oversharingSocial media makes it extremely easy for a person to develop a heightened sense of self-importance wherein they believe others care a lot more about their lives and opinions than they really do.

I call these people over-sharers. Pew even did research on them, and apparently 36 percent of Facebook users are totally over oversharing.

And here are nine subclasses of their ilk. If you’re one of these guys, check yourself before your friends and followers start dropping like flies.

The Too-Many-Selfies Poster: If you’re wondering if you take and share too many selfies, then the answer is yes. It’s vaguely annoying when women constantly post them, but when guys do it it’s downright awkward. The vast majority of selfies are shared so that people can get attention based on their looks or new haircut or outfit while also not having any friends around to take a picture for them. Guys posting selfies come off as vain and lonely, even more so than women do.

The Religious Zealot: I’m on the record as mostly anti-religion, so this probably annoys me more than it does most people, but Facebook is really not the place you want to be spouting off about your religious beliefs. I mean, believe what you want, but there’s no point in posting about it. Never in the history of the world has somebody been like “Yeah so John from Western Ohio posted this status the other day about how evolution isn’t real and now that’s totally what I believe with all my heart,” or “I found out on Facebook the other day that god hates gays, and so yeah, now I do too!” If you’re asking yourself whether people have been scoffing at your “Jesus Saves” posts, then yes—they definitely are.

Politics Guy: Much like The Religious Zealot, the debates you attempt to start about politics are not going to do much of anything. Facebook is not where you’re going to change a person’s mind about much of anything, especially political leanings.

The Do-Gooder: If you’re volunteering or helping mankind in some way, it’s alright to pat yourself on the back, but take it easy on the pictures you post of you holding children in impoverished countries or feeding a cat at a shelter or whatever it is you’re doing that is an inherently good deed. Otherwise people are going to think you’re just doing it for recognition…

The Person Who Asks for Things: If you’ve ever posted something like “OMG I’ve had the longest day ever. Can somebody pleaseeee bring me a Frosty?” you should slap yourself in the face and then make a solemn promise to yourself that you will never do it again.

The Mundane Activity Sharer: I just had to de-friend a guy because he posted a selfie letting us know he was about to play some Call of Duty. Then I had to defriend his mom because she commented that his hair was too long by saying “u look gay. ur a man, cut it. [sic].” Just because the Internet is space infinite doesn’t mean you have to live blog your every move an encourage your mother’s bigotry and inability to spell.

Food Photographer: Unless you’re a food blogger, you should be sparse with the pictures you take and share of meals you’re going to eat, especially if you’re not the person who prepared them. I honestly don’t get that upset about this, but people always seem really angry about food pictures.

The Troll: If you’re always ripping on people and being mean, you’re doing social media wrong. I went to college with this kid nobody liked who likes to jump onto Facebook and say mean stuff to people for seemingly no reason other than he wants some sort of response. I suppose you can understand why nobody liked him.

The Happy Relationship Over-sharer: You know, if I had a beautiful girlfriend I was making out with all the time, I would spend much less time posting stuff online. I’d be enjoying that ass in real life, you know what I mean? We’re happy that you’re happy, but you don’t need to rub it in everybody’s face by posting pictures of you and your significant other making out or being gross and engaged.
