About half of all Americans take steps to limit or avoid saturated fats, the kind found in foods like fatty red meat and cream. But fewer than one-third stick to the limit set by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to keep saturated fat intake under 10% of daily calories. You might be surprised to learn that the single biggest source of saturated fats — 35% — comes from mixed dishes, especially those with both cheese and meat. Think lasagna, burritos and pizza. A gram of fat has twice the calories of a gram of protein or carbohydrate, so if you’re trying to lose weight, cutting back on fat frees up calories for foods with greater volume. One way to scale back is by limiting prepared foods. Fat is often added to make them taste better, rather than to add any nutritional value. Home cooking lets you control fat content, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Rather than preparing complicated recipes, simplify by broiling or baking chicken or fish to serve with sides. Meat can be on the menu once or twice a week, but choose lean cuts of beef and pork, and trim away all the white fat you can. When you do make recipes that call for meat and cheese, replace half the meat with vegetables or beans. Use grated parmesan, which goes…  read on >

If you have high blood pressure, getting a flu shot could save your life, researchers say. A new study found that patients with high blood pressure who got a flu shot had a nearly 18% lower risk of dying during flu season. Previous research has found that the stress flu puts on the body may trigger heart attacks and strokes. Patients with high blood pressure already are at increased risk for both. For the study, researchers analyzed data from Denmark on more than 608,000 people, aged 18 to 100, with high blood pressure during nine flu seasons, from 2007 to 2016. The investigators looked at how many patients got a flu shot before each flu season and how many died. After adjusting for patient characteristics — such as age, health problems and medications — in a given flu season, flu vaccination was associated with an 18% lower risk of death from any cause; a 16% lower risk of death from any cardiovascular cause; and a 10% lower risk of death from heart attack or stroke. The findings were to be presented Sunday at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), in Paris. Research presented at meetings is typically considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. “Given these results, it is my belief that all patients with high blood pressure should have…  read on >

Looking for an elegant dessert that’s healthy, too? Poached pears are ideal because they’re sweet and hold their shape well during cooking. They can also be topped with a sweet finish or a surprisingly tangy one. Either way, you can wow guests at your next dinner party. Pears are a filling fruit, high in fiber and a long list of antioxidants. They’re in season in the fall, but can often be found year-round. Bartlett, Bosc or any other variety will work well for this recipe. Just be sure to choose firmer pears so they don’t get soggy after poaching. Peeled pears can be poached in red or white wine, depending on the color you’d like them to have when cooked, but will be just as delicious using water and spices. Sweet or Savory Poached Pears 4 firm pears, such as Bosc or Bartlett 1 tablespoon honey 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 2 ounces dark chocolate, melted 2 tablespoons slivered almonds 2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese 2 tablespoons honey Peel pears and core them from the bottom so that the stems remain intact. Place in a large saucepan and cover with water. Add one tablespoon of honey and the cinnamon. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes until fork tender. Carefully remove with slotted spoon and chill…  read on >

Few ingredients span the range of international cuisines as much as garlic. Garlic has a rich and interesting history as both a flavoring and a medicinal food. The bulb of a plant in the allium family (along with onions and chives), garlic contains potent antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, and is immensely flavorful while being extremely low in calories. There are well over 30 varieties of garlic, from Elephant to Kettle River Giant and Transylvanian, all with a savory flavor. Though most recipes that call for garlic involve mincing raw cloves and adding as is to no-cook dishes or sauteeing it as part of a recipe, roasting garlic brings out its natural sweetness, reduces its pungency and turns each clove into a spreadable paste. Roasted garlic is great for salad dressings and dips, because it won’t overpower the other ingredients and it blends in smoothly. For cooked dishes, simply replace raw garlic with the equivalent amount of roasted garlic and reduce cooking time accordingly. For a quick snack, squeeze the garlic from a roasted clove onto a cracker and spread it like butter. Roasting one or more bulbs at once means you’ll have cooked garlic anytime you need it during the week ahead. Roasted Garlic 1 or more garlic heads 1/4 teaspoon salt for each head 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil for each head Preheat your…  read on >

The word on eggs changes faster than you can say “sunny-side up.” One day their cholesterol isn’t a concern and the next day it is. After a 2018 study found an egg a day was fine for healthy people, a 2019 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that this amount could raise the risk for cardiovascular disease and early death. So what’s the answer? Moderation and balance. While eggs do have cholesterol, the cholesterol and saturated fat in meat is still likely to be more dangerous than eggs if you overdo it. Also, the JAMA study found no increased risk from eating eggs if kept at fewer than three a week. It’s important to keep in mind that egg yolks (where the cholesterol is found) do deliver a world of nutrition, including healthy fatty acids, and a wide array of vitamins and minerals, with only 70 calories apiece. The problem is when we indulge in egg dishes that contain a lot of gooey cheese, which adds hundreds of calories and, like meat, saturated fat. One answer is to pick Parmesan for recipes. It has a bolder flavor than many other cheeses, which allows you to use a lot less without sacrificing taste. Another step is adding fresh vegetables to boost the nutrition profile of egg dishes. This frittata is perfect…  read on >

Getting kids to eat right can be a challenge, but an easy place to start is with the lunch they bring to school. Make the contents of their lunchbox more fun, and they’ll be more likely to eat what you pack. These creative tips will make this meal more nutritious, too. Begin with a sandwich makeover. Use a soft whole-wheat bread, or a gluten-free whole-grain bread if needed, instead of white. Fill the sandwich with high-quality protein like slices of roast chicken or turkey. Instead of a traditional spread like mayonnaise, try a thin layer of finely mashed avocado to add more fiber to their diet along with nutrients like vitamin E and other antioxidants. Just mash half of a ripe avocado with a squeeze of lime and a pinch of salt and spread it on the bread. To make sandwiches more enticing, use a cookie cutter to turn them into fun shapes. Vegetables, crucial to your child’s growth and overall health, seem to be the toughest foods to get kids to eat. One easy way to pique their appetites is to turn the veggies into mini kabobs. Children can feel overwhelmed by large chunks of food, but will eat them if they’re in bite-sized pieces. Cut steamed broccoli and cauliflower into small florets and thread them onto skewers along with grape tomatoes. Fill a…  read on >

When summer fruits and vegetables start to disappear from grocery stores, and the action shifts indoors to watching sports and munching on unhealthy snacks, it helps to have a diet plan in place to avoid weight gain. First, remember that farmers’ markets are still open across the country. You can buy local as long as you make the shift from summer crops to fall ones. That means tomatoes and cucumbers give way to offerings like root vegetables, including carrots, parsnips and turnips, and the wide variety of squashes such as acorn, butternut, Hubbard and kabocha. These are all great for hearty, cook-ahead soups and stews for dinners and brown bag lunches. Vegetables in the orange family, including sweet potatoes, are rich in vitamin A. But don’t overlook nutrient-dense dark, leafy greens like varieties of chard and bok choy. Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables may be abundant in your area, and they taste great roasted with a slight drizzle of olive oil and finished with a splash of balsamic vinegar — hearty enough for a vegetarian meal. Though local melons, stone fruits and many berries may be gone, explore sweet fall fruits like apples, pears and grapes, as well as the more exotic pomegranates, persimmons and quince, the season’s first cranberries and even fall raspberries. Have fruit salads ready to snack on instead…  read on >

If you have high blood pressure, getting a flu shot could save your life, researchers say. A new study found that patients with high blood pressure who got a flu shot had a nearly 18% lower risk of dying during flu season. Previous research has found that the stress flu puts on the body may trigger heart attacks and strokes. Patients with high blood pressure already are at increased risk for both. For the study, researchers analyzed data from Denmark on more than 608,000 people, aged 18 to 100, with high blood pressure during nine flu seasons, from 2007 to 2016. The investigators looked at how many patients got a flu shot before each flu season and how many died. After adjusting for patient characteristics — such as age, health problems and medications — in a given flu season, flu vaccination was associated with an 18% lower risk of death from any cause; a 16% lower risk of death from any cardiovascular cause; and a 10% lower risk of death from heart attack or stroke. The findings were to be presented Sunday at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), in Paris. Research presented at meetings is typically considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. “Given these results, it is my belief that all patients with high blood pressure should have…  read on >

Your lunch leftovers are doing no favors for urban birds’ hearts, new research shows. Fatty food scraps may be boosting the cholesterol levels of crows in U.S. cities, but whether it’s a threat to their health isn’t clear. A team from Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., analyzed blood cholesterol levels of 140 crow nestlings in urban and rural areas of California. Those in urban areas had higher levels of cholesterol than those in rural areas, the findings showed. The researchers also tested the impact of human food by giving nestlings in rural New York state a regular supply of cheeseburgers. They then compared the cholesterol levels of those crows with nearby nestlings that didn’t get cheeseburgers. The cheeseburger-fed nestlings’ cholesterol levels were higher, and comparable to those of the city-dwelling crows in California. But whether higher cholesterol is bad for crows is uncertain. “Despite all the bad press that it gets, cholesterol has benefits and serves a lot of essential functions,” said study author Andrea Townsend, an assistant professor of biology. “It’s an important part of our cell membranes and a component of some crucial hormones. We know that excessive cholesterol causes disease in humans, but we don’t know what level would be ‘excessive’ in a wild bird,” she explained. The study was published Aug. 26 in The Condor: Ornithological Applications journal. The researchers followed…  read on >

Do you love restaurant-style scallops but feel nervous about making them at home? Here’s the 101 to cooking the perfect scallop every time. The trick to creating tasty scallop dishes is to choose “dry” scallops — these aren’t treated with phosphates, which can give them an off-taste and make them stringy when cooked. Scallops pair deliciously with citrus, such as oranges. If available, choose blood oranges for their beautiful color and tart flavor. Note: For sustainability, choose sea scallops over bay scallops. Scallops in Citrus Sauce 2 blood or navel oranges 1 pound dry sea scallops 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour or 1 tablespoon coconut flour 2 tablespoons coconut or grapeseed oil 1/2 cup vegetable or chicken broth 2 tablespoons drained capers 1 tablespoon unsalted butter Peel the oranges and then section them over a bowl to catch the juices, which will make part of the base for the sauce. Set both aside. Season the scallops with the salt and black pepper. Dust them with the flour. Note: Use coconut flour for a gluten-free option — its texture means you can use less. Heat a large skillet over high heat and add the oil. Add the scallops and sear them without moving for two to three minutes to allow a thick crust to form. Flip and cook…  read on >