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The lifesaving benefits of strict social distancing rules during the coronavirus pandemic far outweigh their projected harm to the U.S. economy, a new report claims. “Our benefit-cost analysis shows that the extensive social distancing measures being adopted in the U.S. likely do not constitute an overreaction,” said lead author Linda Thunstrom, an assistant professor of economics at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. “Social distancing saves lives but comes at large costs to society due to reduced economic activity,” she said in a university news release. “Still, based on our benchmark assumptions, the economic benefits of lives saved substantially outweigh the value of the projected losses to the U.S. economy.” Assuming that social distancing measures are adopted widely enough to reduce contact between people significantly, their benefits will surpass the economic costs by $5.2 trillion, according to Thunstrom and colleagues. The findings — published online April 14 in the Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis — are based on the most recent data on coronavirus spread and its impact on economic activity. Study co-author Stephen Newbold said, “It should be possible to conduct a more detailed analysis after more data are available.” Newbold is an assistant professor of economics. “But a rapid assessment, based on the best currently available information, adds much-needed rigor to the public discussion about the policy response to this outbreak,” he explained in…  read on >

Despite increased demand for inhalers in some parts of the United States, Americans with asthma shouldn’t ration their medications during the coronavirus pandemic, the American Lung Association says. Rescue inhalers are in short supply in some areas because hospitals are giving albuterol to COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms to help them breathe, the group explained. Albuterol is a quick-relief medication used to treat shortness of breath and wheezing in people with asthma and some other lung disorders. “The American Lung Association advises patients with asthma not to ration medications,” said the association’s chief medical officer, Dr. Albert Rizzo. “If you are running low on a prescription, speak with your health care provider about your options so you can take your medication as prescribed.” Patients might want to ask their doctor if switching medications would help with availability and/or lower costs, he said in an association news release. “Consider alternative devices such as nebulizers,” Rizzo advised. “Dosages are different among brands, so do not switch without discussing with your health care provider.” Good control of asthma is crucial in preventing infections and complications, he emphasized. “Any viral infection can lead to a worsening of asthma symptoms, so patients with asthma and particularly those with moderate to severe asthma are at a higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19,” Rizzo said. Controlling your asthma may reduce your…  read on >

Beware of your fridge, pantry and couch during the coronavirus pandemic. Being cooped up at home with easy access to food can lead to overeating. Couple that with routine housekeeping, working from home, homeschooling your kids and tending to loved ones, and it’s a sure-fire recipe for weight gain, experts at the University of Georgia in Athens warn. “These tasks have been added to our many other responsibilities,” said Emma Laing, director of dietetics in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences. “So if something has to give as we strive to find our new normal, routines surrounding eating and physical activity might go out the window.” To stay on track, get up off the couch. Try to set times during the day for physical activity you enjoy, and to eat regular meals and snacks that provide adequate energy and hydration. “In creating this schedule, do so while maintaining flexibility,” Laing said. “It’s important to trust our bodies’ cues for hunger, so listen to those first.” Try to avoid mindless snacking. Social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. In fact, physical activity is a crucial stress management strategy. Ali Berg, a Cooperative Extension nutrition and health specialist, pointed out that “physical activity is good for maintaining immunity, in addition to adequate nutrition. Being active is also good for mental…  read on >

Today’s youngsters are as socially skilled as previous generations, despite concerns about their heavy use of technology, like smartphones and social media, new research shows. The researchers compared teacher and parent evaluations of more than 19,000 U.S. children who started kindergarten in 1998 — six years before Facebook appeared — with more than 13,000 who began school in 2010. That’s when the first iPad came on the market. “In virtually every comparison we made, either social skills stayed the same or actually went up modestly for the children born later,” said study lead author Douglas Downey, a professor of sociology at Ohio State University. “There’s very little evidence that screen exposure was problematic for the growth of social skills,” he added in a school news release. Both groups of youngsters had similar ratings on interpersonal skills — such as the ability to form and maintain friendships and get along with people who are different — and on self-control, such as the ability to control their temper. The only exception to the overall findings was that social skills were slightly lower for children who accessed online gaming and social networking sites many times a day. “But even that was a pretty small effect,” Downey said. “Overall, we found very little evidence that the time spent on screens was hurting social skills for most children,” he added.…  read on >

Guidelines for the prioritization and treatment of breast cancer patients during the coronavirus pandemic have been released by a group of U.S. medical organizations. “As hospital resources and staff become limited, it is vital to define which breast cancer patients require urgent care and which can have delayed or alternative treatment without changing survival or risking exposure to the virus,” Dr. Jill Dietz, president of the American Society of Breast Surgeons, said in a society news release. And according to Dr. Lawrence Shulman, chair of the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons, “The COVID-19 pandemic presents unprecedented challenges. These guidelines can help modify patient care to minimize exposure risk and preserve resources for patients with the most immediate need for care.” The other groups involved in the release of the new joint recommendations are: the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), and the American College of Radiology (ACR). The recommendations group breast cancer patients into priority levels (A, B, C) for urgency of care, and provide treatment recommendations for each category. Priority A patients have conditions that are immediately life-threatening or symptomatic and require urgent treatment. Priority B patients have conditions that do not require immediate treatment but they should start treatment before the end of the pandemic. Priority C patients have conditions for which…  read on >

Low-dose aspirin may reduce the risk of several types of digestive tract cancers, according to a team of researchers in Europe. For the new study, the researchers analyzed 113 studies investigating colon/rectal (“bowel”), head and neck, esophageal, stomach, liver, gallbladder, bile duct and pancreatic cancers in the general population. The studies were published up to 2019. The investigators concluded there was a link between regular use of aspirin — taking at least one or two aspirin pills a week — and a significant reduction in the risk of all these cancers, with the exception of head and neck cancer. The study was published April 16 in the journal Annals of Oncology. For colon/rectal cancer, extensive evidence stemmed from 45 studies. “There are about 175,000 deaths from bowel cancer predicted for 2020 in the European Union, of which about 100,000 will be in people aged between 50 and 74,” said study senior author Dr. Carlo La Vecchia. He’s a professor of epidemiology in the school of medicine at the University of Milan, Italy. “If we assume that regular use of aspirin increases from 25% to 50% in this age group, this would mean that between 5,000 to 7,000 deaths from bowel cancer, and between 12,000 and 18,000 new cases could be avoided if further studies show that aspirin does indeed cause the reduction in cancer risk,”…  read on >

New research sheds light on why the experimental drug remdesivir might become the most powerful weapon in the fight against COVID-19: It is highly effective against an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the spread of the new coronavirus. Remdesivir is one of several drugs being fast-tracked in various coronavirus treatment trials around the world. Just last week, a small, “compassionate use” trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine found the drug improved outcomes for people with COVID-19. More than two-thirds of 53 severely ill patients showed improvement in oxygen support, the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center researchers said. Seventeen of 30 patients who were on ventilators were able to be taken off the life-support machines, the study showed. The latest research, published April 13 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, explains how remdesivir, developed in 2014 to fight the Ebola epidemic, works against the new coronavirus. Remdesivir “is a very potent inhibitor for coronavirus polymerases,” and if “you target the polymerase, the virus cannot spread, so it’s a very logical target for treatment,” explained study author Matthias Götte, chair of medical microbiology and immunology at the University of Alberta, in Canada. Remdesivir tricks the coronavirus by mimicking its building blocks, the investigators found. “These coronavirus polymerases are sloppy and they get fooled, so the inhibitor gets incorporated many times and the virus can…  read on >

There’s no doubt about it: Staying at home, worrying about jobs and finances, is a recipe for depression during the coronavirus pandemic. But one expert offers some tips on how to maintain good mental health during this difficult time. “The current situation has many of us feeling helpless, fearful and adrift,” said Dr. Donna Anthony, chief medical officer at Gracie Square Hospital in New York City. “In order to get through this crisis, it is important to acknowledge these feelings and proactively manage stress, maintain your health, and find ways to cope when things seem darkest. We don’t know when our lives will return to a semblance of normality, but in the meantime, there are steps we can take to make ourselves feel better,” Anthony said in a hospital news release. People who already struggled with depression and anxiety may find it even more difficult now, and even those who haven’t faced those mental health challenges may feel anxious, afraid and lonely. Take a step back and examine your feelings, Anthony suggested. Be non-judgmental and compassionate toward yourself. Distract yourself from negative thoughts. If you’re bored, do something. If you’re lonely or frightened, call a friend. Your body is better able to fight stress if you take care of it. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals and get enough rest and sleep. Don’t try to relieve stress…  read on >

You’re in lockdown, yet you still have to go grocery shopping, but how do you stay safe and avoid catching the coronavirus? The American Medical Association has some timely tips. When you go to the store: Stay at least six-feet away from other shoppers. Don’t shake hands, hug or have any physical contact. Wipe down grocery carts or basket handles with disinfectant wipes if you have them. Don’t touch your face. Wear a cloth face mask. While waiting and after leaving the store, use hand sanitizer if you have it. If you’re sick, don’t go shopping. But if you must, wear a mask, wash your hands often and keep a safe distance between you and others. When you get your groceries home: Although it’s unlikely you’ll be exposed to the virus from the items in your shopping bag, wash your hands after unpacking your groceries. Wipe surfaces with a household disinfectant. Take precautions when preparing food: Wash your hands before eating. Do not share plates or silverware with others. Rinse fruits and vegetables before eating them. If you’re 65 or older: Ask a neighbor or friend to pick up groceries and leave them outside your house or bring them in while keeping at least six-feet apart. Check with your local market and go during store hours reserved for older shoppers. See if your grocer delivers…  read on >

It’s clear that age and chronic disease make bouts of the pandemic coronavirus more severe — and even deadly — but obesity might also put even younger people at higher risk, a pair of new studies suggest. The researchers suspect that inflammation throughout the body linked to obesity could be a powerful factor in the severity of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. And, they added, it could even be more significant than heart or lung disease. “This has relevance in the U.S., where 40% of Americans are obese, and will no doubt contribute to increased morbidity and likely mortality, compared to other countries,” said Dr. Jennifer Lighter, co-author of one of the studies. Lighter is an assistant professor of pediatric infectious diseases at NYU School of Medicine in New York City. Though people under age 60 are generally considered at low risk for COVID-19, her team found that those who are obese are twice as likely to be hospitalized for the disease. And, compared to patients whose weight is normal, those who are morbidly obese are twice as likely to need acute care and three times more likely to be confined to the intensive care unit, the study found. Though patients studied were obese, none had diabetes or heart disease, Lighter said, but they might be on the verge of them. “They have…  read on >