It’s not uncommon for a woman’s sex life to slow down with age, but hormones aren’t the only reason she might not be in the mood, a new study suggests. Postmenopausal issues, such as vaginal dryness or pain during sex, definitely put a damper on a woman’s desire. But just as often, it was issues with her partner that brought sexual activity to a halt. “Low libido is common in older women — about 40% of older women have low libido,” said study author Dr. Holly Thomas. “Yet, women in our study reported that they considered sex to be an important part of their lives,” she added. “I think the biggest message from our study though, is that low libido has a lot of causes,” and treatment will vary in each case. Thomas is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. She and her colleagues interviewed 15 women. They also conducted three focus groups with a total of 21 women who were in their 60s and sexually active. Most of the women were white and heterosexual. Eighty-three percent were married or living with their partner. The most common reasons for a lack of desire included: Postmenopausal conditions: After menopause, the lack of estrogen can cause symptoms that make sex less pleasurable, and even painful. Vaginal dryness, a feeling of tightness and a… read on >