All Sauce from Weekly Gravy:

In recent years, the number of U.S. adults getting total hip replacements — meaning both a new ball and joint socket — following a hip fracture has soared to an estimated 500,000 annually. That’s nearly three times the rate at which these adults undergo a partial hip replacement, which only replaces the ball of the hip joint. But a new Canadian study that compared the short-term outcomes of both surgeries showed somewhat surprising conclusions. “What we now know is that within two years of having either a total or partial hip replacement, there’s no difference, and possibly more harm, with total replacements,” said lead author Dr. Mohit Bhandari, academic head of orthopedic surgery at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. The global study randomly assigned an estimated 1,500 patients — all of whom were 50 or older with a hip fracture but able to walk independently — to receive either a total or partial hip replacement. Researchers wanted to learn, first and foremost, which group would be more likely to need a secondary hip procedure within two years of follow-up. They also analyzed differences between the two groups with regard to function and quality of life, as well as the development of serious adverse effects. Most differences proved negligible. About 8% of patients in both groups needed to undergo a second hip procedure within 24 months…  read on >

Foam rollers are great tools for improving range of motion before a workout and easing soreness as part of the cooldown after exercise. Rollers come in different densities. As a general guideline, choose low-density if you’re a beginner or if you’re rehabbing and need to slowly work to increase blood flow to the injured area. Medium-density rollers often have raised lines to encourage more oxygen and blood to reach the spot you’re working on. High-density foam rollers are made for more advanced athletes. The technique for using a foam roller is simple. Position the roller directly under the muscle or area you want to reach and gently roll back and forth on it. Take care not to roll over any joints. For hamstrings, position the roller under your legs, just above the backs of the knees. Press your hands into the floor to lift your rear off the ground and slowly roll back and forth along the length of your thighs. For calves, move the roller below the knees and roll to just above the ankles and back. For quads, turn onto your stomach and place the roller under your thighs. Prop yourself up on your elbows before you roll back and forth. If you feel a knot or trigger point, stop when you roll onto it and press into the roller for 20 to…  read on >

Thanks to a federal ban on trans fats — commonly listed on labels as partially hydrogenated oils — margarine makers have taken steps to remove them from their ingredients. Does this mean margarine is once again a better choice than butter? Not necessarily. That’s in part because some studies have given the saturated fat in butter a reprieve. No, you shouldn’t be drowning your veggies in it or eating buttery desserts every day, but used sparingly — a pat here and there — it’s unlikely to harm you. There are also light or whipped butters that add water or air to halve the amount of fat and calories in each serving while still delivering on taste. On the other hand, you might choose from soft margarines and other spreads that include nutrients called plant sterols and stanols, which help lower cholesterol for some people. Still, any such products that include palm oil and/or palm kernel oil will have saturated fat. And at 70 or 80 calories per tablespoon, those calories can add up. So compare the nutrition labels of all spreads you’re considering. Look not only at saturated fat and total fat calories, but also at the ingredients list to see if there’s any partially hydrogenated oil at all. Although this main source of trans fat has, by and large, been removed from foods, it…  read on >

TUESDAY, Oct. 1, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Treating depression during pregnancy can be vital to the health of both mother and child, but new research suggests that taking antidepressants may make a woman more vulnerable to gestational diabetes. Specifically, the drugs venlafaxine (Effexor) and amitriptyline (Endep) were associated with the highest risk, especially when taken for a long time. Still, “depression needs to be treated during pregnancy,” said study author Anick Berard, research chair of medications, pregnancy and lactation at the University of Montreal. “If a woman is pregnant and is taking antidepressants, she should not stop by herself, but should have a discussion with her physician to assess the best way forward,” she said. There are many types of treatments for depression — antidepressants are only one option, Berard noted. And because this study looked back at data over time, it can’t prove that antidepressants cause gestational diabetes, only that the two appear linked. But the connection might be that antidepressants affect sugar metabolism. Also, a side effect of antidepressants is weight gain, which is a risk factor for diabetes, Berard and her university colleagues pointed out. Venlafaxine is in a class of drugs called serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and amitriptyline is an older type of drug called a tricyclic antidepressant. Gestational diabetes can result in overweight babies and longer bouts of…  read on >

Brexit has thrown the United Kingdom into political and economic uncertainty, but it might have actually triggered a psychotic break in one man, a new report suggests. The 2016 Brexit referendum started the process of the U.K. leaving the European Union. Three weeks after the referendum, a middle-aged man was taken by paramedics to the hospital in an acute psychotic state. He was confused, agitated and had disordered thoughts and speech. He was hearing voices and was delusional and paranoid, believing people were spying on him and planning to kill him, and radio/TV discussions were targeting him. Since the referendum, his wife said, the man had found it difficult to cope with the politics around him and became increasingly worried and had difficulty sleeping. Although he took drugs to deal with his anxiety and agitation, he got worse. After two weeks in the hospital, he was sent home on tranquilizers and antipsychotic drugs. He made a full recovery and has had no further episodes as of his last checkup in June. There was no history of mental illness in his family. But before the referendum, he had experienced work and family pressures, the report noted. It was published Oct. 1 in the journal BMJ Case Reports. And the man had experienced a psychotic episode 13 years earlier, following work stress. That episode had been much…  read on >

Chronic migraine headaches plagued Adam Pressley from childhood, and by his 30s they had become a near-daily occurrence. Pressley, 31, had tried everything to stop them: blood pressure drugs, antidepressants, seizure medications, and even quarterly injections of Botox. Then his doctor suggested something surprising, saying plastic surgery could potentially relieve nerve pressure that was contributing to the headaches. “I kind of thought it was crazy, a plastic surgery procedure that could help people with their migraines,” said Pressley, who lives in Clarksville, Tenn. “I was both skeptical and happy at the same time.” The use of nerve-releasing plastic surgery to treat migraine has been around for a couple of decades, and the procedure is becoming more common and more effective, said Dr. Salam Kassis, a plastic surgeon at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn. Clinical research now indicates that about half of the people who undergo surgery to release entrapped nerves will experience complete relief from migraines, and another 40% will have fewer and less severe headaches, he said. “Over the last 20 years, our percentages have improved dramatically. The success rate is even better than it was a decade ago,” Kassis said. Not all headache experts are sold on the procedure, however. “Certainly, there are some cases where this might be helpful, but it’s not something I generally recommend in my practice,” said…  read on >

Scientists are learning more about why keeping off lost weight is so hard — and a pair of studies suggest it’s more than a question of sheer willpower. A Dartmouth University study published in Cognitive Neuroscience used brain imaging tests to show that some people have an imbalance between the executive control and reward systems of the brain. This disconnect means you may not have enough natural control over the impulse to reach for food when you’re stressed or even when you’re happy. It also seems more likely to be the case in people who are chronic dieters. The other study was done by the University of Michigan and the U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and published in the journal Obesity. It found that the body’s internal protection against starvation encourages eating specifically so that you’ll regain any lost weight — and at a rate of 100 calories a day for every kilogram or 2.2 pounds dropped. Since that’s much more than the average person would naturally burn off, the end result is weight gain. This doesn’t mean your weight loss efforts are doomed, but you will need to make a strong effort to overcome these forces. It will likely take a combination of healthy lifestyle habits and a commitment to practicing mindfulness to squash the emotional urges to eat.…  read on >

Feel bad about feeling bad? Don’t. Studies done at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that acknowledging a blue mood — and not berating yourself for it — can help you work through it more easily. It turns out that accepting negative emotions is better for your long-term mental health than constantly passing judgment on yourself, which can cause your feelings of negativity to snowball. Putting pressure on yourself to feel upbeat can make you feel even more downbeat, according to the research. It turns out that the people who let feelings like sadness, disappointment and even resentment run their course had fewer mood disorder symptoms than people who judged themselves for having them or who tried to bury them. Accepting negative emotions seems to help you better cope with your stressors. There’s one important caveat, however. While it helps to acknowledge the normalness of negative emotions and not think you can — or need — to feel happy 24/7, it’s also important not to ignore a persistent and deep blue mood, and other signs that could signal depression. Symptoms of depression include a loss of interest in things that you used to enjoy, and deep feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness that last for three or more months. Unlike a blue mood, depression needs treatment, such as counseling, medication or both. Other Key Signs…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Backpacks are a practical way for people to carry books and other supplies. They are designed to distribute the weight of these items among the body’s muscles, says the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. But when used incorrectly, backpacks can harm muscles and joints. To prevent injury when using a backpack, the academy suggests: Always use both shoulder straps. Tighten the straps to keep the load closer to the back. Organize items so that heavy things are low and toward the bag’s center. Only carry items that are required for the day. Lift properly by bending at the knees when picking up a backpack. Consider using a crossbody bag as an alternative.

(HealthDay News) — Fitting regular exercise into your daily schedule can improve your health and fitness, and reduce your risk for disease, says MedlinePlus. From yoga to weightlifting, there are many types of exercise to choose from. To make the most of workouts, MedlinePlus suggests: Choose activities that work many different parts of the body. Choose activities that you enjoy. Exercise safely with proper equipment. Listen to your body. Don’t overdo it. Give yourself challenging, but realistic goals.