an assistant professor at Boston University’s Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine. For the study, published March 27 in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers compared treatment options using a multicenter database that included about 25% of U.S. hospitalizations. The study was designed to mimic a randomized clinical trial. The team compared the outcome of death or discharge to hospice between patients who received the regimen of hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone to those who received hydrocortisone alone. On average, patients who received the combined regimen died or were discharged to hospice about 4% less of the time than patients who received hydrocortisone alone. More than a third of the estimated 1.7 million U.S. hospitalizations involving sepsis — an extreme response to infection — each year end in death. These findings may change clinical practice, the authors said. “It is possible that guideline…  read on >  read on >

People who are blind are better at sensing their own heartbeats, according to a new study that found blindness appears to heighten one’s ability to feel signals from the inner body. Researchers from Sweden and Poland tested this in a study of 36 blind individuals and the same number of sighted people. Each was asked to count their heartbeats without checking their pulse or touching their body. Using a pulse oximeter, the researchers simultaneously recorded participants’ actual heartbeats. Then, they compared the reported numbers with those actually recorded. Among participants who were blind, average accuracy was 0.78, while the sighted group averaged 0.63 on a scale where 1.0 represented a perfect score. “The blind participants were much better at counting their own heartbeats than the sighted participants in our study and in several previous studies,” said lead researcher Dominika Radziun, a doctoral student in neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. “It gives us important information about the brain’s plasticity and how the loss of one sense can enhance others, in this case the ability to feel what happens inside your own body,” Radziun explained in an institute news release. This ability to sense heartbeats may provide an advantage when it comes to emotional processing, the study authors said. Prior studies have linked people’s ability to sense the body’s internal state to how well they…  read on >  read on >

If you’re one of the millions of people with allergic asthma or eczema, you may be more likely to develop the wear-and-tear form of arthritis as you age. This is the main finding from a new study that examined the risk of developing osteoarthritis among people with the two allergic conditions. The study wasn’t designed to say how, or even if, these allergic diseases increase osteoarthritis risk, but the researchers do have a theory. “Our group has done work showing that mast cells [a type of allergic cell] are increased in numbers in the joints of people with osteoarthritis, and their activity contributes to the development of osteoarthritis,” said study author Dr. Matthew Baker, clinical chief in the division of immunology and rheumatology at Stanford University in Stanford, Calif. And asthma and eczema may be the tip of the iceberg, he said. “It is possible that other atopic conditions such as seasonal allergies, food allergies and/or allergic rhinitis [hay fever] may provide a similar risk,” Baker noted. These researchers did not look at these conditions in the new study. For the study, they reviewed insurance claims from two databases. The first set included more than 117,000 people with asthma or eczema and 1.2 million people without these conditions. After eight years of follow-up, the risk of developing osteoarthritis was 58% higher among folks with allergic…  read on >  read on >

Researchers have discovered that two drugs might be better than one for women who have advanced endometrial cancer. Combining chemotherapy and immunotherapy or a monoclonal antibody at the same time helped these patients live longer without their cancer progressing, especially those who had a specific type of endometrial cancer known as a mismatch repair-deficient tumor. “We found a profound improvement,” Dr. Carol Aghajanian, a medical oncologist specializing in gynecologic cancers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, who was senior study author on one of the reports, told NBC News. The findings from the two studies were published March 27 in the New England Journal of Medicine and simultaneously presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology in Tampa, Fla. “This is going to drastically change the conversation” with patients — “probably as of tomorrow,” Dr. David O’Malley, a gynecologic oncologist with The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, told NBC News. Chemotherapy is typically used to treat women with this cancer, and immunotherapy is only approved as a second-line treatment. But in one study, researchers led by Aghajanian found that adding the immunotherapy drug pembrolizumab (Keytruda) to a standard chemotherapy regimen of carboplatin and paclitaxel cut the risk of disease progression or death in patients by up to 70%. The improvement was an average of 13.1 months before…  read on >  read on >

Children with mental health problems are flooding America’s hospitals. A new study of 4.8 million pediatric hospitalizations between 2009 and 2019 found that the number of acute care hospitalizations for kids with mental health problems increased significantly. In 2019, most were due to attempted suicides, suicidal thoughts or self-injury, researchers said. “What we’re seeing are more and more hospital stays by children and adolescents due to mental health concerns in terms of absolute numbers, and a substantially larger fraction of these stays are related to suicide or self-injury,” said study leader Mary Arakelyan, research project manager at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, N.H. “With hospitalizations for mental health concerns representing a larger proportion of all pediatric hospitalizations in 2019 than in 2009, it’s imperative to consider how inpatient settings will meet the mental health needs of a growing population of young people,” she added. The study found that pediatric mental health hospitalizations rose 26% between 2009 and 2019. And, over that same period, those owing to attempted suicide, suicidal thought or self-injury increased from 31% to 64%. Senior researcher Dr. JoAnna Leyenaar, vice chair of research in the pediatric department at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, said kids with mental health issues go to hospitals because they have nowhere else to turn. “Acute care hospitals provide access to care for youth and families when they’re experiencing a mental health…  read on >  read on >

It can be downright discouraging to work hard to lose 10 pounds, only to regain a few later. But don’t be downhearted — a new evidence review says the important heart health benefits of weight loss are sustained even if some of the weight comes back. People who drop some pounds still have lower blood pressure and better cholesterol and blood sugar numbers even if they regain a little, British researchers reported March 28 in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. “It should serve as encouragement for people to try to lose weight, and do so in the most effective way by joining a behavioral weight loss program,” said senior researcher Paul Aveyard, a professor of behavioral medicine at the University of Oxford. “Even if weight is regained, which most people do, the health benefits persist.” For this review, Aveyard’s team analyzed the combined results of 124 weight loss clinical trials involving more than 50,000 people and with an average follow-up of more than two years. The participants’ average age was 51, and their average body mass index (BMI) was 33, which is considered obese. BMI is an estimate of body fat based on height and weight. On average, people assigned to a weight loss program shed 5 to 10 pounds as a result of the initial experiment, which typically lasted around seven months.…  read on >  read on >

Could inhaling a deep whiff of another person’s sweat help ease crippling social anxiety? Quite possibly, new Swedish research suggests. The notion stems from a trial that involved just 48 women. All struggled with what’s known as social anxiety disorder — an often intense and relentless fear of being watched or judged by others when participating in common social situations. The standard course of treatment centers on talk therapy involving meditation practices that are designed to ease some of the anxiety that arises. But Swedish researchers discovered that when such “mindfulness therapy” is combined with the inhaling of sweat of others, the result appears to be a far steeper drop in anxiety levels. “Social anxiety is a common disorder which entails an intense and persistent fear of social situations,” explained study author Elisa Vigna, a research assistant with the Swedish National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention at the Karolinska Institute. “This can lead to anxiety and fear of common situations like speaking in front of an audience, meeting new people, even talking to a cashier in a store. So, it can be very debilitating, affecting many areas of everyday life.” This is the first study that uses body odor as a treatment enhancer, Vigna noted. The results “were very interesting and promising,” she said. While a single session of mindfulness therapy alone triggered a…  read on >  read on >