Most rely on condoms, but use of another method has doubled, study finds read on >
Most rely on condoms, but use of another method has doubled, study finds read on >
Forecasters say it could be worst such U.S. storm in a decade read on >
IED victims lose multiple limbs, suffer more genital injuries read on >
With just a tap, wearable device eases stress, fatigue on lower back muscles, researchers say read on >
Noninvasive experiment aims to reduce risk of brain damage, bleeding and infection read on >
Style of playing action games could impact your brain, researchers suggest read on >
Pro fighters, like football players, are at risk of mental impairment read on >
You may have sensitive teeth, but there are ways to protect them, a dental expert says read on >
Study of 188 countries finds burden of impaired vision falls hardest on developing nations read on >
Popularity of ‘vaping’ tied to increase in smoking cessation, study finds read on >