A study of nearly 200 poor women living in the St. Louis area found that two out of three had to go without feminine hygiene products at least once over the prior year, due to cost. About one-fifth — 21 percent — said this happened on a monthly basis, and nearly half said they often had to make tough choices between buying food or period-related products. The findings add fuel to demands by women’s groups across the United States to ban sales taxes on feminine hygiene products. There are also calls to make such products available through programs such as the federal Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC). “Adequate menstrual hygiene management is not a luxury,” according to researchers led by Anne Sebert Kuhlmann, of Saint Louis University. “It is a basic need for all women and should be regarded as a basic women’s right,” the team reported. “Our failure to meet these biological needs for all women in the United States is an affront to their dignity, and barrier to their full participation in the social and economic life of our country.” Kuhlmann stressed that a lack of pads or tampons can have real health consequences for poor women. The threat mounts even higher when mothers and daughters are in this situation together. “The cost of buying menstrual hygiene products for multiple women in…  read on >

Carrying extra pounds isn’t just bad for humans: New research indicates dogs’ lives may be significantly shorter if they’re overweight. The study, which evaluated data from more than 50,000 dogs across 12 of the most popular breeds, found that the life span of overweight dogs was up to 2.5 years shorter than that of normal-weight canines. “We know that in people, there’s a higher risk of mortality if they have obesity, so in many respects this is not surprising,” said study author Dr. Alexander German. He’s a professor of small animal medicine at University of Liverpool in England. “A two-and-a-half year shortening of the life span may not seem a huge amount, but when we convert to human terms, we’re probably looking at between 10 and 15 years of shortened life span, which is considerable,” German added. Nearly half of American households include a dog, along with more than a quarter of British households, according to study documents. An estimated 1 in 3 dogs and cats in the United States is overweight. Prior research indicates that overweight or obese dogs face higher risks of chronic diseases such as orthopedic problems, diabetes and certain types of cancer. As in people, obesity has been established as a contributor to these conditions, as well as to heart disease and high blood pressure. German and his colleagues combed through…  read on >

When children are having suicidal thoughts, their parents may often be in the dark, a new study shows. The study included more than 5,000 kids, aged 11 to 17, and one parent for each child. Researchers found that among the children, 8 percent said they had contemplated suicide at some time. But only half of their parents were aware of it. The same gap showed up when researchers looked at the issue from a different angle: Around 8 percent of parents said their child had ever thought about suicide. Almost half the time, the child denied it, according to findings published online Jan. 14 in Pediatrics. It all points to a “pretty substantial disagreement” between parents’ and kids’ reports, said study leader Jason Jones, a research scientist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In cases where parents are unaware of their child’s struggles, one reason may simply be that the signs were not obvious, according to Jones. “It’s often difficult to know what’s going on in someone else’s mind,” he said. That’s not to say there are no warning signs of suicide risk, Jones pointed out. Some of those red flags include withdrawal from friends, family and activities; sleeping too much or too little; irritable or aggressive behavior; and giving away possessions, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Still, it can be tough for…  read on >

Two-thirds of gay fathers have felt the pain of social stigma, and they have encountered that stigma most often in religious settings, a new survey shows. “We were not surprised that stigma is still experienced by gay fathers,” said study author Dr. Ellen Perrin. “But we did not expect so much stigma to be experienced in religious settings.” In an anonymous survey of 732 American gay fathers spread across 47 states, researchers found that 63.5 percent said they had been shamed, hurt, excluded or made to feel uncomfortable in the prior year. Nearly one in five said their children had at times shied away from socializing out of anxiety that they would also encounter social stigma. The survey also found that more than one-third of gay dads came up against social stigma at religious gatherings, making it the most common place where they were made to feel uncomfortable or shunned as parents. Perrin, a professor of developmental-behavioral pediatrics with the Floating Hospital for Children and Tufts University’s School of Medicine in Boston, stressed the findings were solely a snapshot of how stigma plays out among today’s gay fathers. Nor would she venture a guess as to whether the degree of stigma being experienced by gay fathers today is also felt by lesbian parents. “In general, some people think that there is more stigma about gay…  read on >

The number of parks, libraries and natural resources in the state where you reside might have a great deal to do with how happy you are. New research suggests that Americans who live where more money is spent on these “public goods” are happier than their counterparts in other states. “Public goods are things you can’t exclude people from using — and one person using them doesn’t stop another from doing so,” explained study author Patrick Flavin. He’s an associate professor of political science at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. “They’re typically not profitable to produce in the private market, so if the government doesn’t provide them, they will either be under-provided or not at all,” he added in a university news release. Other types of public goods include highways and police protection, the researchers said. In the study, Flavin and his colleagues analyzed data on more than 26,000 Americans’ self-reported levels of happiness collected between 1976 and 2006. While the study only found an association between happiness and public goods, higher spending on these goods make communities “more livable, with more amenities,” Flavin said. “If roads are completed and kept up, so that people aren’t stuck in traffic, they have more time to do things they enjoy doing. Large parks are social spaces — and one clear finding of happiness studies is that people…  read on >

Getting kids to try new foods can become a daily showdown. One promising approach: expose babies early on to varied tastes and textures. Researchers in Brisbane, Australia, found that food experiences when just 14 months old can influence the eating habits that children will exhibit at age 3. And introducing a variety of fruits and vegetables and other types of foods early on is key to a better diet quality later on. The result: A child who eats more than just chicken fingers and cheese sticks. For the purpose of the study, the children were exposed to 55 different food items. The researchers found that having a great number of vegetables, fruits and other foods at age 14 months predicted more varied food preferences, higher food intake and less fussiness when the children’s eating habits were re-evaluated at 3.7 years of age. Babies can start eating solid food at about 6 months. Once they reach this milestone, don’t hesitate to offer a wide variety of healthy foods in a variety of textures. Ask your pediatrician for guidelines if you’re unsure of the best foods or how to prepare them. Your baby may already show a preference for one or two foods, but don’t let his or her responses deter you — keep introducing others. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it can take up…  read on >

You know how important fiber is for overall health, making meals more filling and staying “regular.” But did you know that children need their fair share of fiber, too? And for the same reasons. How much is enough? In general, the U.S. Institute of Medicine states that monitoring fiber intake should start early in life, and by their teen years, kids need nearly as much fiber as adults. Grams of Fiber by Age: Ages 1-3: 19 g. Ages 4-8: 25 g. Ages 9-13: 26 g for girls, 31 g for boys. Ages 14-18: 26 g for girls, 38 g for boys. The American Academy of Pediatrics says to remember the number 5 — make sure kids eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day plus other good sources of fiber, like whole grains. The nutrition facts panel on packaged foods can help you make fiber-rich choices. If a food claims to be a good source of fiber, the fiber grams will be listed under carbohydrates. “Excellent” sources have 5 or more grams of fiber per serving. “Good” sources have at least 3 grams. While whole grains make healthier choices than refined ones, some have more fiber than others. For instance, whole-grain wheat has more than whole-grain brown rice or oats. Also, the amount of fiber in the same grain can vary by…  read on >

Research confirms that a good sex life is a key to strong feelings of intimacy and satisfaction for both partners in a relationship. Yet for many, sex goes by the wayside, often because of life’s demands, from the boss at the office to the kids at home. Responsibilities can leave you feeling drained and longing for nothing more than a solitary soak in a warm tub at day’s end. But experts warn that physical intimacy shouldn’t be sacrificed, because it not only helps you stay connected to your significant other, it also leaves you feeling more alive and youthful. Start by taking care of yourself — your health has a direct relationship on your sex life. If you work outside the home, leave work stress at the office. Don’t sabotage sexual desire by worrying about work all night. Resist the old-fashioned thinking that once you’re a parent, you’re no longer a sexual being. Set bedtimes for your kids and make sure they’re adhered to so that you and your partner can have “alone time.” Disconnect from your computers, cellphones and other gadgets early in the evening so that you can focus on time with your partner, even if it doesn’t always lead to sex. Resist the temptation to check your work email before bed — most problems can wait until morning. If your sex life…  read on >

Tainted food, trash-filled parklands and even hungry kids: Public health could be increasingly at risk as the U.S. government shutdown drags into its 21st day, experts say. Crucial inspections intended to protect Americans have either been curtailed or are not being performed because the responsible federal workers have been furloughed, said Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association. “We have a very refined regulatory process which protects people from known and unknown hazards,” Benjamin said. These inspections are designed to protect people against threats like tainted drugs, foodborne illnesses and water contamination, he explained. “Even though we have a system that’s pretty good, things fall through,” Benjamin said, noting the frequency of drug recalls, foodborne disease outbreaks and polluted drinking water. “And that’s when we’re running on all cylinders, everyone’s funded, everyone’s at work,” he added. Large sections of the government have been shut down since late last month. President Donald Trump is insisting on government funding of more than $5 billion to start building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border; Democrats have refused to fork over the money. Congress already has passed five of its major appropriations bills, which fund about three-quarters of the government. The shutdown hasn’t affected the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Veterans…  read on >

Deadly lung attacks may be averted in some COPD patients with a daily dose of vitamin D, new research suggests. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, includes a number of lung conditions, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Nearly all COPD deaths are due to a sudden worsening of symptoms (lung attacks), often triggered by viral upper respiratory infections, the researchers explained. “New treatments are urgently needed to prevent COPD attacks. Our study shows that giving supplements to vitamin D-deficient COPD patients nearly halves their rate of potentially fatal attacks,” said lead researcher Adrian Martineau, a professor at Queen Mary University of London. In the study, Martineau and his colleagues analyzed data from 469 COPD patients from three clinical trials, which took place in the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands. Taking vitamin D supplements was associated with a 45 percent reduction in lung attacks among patients who were deficient in vitamin D, but there was no reduction among patients with higher vitamin D levels, the investigators found. The study was published Jan. 10 in the journal Thorax. Vitamin D supplementation is safe and inexpensive, Martineau noted. “So this is a potentially highly cost-effective treatment that could be targeted at those who have low vitamin D levels following routine testing,” he said in a university news release. “Around a fifth of COPD patients in the U.K.…  read on >