One might expect identical twins to have the same health outcomes. But it’s not just genetics that makes a notable difference in their weight and in how their genes behave, according to a new study. Exercise can alter genetic markers of metabolic disease — any of the diseases or disorders that disrupt normal metabolism. The study could help explain exercise’s key role in health. “The findings provide a molecular mechanism for the link between physical activity and metabolic disease,” explained study co-author Michael Skinner, a biologist at Washington State University, in Pullman. Scientists have previously found that a majority of identical twins develop different diseases as they get older, even though they have the same genes. Epigenetics — the study of how your behaviors and environment affect the day-to-day function of genes — may explain that, Skinner said. “Physical exercise is known to reduce the susceptibility to obesity, but now it looks like exercise through epigenetics is affecting a lot of cell types, many of them involved in metabolic disease,” he noted in a university news release. For this study, the researchers swabbed the cheeks of 70 pairs of identical twins, who also participated in an exercise study through the Washington State Twin Registry. The team, led by registry director Glen Duncan, collected data on the twins at several different points between 2012 and 2019.… read on >