When the 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines were released, they included details for following the Mediterranean-style diet. That’s the way of eating in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea and has been associated with many health benefits, from a sharper mind to a healthier heart. The eating plan includes more fruit and seafood and less dairy than traditional healthful diets. And this way of eating is as tasty as it is healthy and easy to follow. The first guideline of the Mediterranean diet is to eat mostly plant-based foods — a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts. Next, is to replace butter with healthy fats, such as olive oil. Also, use herbs and spices instead of salt, eat fish and poultry at least twice a week, and limit red meat to just a few times a month. In terms of exact portions, for a daily diet of 1,200 calories, start with 1.5 cups of vegetables and increase from there. Over the course of every week, get a mix of dark green, red and orange veggies for their range of micronutrients, and include some legumes, great sources of fiber and some protein as well as carbs. Other amounts of daily foods to include are 1 cup of fruit; 4 ounces of grains — at least half of which are whole grain; 2.5…  read on >

No one thinks of a piece of layer cake as a diet item. But it turns out that even conscientious label readers may overestimate the size of a single serving and underestimate the number of calories they’re eating. Researchers at Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab looked at dozens of packages of dry cake mixes. They found that, while nutritional labels give the calorie count of a specific amount of unfrosted cake, the photo on the front often shows a larger piece plus enough frosting to more than double the listed calories. The researchers also surveyed different groups of women for their study and even those who work in the food industry overestimated serving size because of photos on the packages. Can you have a reasonably sized slice of cake while on a diet? It’s possible when you make your own simple cake from scratch. For instance, light and airy angel food cake is made with egg whites and has just 150 calories for one-twelfth of a 10-inch cake. A drizzle of pureed berries with or without a dollop of thick Greek yogurt makes a healthy alternative to frosting. When you want something sweeter, keep in mind that a thin glaze has fewer calories and none of the fat of a frosting. Another option is baking a meringue-based cake called a dacquoise, made from stiffly…  read on >

After infections tied to unapproved stem cell treatments sent 12 people to hospital this past year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday issued a stern warning about the products. “The letters we’re issuing today to manufacturers, health care providers and clinics around the country are a reminder that there’s a clear line between appropriate development of these products and practices that sidestep important regulatory controls needed to protect patients,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said in a statement. At issue are stem cell treatments — so-called “cell-based regenerative medicine.” Because stem cells have the potential to generate any type of cell, these treatments have long been marketed as a cure-all for a range of illnesses. Hundreds of clinics touting the unapproved treatments have sprung up across the United States. However, shoddy oversight may have led some hopeful patients to be seriously harmed, not helped, by these therapies, the FDA said. In a report published Thursday, researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say 12 stem cell therapy patients developed infections so severe they required hospitalization, although none died. Seven of the cases occurred in Texas, four in Florida and one in Arizona, according to a team led by CDC investigator Kiran Perkins. Between February and September of 2018, these patients sought the treatments for a variety of complaints, including chronic…  read on >

Who doesn’t crave a big bowl of spaghetti every now and then? But then comes the question of how to fit it into a smart diet plan. The answer is portion control. On average, one cup of cooked pasta has between 180 and 220 calories. But that number can change depending on how long you cook it: The more water it absorbs, the fewer calories it has by measure. Also, it’s very likely that you’re putting far more than one cup of pasta in your dinner bowl, and a near certainty that restaurant portions are up to three times the size of that suggested serving. For the most accurate count when you’re cooking at home, weigh the pasta dry and count 100 calories for each ounce you’re having. (Do choose whole grain pasta for its nutrients.) Depending on what you’ll add to it, you can generally have 2 to 3 ounces, which will cook up to a filling meal. (Be sure to make note of what that amount of pasta looks like when cooked so that you know how much to eat when facing a supersized plate at a restaurant.) The key rule, home and away, is to keep pasta dishes light. Skip sauces made with butter, cream and heavy amounts of cheese in favor of tomato sauces. Cherry tomato halves, chopped herbs and a…  read on >

Jen Godfrey couldn’t shake the “deep cloud” that lingered even after she found an antidepressant she could tolerate. Then a string of stressors hit — five years of fertility treatment and an 80-pound weight gain during pregnancy that left her with persistent pain; a close relative’s suicide; another who went missing; and her own divorce. It was all too much for Godfrey, a recovering alcoholic with a family history of depression. “The life stuff just had a gravitational pull,” said the 44-year-old stay-at-home mom from Reno, Nev. “I just thought: I don’t drink, I’m a good friend, a good mother, a good spouse — I should be a lot happier.” Godfrey’s search for relief pointed her to an unapproved and costly treatment for depression — ketamine. An animal anesthetic best known as the addictive party drug “Special K,” ketamine was approved for use as a human anesthetic in 1970 and it’s often used in emergency care to sedate kids and patients with breathing problems. Low, intravenous doses have been found to boost mood and curb suicidal thoughts, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved it as a treatment for depression. And the American Psychiatric Association (APA) warns patients about the potential for abuse and the lack of large, long-term studies of its effectiveness. Even so, ketamine clinics like the one now treating…  read on >

Researchers say they’ve identified a potential link between food allergies and flare-ups of multiple sclerosis. “Our findings suggest that MS patients with allergies have more active disease than those without, and that this effect is driven by food allergies,” said study author Dr. Tanuja Chitnis, an MS specialist, and colleagues. Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system that can affect balance and mobility. Exactly how food allergies might exacerbate MS isn’t clear. But the researchers said the results suggest they might boost MS-related inflammation. Allergies may also alter gut bacteria, which can produce chemicals that affect the central nervous system, the study authors said. Because this is an observational study, it can’t prove cause and effect. Further research is needed to confirm the findings, said Chitnis, an associate neurologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and her co-authors. The study was published online Dec. 18 in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. It included more than 1,300 MS patients in the United States. The participants provided details about food, drug, or environmental allergies and symptoms between 2011 and 2015. More than 900 had one or more allergies, while the rest had no known allergy. Of the patients with allergies, almost 600 had an environmental allergy — such as pollen, dust mites, grass or pets. More than 200 had a food…  read on >

Does your typical afternoon snack leave you feeling unsatisfied and reaching for more? If your pick-me-up is a bag of salty chips or a chocolate bar, a better (and healthier) way to go is with a high-protein choice, according to research published in The Journal of Nutrition. Snacks can make or break your diet. They can be a bridge from one meal to the next, keeping hunger in check and keeping you from overeating at meals. But if you’re not careful, they can add unwanted and even excessive calories to your daily total. Studies show that people of normal-weight tend to choose healthy snacks, like protein, fruit or whole grains, while overweight people tend to choose snacks high in fat and sugar, often compounding their weight woes. The study, which involved teens, found that surprisingly good snacks are soy-based, high-protein choices — a perfect way to get more plant foods in your diet. When comparing the effects of a high-protein soy snack to a high-fat snack, the researchers found that eating soy protein improves appetite control and diet quality, and helps you feel more satisfied. It can also boost your mood and brain function. Soybeans are nutritionally unique — the only vegetable that offers complete protein, all nine essential amino acids needed for health. They’re rich in B vitamins, iron, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids.…  read on >

If you have high blood pressure, hitting the gym may be as helpful as taking drugs to lower your numbers, researchers say. There’s “compelling evidence that combining endurance and dynamic resistance training was effective in reducing [blood pressure],” according to the authors of a new report. The British researchers stressed that it’s still too early to recommend that people toss their antihypertensive meds, and exercise instead — there’s not yet been a head-to-head trial of drugs versus exercise for blood pressure. But comparing the numbers from hundreds of blood pressure trials involving either exercise or medication suggests they have the same benefit, said the team led by Huseyin Naci. He’s a health policy researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. For now, one U.S. expert said, exercise should be considered an “and” rather than an “or” when it comes to treating high blood pressure. “Exercise is a pillar in the foundation of treatment for hypertension, but for those patients that require drug therapy, exercise is not a replacement for medication,” said Dr. Guy Mintz. He directs cardiovascular health at the Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y. The new research was published online Dec. 18 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. In the study, Naci’s team analyzed data from 197 clinical trials that assessed the effects of structured workouts on…  read on >

Reducing stress could cut your risk of allergy and asthma symptoms during the holidays. “Studies show stress can cause a number of negative health effects, including causing more symptoms for allergy and asthma sufferers,” said Dr. Todd Mahr, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. “It makes sense that if you want to make your holidays more fun and less challenging, you might focus on ways to bring peace and wellness to your household,” Mahr added in a college news release. The college offers some other tips for controlling asthma and allergy symptoms over the holidays: Exercise can help reduce stress, but exercising in cold weather may make asthma symptoms worse. If you have symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, tightness in your chest or shortness of breath when you exercise in cold weather, you may have undiagnosed asthma. If you have asthma, warm up with gentle exercises for about 15 minutes before you start more intense exercise. Cover your mouth and nose with a scarf or face mask when you exercise in cold weather. Take your recommended asthma medicines. Another option is to move your workouts indoors when the outside temperature falls below freezing. Scented candles and wood-burning fireplaces can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms. Consider flameless candles and an electric fireplace instead. If you or a family member has food allergies,…  read on >

High cholesterol, a serious risk factor for heart disease, can affect both men and women, and it’s common for cholesterol levels to rise with age. But it’s often a problem for men earlier in life than for women. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that men with less-than-optimal aerobic fitness are at greater risk of developing high cholesterol in their early 30s, while men with higher aerobic fitness are likely to avoid this until their mid-40s. This underscores the importance of a regular fitness program with cardio exercise. Just 150 minutes a week can lower your high cholesterol risk. Fast Stats on Cholesterol: Nearly one-third of U.S. adults have high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or bad) cholesterol and 31 million have high total cholesterol. Less than half of adults with high LDL cholesterol are getting treatment and fewer than 30 percent have it under control. High total cholesterol doubles heart disease risk. Research also points to genetics as a factor in who might develop high cholesterol. More than 80 percent of the cholesterol circulating in your body is made by your liver, and doesn’t come from food. That being said, you do want to avoid trans fats because trans fat does tend to raise cholesterol and increase heart disease risk. Starting at age 20, you should know…  read on >