Nearly 16% of American adults — that’s close to 1 in 6 — now has diabetes, according to the latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Increasing age and widening waistlines greatly increase the odds for the disease, which happens when the body doesn’t use insulin properly, resulting in high blood sugar levels. If left unchecked, diabetes can be disabling and even life-threatening. The vast majority (95%) of diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes, which occurs when the body’s cells no longer respond to insulin as they should. Insulin regulates levels of sugar in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is strongly connected to excessive weight. The new data, collected from mid-2021 through mid-2023, found a big rise in diabetes rates since 1999-2000, when 9.7% of adult Americans had the disease. There was a significant gender gap in diabetes rates in 2023: Nearly 1 in 5 men (18%) have the illness, compared to 13.7% of women, according to researchers at the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Not surprisingly, diabetes rates rose with age: While just 3.6% of adults under 40 had the illness, rates rose to 12.1% for folks ages 40 to 59, and to 20.5% for people 60 and older. Obesity also mattered: Nearly a quarter (24.2%) of obese adults now have diabetes, the NCHS report found. That’s compared…  read on >  read on >

Many Americans experience a “winter funk” as the days grow shorter and temperatures turn colder, a new American Psychiatric Association poll reports. Two-fifths of Americans (41%) said their mood declines during the winter months, according to the APA’s Healthy Minds Poll. Midwesterners and Northeasterners are most affected, where 52% and 46%, respectively, said they tend to have the wintertime blues, results show. “The winter months have less light, the time change can feel abrupt and the holidays for some are overwhelming,” said APA President Dr. Ramaswamy Viswanathan. The poll showed that wintertime causes some Americans to: Sleep more (41%) Feel fatigued (28%) Feel depressed (27%) Lose interest in things they like (20%) Things that help people best cope with the winter blues include talking with friends and family (46%), sleeping more (35%) and going outside (35%). The poll also showed a difference in wintertime mood changes between women and men. More women than men said their mood declines in the winter, 45% versus 37%. The end of Daylight Savings Time also has a greater impact on women, with 33% saying the “fall back” was bad for their mental health versus 26% of men. Rural residents also are more likely than city dwellers to feel the winter blues (46% versus 36%) and struggle with the time change (31% versus 24%). These winter blues are usually mild,…  read on >  read on >

Eating fewer burgers and steaks could pay big dividends for Mother Earth, and human health, by combatting climate change, a new study suggests. Small cutbacks in beef production among wealthy nations could remove 125 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, researchers report — an amount that exceeds the total number of global fossil fuel emissions for the past three years. That could be accomplished by cutting back beef farming back by just 13%, researchers reported Nov. 4 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Such a cutback would reduce the amount of land needed for cattle grazing, allowing forests to regrow on pastureland, researchers said. These forests would serve as a sponge for carbon dioxide emitted by cars and power plants, the study added. “We can achieve enormous climate benefits with modest changes to the total global beef production,” said Matthew Hayek, an assistant professor in New York University’s Department of Environmental Studies. “In many places, this regrowth could occur by seeds naturally dispersing and trees regrowing without any human involvement,” Hayek said in a university news release. “However, in some places, with especially degraded environments or soils, native and diverse tree-planting could accelerate forest restoration, giving regrowth a helping hand,” Hayek added. “This long-term regrowth would benefit the climate for decades to come, with significant regrowth and carbon capture beginning…  read on >  read on >

Women who are pregnant but who also have the ovarian cyst disorder polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are at higher odds of giving birth to an underweight baby, new Norwegian research shows. The risk rises even higher if the woman with PCOS is also obese, the study found. “In women of normal weight who have PCOS, we only find that their children have a lower birth weight compared to women who do not have PCOS,” noted study lead author Dr. Eszter Vanky. “It is the group of children born to mothers with obesity that stands out the most,” she added. “These babies have lower weight, shorter stature and a smaller head circumference. Obesity places an additional burden on mothers who have PCOS and their children.” Vanky is professor of clinical and molecular medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. PCOS is a common gynecologic disorder, affecting about 1 in every 8 women. It’s a hormonal condition that’s characterized by elevated levels of male hormones that can cause infrequent or irregular menstrual periods and the growth of small cysts on the ovaries. The new study looked at data on more than 70,000 children, 390 of who were born to women diagnosed with PCOS. Babies born to women with PCOS tended to have smaller birth weights, were shorter and had a smaller head circumference, compared…  read on >  read on >

Banning menthol cigarettes could help convince smokers quit the habit, a new study finds. People who prefer menthol cigarettes would rather buy nicotine gum or other nicotine replacement therapies than switch to traditional tobacco cigarettes, researchers reported recently in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. In addition, menthol cigarette smokers were less likely to use e-cigarettes as a substitute if menthol vaping products are also restricted, researchers found. “I think the most important conclusion from this study is that we can improve health outcomes by emphasizing policies that reduce sales of flavored products and increase accessibility of nicotine replacement therapies,” said researcher Roberta Freitas-Lemos, an assistant professor at the Virginia Tech Fralin Biomedical Research Institute. More than 9 million adults — about 32% of all smokers — use menthol cigarettes, researchers said in background notes. Menthol makes smoking easier by reducing the harshness of cigarette smoke and cooling the throat.  The Biden Administration has come under fire for delaying a proposed U.S. Food and Drug Administration ban on menthol cigarettes. In a September hearing before Congress, FDA leaders said a menthol ban is still in the works. “It’s a priority for us. We followed through rule-making processes and it’s presently with the White House and it continues to be a priority for us,” Brian King, director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, told a…  read on >  read on >

Women who’ve had concussions are more likely to suffer severe mental health problems following childbirth, a new study shows. A history of concussion increased a new mother’s risk of severe mental illness by 25%, after adjusting for other factors, Canadian researchers reported. “We found that individuals with a history of concussion were significantly more likely to experience serious mental health challenges, such as psychiatric emergency department visits or self-harm, in the years following childbirth,” said lead researcher Samantha Krueger, a registered midwife and doctoral candidate in health research methodology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. She conducted the study while at the the University of Toronto’s Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. For the study, researchers analyzed data on more than 750,000 pregnant women in Ontario between 2007 and 2017. These women’s mental health outcomes were tracked for up to 14 years following delivery. Among women with a history of concussion, 11% experienced severe mental illness. Only 7% of those without prior concussions developed severe mental disorders. The findings, published Nov. 4 in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, were particularly striking among women with no prior history of mental health problems. A history of concussion increased their risk of severe mental illness following delivery by 33%. “This association was especially strong for people with no prior mental health history, meaning that concussion may be…  read on >  read on >

Hillary Fisher thinks receiving weight-loss surgery as a teenager put her on the path to a better life. Fisher is one of 260 teens who participated in a long-term study which recently concluded that weight-loss surgery can bring lasting health benefits for obese teenagers. “It changed my life,” Fisher, now 31, said in a news release. “The improved health and self-esteem that came with the 100-pound weight loss were important to me and I would certainly do it again.” Fisher was not alone in her success: The surgery led to substantial and sustained weight loss for more than half of the study’s participants during a decade of follow-up, researchers reported Oct. 30 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The teens also had fewer obesity-related health problems in adulthood like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol, researchers report. “Our study presents impressive outcomes of the longest follow-up of weight-loss surgery during adolescence, which validates bariatric surgery as a safe and effective long-term obesity management strategy,” said lead investigator Justin Ryder, vice chair of research for the Department of Surgery at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Fisher decided to undergo the surgery at age 16. “I was crushed by the daily issues I faced due to my weight, health problems and bullying in high school,” Fisher said. “After many…  read on >  read on >

Smokers diagnosed with cancer often shrug and keep lighting up, figuring a few more butts won’t make much difference. They’re very mistaken, a new study finds. Smokers are 22% to 26% less likely to die if they quit following a cancer diagnosis, researchers found. The best outcomes occurred in patients who quit within six months of their cancer diagnosis and remained off the butts for at least three months, researchers reported Oct. 31 in the journal JAMA Oncology. “While smoking cessation is widely promoted across cancer centers for cancer prevention, it remains under-addressed by many oncologists in their routine care,” said principal investigator Paul Cinciripini, chair of behavioral science and executive director of the Tobacco Research and Treatment Program at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. “Our research underscores the critical role of early smoking cessation as a key clinical intervention for patients undergoing cancer treatment,” Cinciripini added in an MD Anderson news release. For the study, researchers followed more than 4,500 smokers who had been diagnosed with cancer and were in a quit smoking program at MD Anderson. Nearly all of the quit support was provided via telemedicine. Cancer patients who successfully abstained from smoking had an average survival of four years, compared with two years for those who couldn’t quit, results show. “This is a call to action for experts, regulatory…  read on >  read on >

If anxiety over this year’s presidential election is keeping you up at night, you’re not alone. About 17% of all U.S. adults — a striking 45 million Americans — say the election has negatively impacted their sleep, according to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation. These folks are sleeping less on the weekend and have poorer sleep quality overall, the survey found. The negative impact on sleep of the 2024 presidential election cut across all groups, including political party affiliation, results showed. “The dynamics of stressful societal events like elections and election day can adversely affect the public’s mood, and in turn sleep health, which is critical for health and well-being,” Joseph Dzierzewski, senior vice president for research and scientific affairs at the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), said in an NSF news release. “This reinforces the importance of addressing sleep health during periods of high stress.” Anxiety and sleeplessness can feed on each other, sleep experts say. People who are anxious get poorer sleep, and people who don’t sleep well are more prone to anxiety. People affected by the election are getting about 7 hours of sleep on the weekend, nearly a half hour less than those who say their sleep hasn’t been disturbed by politics, results showed. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being excellent and 5 being poor), those worried…  read on >  read on >

The COVID-19 pandemic appears to have created a nation of homebodies in the United States, a new study finds. People are spending nearly an hour less each day doing activities outside the home, researchers reported Oct. 31 in the Journal of the American Planning Association. In essence, not going out has become the “new normal” post-COVID, experts say. Since 2019, there’s been an overall drop of about 51 minutes in the daily time spent on out-of-home activities, researchers found. People also spend about 12 minutes less time on daily travel in cars or public transportation. This decrease in time spent away from home appears to be a lasting consequence of the pandemic, researchers said, and it will affect society on many levels. For example, cities will need to rethink their dependence on folks who commute in for their workdays, noted the researchers, who are urban planners. “In a world where cities cannot rely on captive office workers and must work to attract residents, workers and customers, local officials might seek to invest more heavily in their remaining strengths,” said lead study author Eric Morris, a professor of city and regional planning at Clemson University in South Carolina. “These include opportunities for recreation, entertainment, culture, arts and more,” Morris added in a journal news release. “Central cities might shift toward becoming centers of consumption more than…  read on >  read on >