(HealthDay News) — For the 27th day in a row, the rolling seven-day average for daily new coronavirus cases in the United States set another record on Sunday, climbing past 48,000 COVID-19 infections in just 24 hours. At the same time, coronavirus-related hospitalizations rose to their highest levels to date in Arizona and Nevada, the Washington Post reported. “We’re right back where we were at the peak of the epidemic during the New York outbreak,” former U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner Scott Gottlieb said Sunday on the CBS show, “Face the Nation,” the Post reported. “The difference now is that we really had one epicenter of spread when New York was going through its hardship, now we really have four major epicenters of spread: Los Angeles, cities in Texas, cities in Florida, and Arizona. And Florida looks to be in the worst shape.” On Sunday, new coronavirus cases in that state exceeded 10,000 in a day for the third time in the past week, after the state posted a record of 11,458 new cases on Saturday, the Post reported. More than 47,000 of Florida’s cases are in Miami-Dade county. “We’ve been breaking record after record after record . . . the last couple of weeks,” Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” Florida’s total caseload hit 200,000, a grim milestone only passed so…  read on >

Stressed from home-schooling your kids? Lonely from lockdown? Worried about a sick loved one isolated in a nursing home? Worried you might lose your job? The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone’s mental health in ways small and large, and experts are concerned that for many, today’s anxiety will become a tidal wave of mental health problems in the years ahead. The pandemic is adding to what already was an underrecognized mental health crisis in the United States, according to Dr. Don Mordecai, national mental health and wellness lead at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, Calif. Rates of anxiety and depression have steadily risen for years, as have deaths of despair related to suicide and drug overdose, he said during a HD Live! interview. “All those things have been going up for decades, really, and now you bring the pandemic in,” Mordecai said. “It’s not like we were in good shape in terms of our mental health and now it’s getting worse. It’s more like we were not in good shape, and then you bring in another big stressor.” Clinical psychologist Jelena Kecmanovic also is concerned about the toll of the anxiety-provoking changes to everyday life that people are enduring. “Anxiety is exhausting and terrifying,” said Kecmanovic, director of the Arlington/DC Behavior Therapy Institute in Arlington, Va. “If it is happening long enough, you’re going to…  read on >

As the United States reported yet another record-breaking number of new coronavirus cases on Thursday, public health officials warned that younger Americans now account for an ever-growing percentage of infections. In Arizona, where drive-up testing sites were being overwhelmed, nearly half of all cases are being seen in those aged 20 to 44, The New York Times reported. In Florida, which has been routinely breaking records for new cases in the past week, the median age of residents testing positive for the virus has dropped to 35, down from 65 in March. In Texas, where cases are soaring and hospitals are nearing capacity, young people now make up the majority of new cases in several urban areas, the newspaper said. “What is clear is that the proportion of people who are younger appears to have dramatically changed,” said Joseph McCormick, a professor of epidemiology at UTHealth School of Public Health in Brownsville, Texas, told the Times. “It’s really quite disturbing.” The troubling news came as the United States recorded nearly 40,000 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, the Washington Post reported. COVID-19 infections in the United States had been slowing since the prior record of 36,739 cases back on April 24, but case counts have roared back in recent weeks, the Times reported. Coronavirus cases are surging the most in the South and West. On Thursday,…  read on >

Happy couples apparently make good bedfellows. New research says that when happy couples sleep together, they tend to have more — and less disrupted — rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The REM phase of sleep is when you dream, and it’s been linked to emotion regulation, memory consolidation and creative problem-solving, the researchers said. “There is — even in the medical community — the notion that if you sleep with a partner, you might subjectively think that you slept well or better, but objectively, your sleep is more disturbed,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Henning Drews, a resident and post-doctoral scholar at the Center for Integrative Psychiatry in Kiel, Germany. But, he noted that the current study found that “if you want to share a bed with your partner, there is nothing to be said against it. It might even be very good for you.” For the study, 12 young, healthy couples between 18 and 29 years old volunteered to spend four nights in a sleep lab. They had been sleeping together most nights for at least three months. For two nights, the couples slept in different rooms. On another two nights, they slept together. Half of the group started apart, while the other half started the study together. Using polysomnography, the researchers simultaneously measured what went on during sleep in each partner. Polysomnography…  read on >

More and more U.S. states are allowing marijuana to be taken as medicine, and a new study suggests that users do indeed feel better. In a survey of nearly 1,300 people with chronic health conditions, researchers found that those using “medicinal cannabis” reported less pain, better sleep and reduced anxiety. They also tended to use fewer prescription medications and were less likely to have been to the hospital recently. A majority of U.S. states have made marijuana legal for medical or recreational use, and studies have looked at whether those laws are linked to increased marijuana use, car accidents or emergency room visits. But little research has examined the impact of legalization on the people who use medicinal cannabis, said senior study author Ryan Vandrey, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. The finding that cannabis users felt better than nonusers is not necessarily surprising, according to Vandrey. But it’s important to demonstrate it in a study, he said. The results do not prove, however, that medicinal cannabis is effective. It’s also unclear whether certain products were linked to particular benefits. Medicinal cannabis included not only formulations of THC — the chemical behind marijuana’s “high” — but also cannabidiol, or CBD, which does not create a high. Fifty-eight percent of users were taking “CBD-dominant” oils,…  read on >

Huge declines in patient visits during the coronavirus pandemic have slashed U.S. primary care doctors’ revenues, a new study finds. As a result of decreases in office visits and fees for services from March to May during the pandemic, a full-time primary care physician will lose an average of more than $65,000 in revenue in 2020. Overall, primary care practices nationwide stand to lose nearly $15 billion, according to the study led by a team from Harvard Medical School in Boston. “For many primary care practices, particularly those serving the most vulnerable populations, these losses could be catastrophic, with many practices being forced to close,” study author Dr. Sanjay Basu, a faculty affiliate at Harvard’s Center for Primary Care, said in a university news release. “This could weaken the U.S. health system dramatically at a time when we need it to be at its strongest.” Researchers warned that revenue losses would rise if there is a second wave of infection this year or reimbursement rates for telehealth visits return to pre-pandemic levels. Such losses could lead practices to close and worsen an existing shortage of primary care providers in the United States. “Our prior work shows that primary care saves lives, and loss of primary care practices will translate to lives lost across the United States,” said study co-author Dr. Russell Phillips, director of the…  read on >

If you’re having nightmares during these stressful times, rest easy: A sleep expert says it’s to be expected. “Your experiences and interactions during the day can affect your dreams, and right now many of us are spending time watching the news or reading articles that are downright scary,” said Jennifer Martin, a director of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. “It’s natural that the fears and stressors of daily life make their way into our dreams.” This is called dream incorporation, and it occurs when your real-life experiences show up in your dreams, she explained in an academy news release. Martin added that changes in sleep patterns — including fragmented sleep — can make people sleep less soundly, which means they remember more of their dreams. “Most of your dreams take place during the ‘rapid eye movement’ or REM sleep stage,” Martin said. “Typically, you’ll need to wake up during or shortly after a dream to remember it.” You can reduce disturbing dreams by getting a good night’s sleep, so Martin offered some tips. Have consistent times for going to sleep and waking up. Adults need seven or more hours a night on a regular basis for ideal health. Limit your exposure to stressful news near bedtime so you’re not dwelling on it as you try to doze off. For at least 30 minutes before…  read on >

Genetics play a major role in how affectionate women are, but the same does not hold true for men, new research shows. “When we measure people’s tendency to be affectionate and to receive affection from other people, almost without exception we find that women score higher than men,” said study leader Kory Floyd. He’s a professor in the University of Arizona’s department of communication, in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. For the new study, Floyd’s team assessed differences in the levels of affection expressed by 464 pairs of adult twins, aged 19 to 84. About half were identical twins and half were fraternal twins. In women, genes explain 45% of variability in affectionate behavior, while environmental influences such as the media, personal relationships and other unique life experiences explain 55% of the variability. However, genetics don’t seem to affect men’s levels of affectionate behavior. That seems to be solely influenced by environmental factors, according to the report published online recently in the journal Communication Monographs. It’s not known why affectionate behavior seems to be heritable in women but not men. However, previous research has shown that men tend to express less affection overall than women, Floyd said in a university news release. “The trait of being affectionate may be more adaptive for women in an evolutionary sense. There is some speculation that affectionate…  read on >

As the worldwide coronavirus case count passed 10 million and the death toll topped 500,000 on Sunday, 36 U.S. states continued to struggle with alarming spikes in COVID-19 infections. Experts cautioned that Florida could become the next epicenter for infections while Texas has seen record-breaking case counts and hospitalizations, CNN reported. Officials across the country are also warning of an increase in cases among younger people. Over the weekend, Florida shattered its previous records and reported 9,585 new cases on Saturday and 8,530 on Sunday, The New York Times reported. Six-hour lines formed in Jacksonville as thousands showed up to get drive-through tests. Orange County, home to Orlando, has seen an explosion of coronavirus: nearly 60 percent of all cases there have come in the past two weeks. Much of Florida’s surge in cases has followed the reopening of beaches, bars, restaurants and other social activities. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis blamed the increase on a “test dump,” largely from younger residents getting themselves tested for COVID-19. “I’m one of the people who contributed to the 9,000-person day,” said Ian Scott, a 19-year-old college sophomore in Orlando who tested positive on Friday. He told the Times he has no idea how he got it. “We’re seeing positive, positive, positive, positive,” he said. “My generation says: ‘Let’s get this over with. Let’s suck it up for two…  read on >

COVID-19 is being diagnosed in Hispanic communities at a disproportionately high rate, a new study of the Baltimore-Washington, D.C., area shows. Researchers found that among nearly 38,000 patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 at Johns Hopkins Health System, 16% were positive for the virus that causes COVID-19. That figure was much higher — almost 43% — among Hispanic patients, according to findings published online June 18 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The results come amid growing recognition of the toll that COVID-19 has taken on racial minorities in the United States. Data from states and cities have been revealing differences in who is contracting the virus and who is dying. But this is among the first published studies to measure the impact, said researcher Diego Martinez, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. The researchers found that while the Baltimore-D.C. area is not home to a large Hispanic population, those residents were testing positive for COVID-19 at a much higher rate. Of 4,169 Hispanic patients tested, nearly 43% were positive for the virus — compared to roughly 9% whites and 18% of Black patients. “The data corroborate what we’ve been seeing in the wards,” said co-researcher Dr. Kathleen Page, an associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins. As for the underlying reasons, the study cannot answer that. But doctors’…  read on >