Testosterone replacement therapy is safe for most men with heart problems who also have been diagnosed with a low testosterone disorder, a new clinical trial has concluded. The trial found that testosterone replacement did not raise these patients’ incidence of heart attack, stroke or heart-related death in a group of men with both heart problems and hypogonadism — a condition in which low testosterone levels have led to specific health problems. “For men with heart disease or at risk for heart disease, taking testosterone — when given in appropriate doses and carefully monitored — did not increase the risk of heart-related events like heart attack, stroke or death from heart-related causes,” said senior researcher Dr. Steve Nissen, chair of cardiovascular medicine with the Cleveland Clinic. However, researchers warn the results are not a green light for “Low-T Centers” to tout testosterone replacement for any healthy man, including those whose levels of the male hormone are declining naturally with age. “My nightmare really is that we’ll see ads on television that say, ‘Cleveland Clinic says that testosterone is safe. Now, come on in and we’ll give you your testosterone.’ That’s not a good outcome from this study,” Nissen said. The trial also identified certain health risks with testosterone replacement therapy that should be taken into account before prescribing the treatment, Nissen added. “There are some people… read on > read on >