Fried foods not only wreck the waistline, but they could also be harming the brain, a new study of lab rats suggests. Fed chow that was fried in sesame or sunflower oil, the rodents developed liver and colon problems that wound up affecting their brain health, researchers found. These brain health effects not only were found in the lab rats that munched down the fried food, but also in their offspring, noted lead researcher Kathiresan Shanmugam, an associate professor with the Central University of Tamil Nadu in India. These results suggest that reused frying oil could affect connections between the liver, gut and brain, Shanmugam said. “Deep-frying at high temperatures has been linked with several metabolic disorders, but there have been no long-term investigations on the influence of deep-fried oil consumption and its detrimental effects on health,” Shanmugam said. “To our knowledge we are first to report long-term deep-fried oil supplementation increases neurodegeneration in the first-generation offspring.” Scientists stress that this is early research, however, and animal studies don’t always pan out in humans. The study was presented Sunday at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Deep frying adds loads of fat calories to food, researchers noted. In addition, frying oil that’s reused often loses many of its natural antioxidants and health benefits, while gaining harmful compounds.…  read on >  read on >

Youngsters might have good cause to think they’re brainier than their parents or grandparents, a new study finds. It turns out that human brains are getting larger with each generation, potentially adding more brain reserve and reducing the overall risk of dementia, researchers report March 25 in the journal JAMA Neurology. People born in the 1970s have nearly 7% larger brain volume and almost 15% larger brain surface area than folks born in the 1930s, according to the results of the 75-year study. “The decade someone is born appears to impact brain size and potentially long-term brain health,” said lead researcher Dr. Charles DeCarli, director of the University of California, Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.  For the study, researchers analyzed brain scans of participants in the Framingham Heart Study, a multi-generational project launched in 1948 to analyze disease patterns among people in the town of Framingham, Mass. The study has continued for 75 years and now includes second- and third-generation participants, researchers said. MRIs of the participants’ brains were conducted between 1999 and 2019. Researchers found gradual but consistent increases in several brain structures when they compared participants born in the 1930s to those born in the 1970s. White matter, gray matter and the hippocampus — a region involved in language and memory — were all larger in people born in the 1970s, results show.…  read on >  read on >

Migraines in young adults appear to increase their risk of stroke more than traditional risk factors like high blood pressure, a new study reports. Results show that migraine is the most important non-traditional risk factor for stroke among adults ages 18 to 34, accounting for 20% of strokes in men and nearly 35% in women. Overall, non-traditional risk factors were associated with more strokes in young adults than the factors traditionally associated with stroke risk, like high blood pressure or smoking, researchers found. “Most of our attention has been focused on traditional risk factors,” noted lead researcher Dr. Michelle Leppert. She’s an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora. “We should not ignore nontraditional stroke risk factors and only focus on traditional risk factors; both are important to the development of strokes among young people,” she added. Factors traditionally associated with increased risk of stroke include high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity, alcoholism and clogged arteries, researchers said. However, recent data has shown strokes increasing among young adults who don’t have those risk factors, researchers said. To figure out what is driving stroke risk among young adults, researchers used health insurance claims data to compare more than 2,600 stroke victims with more than 7,800 people who hadn’t suffered a stroke.…  read on >  read on >

Chemicals found in common household products might damage the brain’s wiring, a new study warns. These chemicals — found in disinfectants, cleaners, hair products, furniture and textiles — could be linked to degenerative brain diseases like multiple sclerosis and autism, researchers report. The chemicals specifically affect the brain’s oligodendrocytes, a specialized type of cell that generates the protective insulation found around nerve cells, researchers said. “Loss of oligodendrocytes underlies multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases,” said principal investigator Paul Tesar, director of Case Western Reserve University’s Institute for Glial Science, in Cleveland. For example, MS occurs due to a breakdown in myelin, the protective sheath around nerve cells. “We now show that specific chemicals in consumer products can directly harm oligodendrocytes, representing a previously unrecognized risk factor for neurological disease,” Tesar added in a university news release. For the study, Tesar and his colleagues analyzed the effect of more than 1,800 chemicals on these brain cells. They identified two classes of chemicals that damage oligodendrocytes — organophosphate flame retardants and quaternary ammonium compounds. Quaternary ammonium compounds are present in many personal care products and disinfectants, while organophosphate flame retardants are found in many electronics and furniture, researchers said. Lab tests showed that quaternary ammonium products cause oligodendrocytes to die, while the flame retardants prevent the maturation of these brain cells. These classes of chemicals also…  read on >  read on >

Australian researchers say they have identified a gene mutation that causes the skin disease psoriasis. A chronic inflammatory condition, psoriasis causes red, scaly, itchy patches on the skin. Some patients also develop psoriatic arthritis, a condition marked by joint pain, swelling and stiffness. But researchers at the Australian National University (ANU) who have identified the gene mutation hope their findings will point the way to a cure. In the short term, they hope the discovery will lead to improved diagnosis and treatment of both diseases, which they say can stigmatize patients. “So many people are accused of having poor hygiene due to the plaques or even just minor skin lesions as they erupt,” said Rebecca Davey, CEO of Arthritis ACT and one of at least 500,000 Australians with psoriasis. “It’s not the individual’s fault that their skin is in the condition it’s in; psoriasis is a painful, debilitating condition.” But now there might be hope. Researchers used a mouse model to identify a mutation in a gene known as IKBKB that causes a group of immune cells called regulatory T-cells to misfire. Patients with two copies of this gene are at increased risk for psoriatic arthritis, they report March 25 in the journal Nature Communications. “These cells are normally considered gatekeepers of the immune system,” said Chelisa Cardinez, a postdoctoral fellow at ANU in Canberra.…  read on >  read on >

Medicare will now cover the popular weight-loss drug Wegovy if patients using it also have heart disease, U.S. officials announced Thursday. The move comes after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved drugmaker Novo Nordisk’s application to add cardiovascular benefits to the medicine’s label earlier this month. As a result, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said it has informed insurers that provide Medicare Part D drug plans that they could cover the medication if it is approved for another use. “CMS has issued guidance to Medicare Part D plans stating that anti-obesity medications [AOMs] that receive FDA approval for an additional medically accepted indication can be considered a Part D drug for that specific use,” CMS said in a statement, CNN reported. Part D plans could begin covering the drug “some time this year,” Tricia Neuman, a Medicare policy specialist at KFF, told the Associated Press. “Medicare plans may be reluctant to move quickly to cover Wegovy given its relatively high price, particularly because they won’t be able to adjust premiums before next year,” she said. Wegovy costs just over $1,300 a month. Even if plans do allow coverage, they may still require higher out-of-pocket fees, prior authorizations or step therapy, where a patient must try a lower-cost drug before proceeding to the new treatment, Neuman noted. Wegovy is one of four popular…  read on >  read on >

Working stiffs in the United States are dying at higher rates than those in other wealthy nations, a new study finds. Death rates among working-age Americans are 2.5 times higher than the average of other high-income countries, researchers report in the March 21 issue of the International Journal of Epidemiology. These deaths among people ages 25 to 64 are being driven by car crashes, homicides, suicides, drug overdoses and other highly preventable causes, researchers said. For example, drug-related deaths increased up to tenfold between 2000 and 2019, a trend diverging dramatically from other countries. ‘Over the past three decades, midlife mortality in the U.S. has worsened significantly compared to other high-income countries, and for the younger 25- to 44-year-old age-group in 2019 it even surpassed midlife mortality rates for Central and Eastern European countries,” said researcher Katarzyna Doniec, a postdoctoral researcher with the Leverhulme Center for Demographic Science at the University of Oxford. “This is surprising, given that not so long ago some of these countries experienced high levels of working-age mortality, resulting from the post-socialist crisis of the 1990s,” Doniec added in a university news release. For the study, researchers used annual death data gathered by the World Health Organization between 1990 and 2019. The data included 15 major causes of death in 18 high-income countries, including the United States, the U.K. and seven…  read on >  read on >

The weight room is becoming an increasingly dangerous place for folks trying to get into shape, a new study discovers. Head and facial injuries related to weightlifting have increased sharply during the past decade for both men and women, researchers found. Between 2013 and 2022, the annual rate of exercise- and weightlifting-related head and facial injuries increased by nearly 33%, according to their recent report in The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. Most injuries occurred in men, who accounted for nearly 56% of face and head wounds. However, the increase in cases of injury was nearly twice as high in women than in men, 45% versus 24%. For the study, researchers analyzed injury data compiled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, reviewing nearly 583,000 such injuries that occurred during the 10-year period. Prior studies of injuries related to exercise and weightlifting have focused on other parts of the body like the limbs or lower back, researchers said, neglecting injuries that can occur to the face and head. “Ego lifting” is likely behind at least part of the increase observed in men, said the research team led by Rohan Mangal, a medical student with at the University of Miami. Those men get hurt because they feel pressured to exercise or lift weights beyond their capacity, the researchers speculated. This is most likely true for 15- to…  read on >  read on >

Your baby could be endangered by now-recalled Comfi Baby Infant Walkers, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warned Thursday. The walkers, sold on Amazon, “violate the federal safety regulations for infant walkers because they can fit through a standard doorway, are not designed to stop at the edge of a step and have leg openings that allow the child to slip down until the child’s head can become entrapped,” the agency said in a statement. The walkers sold for about $100 online at Amazon from October 2022 through March 2023, and the company that made them, All Merchandise, of Charlotte, N.C., has already ceased doing business, the CPSC said. “The infant walkers contain adjustable height settings, and they have a teal or pink frame, a gray seat and a gray tray with toy attachments, and a push handle,” the agency said. “’Comfi Baby’ is printed on a label on the push handle and on the front of the top frame and the letter ‘M’ is on the bottom front frame.” As well,  “Babywalker” is stitched on the gray seat back. ASIN is B0BFJNQSW7. All Merchandise LLC/Comfi Baby…11313 Clayford Rdg…Charlotte, NC 28215…Batch#RWPBELLA 11-22 is printed on a label stitched on the back of the seat. SOURCE: Consumer Product Safety Commission, news release, March 21, 2024  read on >

About 1 in every 10 U.S. children ages 5 to 17 has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to the latest government statistics. The data from the National Health Interview Survey covers the years 2020 through 2022 and came from in-person or phone interviews involving a representative sample of American homes. It found that 11.3% of school-age children have been diagnosed with ADHD, with boys more likely to have this diagnosis (14.5%) than girls (8%), according to report authors Cynthia Reuben and Nazik Elgaddal, of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). ADHD is diagnosed more often among white children (13.4%) than Black youngsters (10.8%) or Hispanic (8.9%) kids, the survey also showed.  Family income seemed to matter, too:  As income levels rose, the rate of child ADHD diagnoses declined. Access to medical care also seemed to influence whether or not a child was diagnosed with ADHD.  For example, while 14.4% percent of school-age kids on public health insurance (such as Medicaid) had an ADHD diagnosis, that fell to 9.7% of children covered by private insurance, and 6.3% of kids from uninsured families, the report found.  The findings were published March 20 as an NCHS Data Brief. The NCHS is part of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More information Find out more about diagnosing ADHD at the Cleveland Clinic.…  read on >  read on >