Bottled vitamins might seem a convenient way to get all the important nutrients, but the best delivery method is still just eating actual healthy food. “We have plenty of studies showing that when we look at food as the bioavailable source of certain nutrients of vitamins and minerals, they tend to be one of the best options,” said Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic, in Ohio. For example, you can take a capsule of fish oil, but eating wild fatty fish makes it easier to control what you’re getting. The supplement industry isn’t regulated in the same way as food. Kirkpatrick suggested that the best way to get a mix of vitamins and minerals is eating more colorful foods. Aim for getting six different colorful foods in your diet daily. A bowl of oatmeal can help get one color. Adding blueberries is a second one. Even coffee counts. The beverage is loaded with antioxidants. Check with your doctor about whether you might be deficient in certain vitamins, Kirkpatrick advised. Vitamin D, in particular, is one that may require taking a supplement to get enough of it. “Vitamin D is typically poorly absorbed through food,” Kirkpatrick explained in a clinic news release. “A D3 supplement is more mimicking the UV rays of the sun, that’s where we get the best vitamin D.” More information…  read on >  read on >

People with one form of the genetic blood disorder hemophilia now have a one-time treatment with a $3.5 million price tag. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the new gene therapy Hemgenix on Nov. 22. Soon after, drugmaker CSL Behring revealed its cost. The company said its drug would ultimately reduce health care costs because patients with the genetic disorder would need fewer treatments for bleeding, the Associated Press reported. As with most approved drugs, private or government insurance — not patients — is expected to foot the bill. Hemgenix is designed for adults with hemophilia B, the less common form of the disease. Currently, patients receive costly IV infusions to promote clotting and prevent bleeding. The treatment is also for people who have repeated, serious spontaneous bleeding episodes. “Gene therapy for hemophilia has been on the horizon for more than two decades. Despite advancements in the treatment of hemophilia, the prevention and treatment of bleeding episodes can adversely impact individuals’ quality of life,” said Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. “[This] approval provides a new treatment option for patients with hemophilia B and represents important progress in the development of innovative therapies for those experiencing a high burden of disease associated with this form of hemophilia,” Marks said in an FDA news release. In hemophilia B,…  read on >  read on >

Millions of Americans will enjoy a hot, nutritious Thanksgiving meal thanks to their local food pantry, often staffed by volunteers. Now, new research spotlights just how important these charities are. Families who rely on pantries for food assistance come away with $600 to $1,000 in free meals and produce every year, after taking into account time, transportation and other costs associated with using them, researchers say. Nationwide, that adds up to big numbers, a new study shows, with pantries collectively providing Americans between $19 billion and $28 billion in free food every year. “The most recent Household Food Security in the United States report … estimates that 5.6% of U.S. households use food pantries, which are the main distribution vehicle for food banks,” said study author Anne Byrne, a Washington, D.C.-based research agricultural economist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. As a doctoral student at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., Byrne worked with economics professor David Just to determine the net value received by folks seeking food pantry assistance. “We know people receive the food for a retail cost of $0,” Byrne noted. “But by using travel costs — (such as) time, gas, etc. — we were able to estimate what people give up in order to get food from pantries.” On average, their research revealed, every time someone visits a pantry, he or she…  read on >  read on >

Holiday meals offer an opportunity to indulge in some favorite foods. Now for those who want to enjoy healthier versions of these holiday treats, a registered dietitian from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston offers some easy suggestions. Veggies can help with the post-meal fatigue you usually feel after a big meal, said Courtney Cary, who works in the Department of Medicine–Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Fiber from veggies can help, even when those veggies are creamed or part of a casserole. Instead of using heavy cream in green bean casserole or creamed spinach, use fat-free half and half. You’ll still get a creamy flavor, but with little saturated fat. Replace the solid fat in a recipe with butter or oil to make more heart-healthy dishes, Cary suggests. Use low-fat or part-skim cheese to decrease the saturated fat further. Get creamy mashed potatoes by using butter and skim milk instead of butter and heavy cream. “Eating decadent and rich food one day out of the year won’t kill you, but that high concentration of saturated fat over multiple days from leftovers can have an impact,” Cary said in a Baylor news release. Nuts can help offset some of the blood sugar changes from starchy and sugary foods. The high fructose corn syrup in canned cranberry sauce is detrimental to blood sugar. Even adding a whole cup of…  read on >  read on >

The whole family — even the youngest members — can take part in Thanksgiving’s hours of food preparation by following some safety tips. The nation’s leading pediatrics organization offers some holiday advice for families with young children. “There’s a lot of excitement and joy surrounding meal preparation at this time of year, but it also can be stressful,” said Dr. Dina DiMaggio, a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. “Consider how to involve kids in the process and think about assigning an adult to keep track of the youngest when the kitchen is at full capacity. By planning in advance, families can help ensure the day goes smoothly for all,” she said in an academy news release. Here are some helpful tips: Start by showing kids how to stay safe while cooking by teaching them to hold kitchen tools safely, DiMaggio suggests. You can do this with specific child-safe knives. Show them how oven mitts can protect hands from heat, as well as how to turn appliances on and off safely. Tell them about the importance of keeping flammable objects away from the open flames. Still, always supervise children when cooking to be sure they’re following the rules. Follow food safety guidelines, including washing raw vegetables and fruits, and cooking food thoroughly. Ensure the little ones also wash their hands thoroughly after touching raw…  read on >  read on >

A happy holiday can go sour quickly when food poisoning joins the party. Experts from Rutgers New Jersey Poison Control Center offer some tips on safely thawing, preparing and storing food, as well as avoiding issues with alcohol and drugs. “Forgetting about food safety is a recipe for disaster,” said Diane Calello, executive and medical director of the poison control center at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School’s department of emergency medicine. “Don’t prepare food if you have any kind of respiratory illness or infection, as this puts your guests at risk of becoming ill. No matter how busy your kitchen gets during the holidays, always remember the risks of improperly handling food,” she said in a Rutgers news release. Food poisoning is no small problem. It sickens about 48 million Americans each year, causing 128,000 to be hospitalized and 3,000 to die, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But here’s some advice from the poison center on how to avoid it: To start, remember to clean, separate, cook and chill. Wash your hands and surfaces often with warm water and soap during food preparation. Use just water to clean fruits and vegetables, not soap. Don’t let food that will be served raw come into contact with uncooked poultry, meat or seafood while grocery shopping or in the refrigerator. Use one…  read on >  read on >

Blood levels of HDL, the famously “good” kind of cholesterol, may not make a big difference to heart health after all — particularly for Black people, a large new study suggests. The study, of nearly 24,000 U.S. adults, found that low HDL levels were tied to a somewhat higher risk of heart attack among white people. That was not the case for Black adults, however. Meanwhile, high HDL levels — traditionally lauded as heart-healthy — made no difference in heart risks for Black or white adults. Experts said the findings call for a reevaluation of how HDL is used to predict people’s risk of developing heart disease. More broadly, they said, researchers need to figure out whether various “traditional” heart disease risk factors have similar effects for all people. “We need to expand our understanding of risk factors for all racial and ethnic groups,” said senior researcher Nathalie Pamir, an associate professor of medicine at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. That understanding, she added, turns into treatment guidelines. “And our guidelines have to work for everyone,” Pamir said. HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, first gained its reputation as the “good” cholesterol with the Framingham Heart Study. Back in the 1970s, it found a correlation between higher HDL levels and a lower risk of heart attack. The Framingham study is a major, still ongoing research…  read on >  read on >

When loved ones come together for your Thanksgiving feast, keep in mind your those who have food allergies. Practice safety in menu planning, food preparation and even serving, urged Courtney Cary, a senior dietitian at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Be aware of the eight most common allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish. “If someone who is attending the holiday meal has an allergy to any food, it is important to fully disclose the ingredients of what you prepared so they can avoid a potentially life-threatening reaction,” she said in a college news release. Find out specifically what your guest is allergic to, Cary said. Then, to prepare their food, use separate, sterilized utensils on surfaces untouched by the allergen. Make sure the allergy-free food is served with its own utensil. “This can even mean trading out a baking dish that has just been hand-washed that previously contained that allergen,” Cary said. “Even the smallest particles of allergenic foods can cause a reaction in a person who is very sensitive or has severe reactions to foods.” In addition, a holiday meal isn’t the time to start giving your child new foods. “If your child has never had eggs, for example, the holidays are not the time to have them try key lime pie,” Cary said. “You are in control…  read on >  read on >

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the first drug that could delay the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D). Teplizumab (Tzield) targets the autoimmune issues that drive the disease, rather than its symptoms, making the medication a game changer. “Today’s approval of a first-in-class therapy adds an important new treatment option for certain at-risk patients,” Dr. John Sharretts, director of the division of diabetes, lipid disorders, and obesity in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a news release. “The drug’s potential to delay clinical diagnosis of type 1 diabetes may provide patients with months to years without the burdens of disease.” Advocates applauded the approval. “A delay in the onset of type 1 diabetes will have a tremendous impact on the daily lives of people at risk for diabetes, their families, and the overall health system,” Aaron Kowalski, CEO of the nonprofit JDRF (formerly the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation), said in a statement. “It would free them from the constant burden and stress of blood-sugar monitoring and insulin administration,” Kowalski added. “It would free them from the worry and fear of short- and long-term complications, while giving them the opportunity to learn more about disease management.” People who have two or more T1D-related autoantibodies and whose blood sugar levels are starting to be abnormal are considered at high…  read on >  read on >

It might be tempting to buy prescription medication online, but buyers should beware, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns. While some pharmacy websites operate legally and can offer convenience, privacy and lower costs, others may be selling unapproved, counterfeit and unsafe medications, the FDA advises. Many unsafe online pharmacies do exist, offering prescription medications without requiring a prescription and selling them at “deeply discounted” prices. These pharmacies may use fake “store fronts” designed to mimic licensed pharmacies. They may imply or say that their medicines come from countries with high safety standards, according to the FDA. Yet, what they’re selling could be made anywhere without safety or effectiveness. The drugs could also be fake or expired. Be wary if the online pharmacy does not require a doctor’s prescription, the FDA cautioned. Other red flags: The pharmacy is not licensed in the United States or by your state board of pharmacy and doesn’t have a licensed pharmacist on staff to answer questions. You should also beware medicine that looks different from what you receive at your usual pharmacy, arrives in damaged packaging, is labeled in a foreign language, has no expiration date or is expired. A price that seems too good to be true is another warning sign. An unsafe online pharmacy may not provide clear written protections about guarding your personal and financial information,…  read on >  read on >