Pot is increasingly replacing cigarettes and alcohol as the first drug of choice among young Americans, researchers have found. Boys, black Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics and multi-racial Americans were the most likely to turn to marijuana before other recreational drugs, the new report suggests. For the study, the investigators analyzed nationwide surveys done between 2004 and 2014 that assessed drug use among 275,000 American boys and girls aged 12 to 21. “We also observed a significant increase in youth abstaining from substance use altogether, which rose from 36 percent to 46 percent, and therefore, it is unclear the degree to which increases in those initiating marijuana first could be due to youth abstaining or delaying cigarettes,” said study author Brian Fairman. He’s a researcher with the U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The concern is that studies have shown that young Americans whose first recreational drug is marijuana are more likely to end up becoming heavy users, the study authors noted. The report was published online recently in the journal Prevention Science. According to Fairman, the findings also suggest that American Indian/Alaska Natives and black youth are important targets for prevention programs, because these groups are less likely to have access to drug treatment or successful treatment outcomes. “To the degree these trends continue and greater numbers of youth start with marijuana…  read on >

If mindless eating can put on the pounds, it stands to reason that mindful eating can help with diet success. In fact, studies show that “eating-focused” mindfulness can bring significant changes in weight, in how you approach food, and even in psychological well-being. This makes it especially helpful for binge eaters, but it’s also good for anyone whose first reaction to stress or any uncomfortable emotion is to reach for food. The goal of mindfulness is to help you develop a greater awareness of true hunger and the feeling of fullness, and to identify and work through the various triggers that lead to unnecessary eating. One simple way to apply the principles of mindfulness it to keep an eating diary. Whether in a traditional journal or through a food tracking app, you want to write down not just what you’re eating but also why you’re eating — are you hungry or just bored or stressed? To delve deeper into the practice of mindful eating, your options range from books for self-starters to training through mindfulness-based weight loss programs with weekly group meetings. These meetings can include one or more forms of meditation as well as mindful-eating homework so you can put into action what you learn in class. As with any technique designed to change behavior, the more effort you put in between sessions, the…  read on >

Your blood mght be a thirst quencher for mosquitoes during a drought. A new study found that while female mosquitoes need the protein in blood to lay eggs, they also bite you to stay hydrated. According to the research team from the University of Cincinnati, learning more about how often these insects need to drink blood in dry conditions could lead to new ways to fight mosquito-borne diseases. These diseases include malaria, West Nile virus, yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika and Eastern equine encephalitis. “It makes sense,” said study co-author Elise Didion, a biology student. “We find the highest transmission rates of West Nile virus during droughts because mosquitoes may use blood meals to replace the water they lose,” she said in a university news release. Biology professor Joshua Benoit added that the findings will “make for better modeling for when disease outbreaks occur. When it’s dry, it might be easier for a mosquito to locate a host than limited supplies of water or nectar.” Benoit said mosquitoes don’t often seek a blood meal when they have ample water and hydration. “Normally only 5 or 10 percent of female mosquitoes will feed at any time, depending on the species,” he said. “Dehydration has a big impact on whether they feed normally or not.” In the lab, his team found dehydration led up to 30 percent…  read on >

People with heart failure who are socially isolated are more likely to be hospitalized or die prematurely than those who feel connected to others, new research suggests. The study authors said screening heart failure patients to identify those who lack social support might help to improve outcomes. Previous studies have shown that social isolation may increase the risk of depression and anxiety. For the latest study, researchers examined the effects of isolation on risk of death and use of medical care. The investigators asked nearly 1,700 heart failure patients if they were lonely or if they felt socially isolated. The participants, who lived in southeastern Minnesota, had an average age of 73 years. Most were white and slightly more than half were men. Roughly 6 percent of the patients said that they felt socially isolated, according to the report. Compared to those who felt socially connected, those who said they were isolated had a 3.7 times greater risk of early death, a 1.7 times greater risk of hospitalization, and a 1.6 times greater risk of visiting the emergency department, the findings showed. “Our study found a patient’s sense of feelings of loneliness or isolation may contribute to poor prognosis in heart failure,” said the study’s senior author, Lila Rutten. She is a professor of health services research at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. “Health…  read on >

There’s preliminary research suggesting that abuse or neglect in childhood might have an effect on the quality of a man’s sperm. The study was small and can’t prove cause and effect. But researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston say it points to a way in which stress early in a man’s life might be passed on to his children. The finding is based on a survey of 28 men who completed questionnaires that assessed the degree to which they had been exposed to physical, verbal or sexual abuse, and/or physical or emotional neglect. In turn, investigators analyzed each man’s ejaculate to assess the status of two key gene regulators found in sperm. Such regulators are known as “miRNAs” — bits of genetic code that control how specific DNA is or is not activated. The new research was led by Larry Feig, a professor of developmental, molecular and chemical biology at Tufts. His team found that levels of the miRNAs in question were 300 times lower among men who experienced the most early life abuse, compared with those men who had experienced the least amount of abuse. In mice, the miRNAs in question are known to be connected to levels of anxiety and “sociability defects” in the female offspring of affected males. Studies in mice have also connected the miRNAs to embryonic development…  read on >

For some people who struggle with weight gain, their body’s responses to delicious food may be working against them. In a new study, obese people who had trouble keeping weight loss at bay salivated more and had a steeper increase in their heart rate when presented with a tempting pizza, compared to folks without such struggles. “Our findings reveal a marked difference in physiological reactivity to food depending on weight-loss history,” said a European team of researchers led by Leonie Balter, from the University of Birmingham School of Psychology in England. One U.S. expert said there are strategies to work around these responses, however. “Eating can trigger the release of dopamine, a hormone associated with pleasure,” explained Dr. Allison Barrett, who directs weight-loss surgery at Long Island Jewish Forest Hills Hospital in Forest Hills, N.Y. “In order to lose weight, patients need to learn to control that response to food and find other outlets to generate those happy hormones, such as exercise or social interaction,” Barrett said. In the study, Balter and colleagues analyzed the saliva production and heart rate of a group of people exposed to a tempting pizza. The participants averaged just under 30 years of age and were divided into three different groups based on their weight. Twenty of the participants used to be obese but had kept the weight off, 25…  read on >

Do you put off until tomorrow things you should do today? Or tell yourself that you work better “under pressure”? If you’re a procrastinator, you’re probably a master at making excuses rather than making plans to get the job done. A study done at the Universities of Southern California and Michigan found that putting an end to procrastination is as simple as changing your time frame to make the task seem more imminent. For instance, saving for your child’s college education or your own retirement is easy to put off if you see it as years away. But if you give yourself a shorter deadline — months rather than years — you’re more likely to start that nest egg now. Researchers say this approach helps you feel more connected to the goal. You can apply this simple shift in deadline to any task, such as a work presentation due in two weeks or a tag sale you have planned for next month. Change the due date to this week and you’ll be more motivated to get started. Another key is gaining self-awareness. Ask yourself what you’re trying to avoid and why. Some people procrastinate because they’re afraid of failing and might benefit from getting outside help. There are even classes that teach you how to overcome procrastination. If you simply feel overwhelmed by the size…  read on >

Depression in the man may reduce the chances that a couple struggling with infertility will ultimately conceive, new research suggests. Depression among women was not linked to lower conception rates, the study authors said. But women being treated for infertility who also took a type of antidepressant known as non-selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (non-SSRIs) were found to have more than triple the risk of first-trimester miscarriage, compared to women not using those medications. By contrast, the class of antidepressants known as SSRIs was not linked to any miscarriage risk. The findings are from an analysis of two infertility treatment studies that also screened couples for depression. Together, the studies included about 3,200 men and women. None was using in vitro fertilization procedures at the time. Just over 2 percent of the men and about 6 percent of the women had active major depression. “Our study provides infertility patients and their physicians with new information to consider when making treatment decisions,” said study author Dr. Esther Eisenberg. She made her comments in a news release from the U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), which funded the study. Eisenberg is a medical officer with the fertility and infertility branch of the NICHD. She and her colleagues detailed their findings in the May edition of the journal Fertility and Sterility. While the study found…  read on >

The #MeToo movement has shone the spotlight on sexual harassment in the workplace, but a new survey shows most U.S. employers aren’t tackling the issue. The movement “has given business leaders an opportunity to finally take real action addressing a complex problem that has been pervasive for generations,” said survey author David Ballard. He is director of the American Psychological Association’s Center for Organizational Excellence. “Our survey — as well as anecdotal reports — shows that too few employers are making comprehensive efforts that can have significant impact,” Ballard added in a news release from the association. Ballard’s team conducted an online poll of just over 1,500 U.S. adults who had full- or part-time jobs or were self-employed. The poll showed that workers were now more likely to report sexual harassment, but many of their employers weren’t doing more to address the issue. Only 32 percent of these workers said their employer had implemented new measures to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace. The survey, published May 15, showed that most companies simply issued reminders about sexual harassment training or resources that were already in place. The survey found that only 10 percent of U.S. workers gained access to additional training or resources related to sexual harassment since the #MeToo movement began. Just 8 percent of workers said their company implemented tougher sexual harassment…  read on >

Ordering an appetizer rather than an entree can be the answer to enjoying restaurant meals without busting your calorie budget. The trick is to ask for yours to be served when everyone else gets their main course so you’re not just left watching your dining companions enjoying their meal. If they’re ordering appetizers, make yours a green salad with dressing on the side — a healthy and filling way to start any meal. Even though you’re ordering a scaled down “entree,” you still need to choose carefully. Think seafood, a low-calorie protein that’s on most appetizer menus. At a steakhouse, shrimp cocktail or a seafood tower is a great choice. At a French or Spanish restaurant, try steamed mussels or clams. Going out for Mexican? Go for nutrient-dense, heart-healthy guacamole, but instead of dipping in with greasy chips, order a small plate of raw vegetables like red pepper strips and carrots. At Middle Eastern and Mediterranean restaurants, try a traditional cucumber-and-tomato-based chopped salad with a small portion of feta cheese or a single lamb kebob. For Italian fare, grilled and marinated antipasto with peppers, mushrooms and olives is tasty and filling. Asian cuisines, from Chinese to Thai to Vietnamese, feature clear soups with vegetables and lean meat or seafood for a hearty meal. Avoid dumplings because they’re mostly dough. When the urge for Japanese food…  read on >