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Depression during pregnancy may be linked to heart disease as soon as two years later, new research suggests. This is true even when patients don’t have high blood pressure during pregnancy, the research team reports April 19 in the Journal of the American Heart Association. “We need to use pregnancy as a window to future health,” said lead study author Dr. Christina Ackerman-Banks, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology-maternal fetal medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. “Complications during pregnancy, including prenatal depression, impact long-term cardiovascular health,” she said in a journal news release. “The postpartum period provides an opportunity to counsel and screen people for cardiovascular disease in order to prevent these outcomes.” About 20% of women experience depression during pregnancy, the researchers noted. They shouldn’t panic as the study doesn’t prove a direct cause-and-effect relationship between depression and heart disease, only an association. Researchers found the most significant association was between depression and ischemic heart disease (narrowed arteries), with depressed women having an 83% higher risk of developing the condition within two years of delivery than those without a depression diagnosis. When arteries are narrowed, less blood and oxygen reach the heart muscle. This can lead to heart attack, the American Heart Association explains. “I recommend that anyone diagnosed with prenatal depression be aware of the implications on…  read on >  read on >

Summer is almost here, and its arrival brings opportunities for many people – including those who suffer with allergies and asthma — to plan vacations away from home. A recent article titled “Allergies don’t take a vacation” in Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology encourages those with allergies and asthma to consider their conditions and consult with their allergist before embarking on a vacation to ensure maximum good health and opportunities for enjoyment while away from home. Annals is the scientific journal of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. The article stressed that advance preparation for a vacation can ease the anxiety allergy and asthma patients sometimes face with the idea of being away from home and their regular care. Simple measures can make the vacation run more smoothly — like making sure prescriptions are up to date and filled so that you don’t run out while traveling. Consider bringing extra medications to use as needed for exacerbations of your allergic disease. It is also good to have your allergist’s contact information and research the location of pharmacies near to where you’ll be staying. Those with hay fever or nasal allergies have different concerns than those with asthma or food allergies or eczema. Consider the following tips, depending on which allergic condition you suffer with: Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (nasal and eye allergies) Consider a…  read on >  read on >

While joint reconstruction surgeries are fairly common, they may be anything but routine for people with sickle cell disease. Patients with the blood disorder who undergo total knee replacement are at a higher risk for complications than other patients, according to a new large-scale study. “SCD patients undergoing total knee replacement need a multidisciplinary approach and may be better served in specialized centers capable of caring for these complex medical patients,” said study author Dr. Senthil Sambandam, an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. “These patients have a higher risk of postoperative complications requiring the involvement of various specialists including nephrologists, pulmonologists and hematologists,” he explained in a UT Southwestern news release. Skeletal and arthritic issues are common among sickle cell patients. About 100,000 people in the United States have the disease. As the life expectancy for these patients has increased over the years, so has the proportion of those needing joint reconstruction. Researchers studied this using the National Inpatient Sample database to identify patients who underwent total knee replacement between 2016 and 2019. The team divided patients into two groups: those with sickle cell disease and those without. More than 558,000 patients had this surgery. Less than 1% — 493 — were known to have sickle cell disease. A greater proportion of them were younger, male…  read on >  read on >

Seniors and people with weakened immune systems can get another booster dose of the bivalent COVID vaccine this spring, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday. Seniors age 65 and older can get a booster at least four months following their first dose of the bivalent vaccine, which protects against both the original and Omicron strains of COVID, the FDA said. People with weakened immune systems can get a booster at least two months after their last vaccine dose, based on their doctor’s judgment, the agency added. “COVID-19 continues to be a very real risk for many people. We are therefore encouraging everyone to consider staying current with vaccination,” Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said during a Tuesday morning media briefing. COVID continues to be linked to about 1,300 deaths each week, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention. The FDA announcement was part of an overall effort to simplify the COVID vaccine schedule for Americans, the agency said. In its Tuesday announcement, the FDA also rescinded its emergency use authorization for the original Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines, which are credited with saving tens of millions of lives during the pandemic. Only the bivalent vaccines will be available going forward, the FDA said. Adults and children who’ve only gotten the original vaccine…  read on >  read on >

Taking vitamins may drain your wallet without helping your health, yet a new government survey shows most American adults take them, as do about one-third of children. Researchers who were led by Suruchi Mishra, from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, found vitamin use was common from 2017 to March 2020, prior to the pandemic when vitamin use may have even increased. “It’s promoted as a natural product. It’s promoted as something that is different than what you’re going to get from your doctor, and the notion is that there’s no side effects because it’s all natural, and therefore it can only do good and can never do harm,” Dr. Paul Offit, a doctor at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told CNN. “You can’t beat that,” added Offit, who is also the author of Do You Believe in Magic? Vitamins, Supplements, and All Things Natural: A Look Behind the Curtain. In reality, there is “insufficient evidence” to recommend for or against taking a multivitamin with folic acid, antioxidant combination vitamins or individual supplements for vitamins A, C or E to prevent cancer or heart disease in someone who is healthy but not pregnant, according to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). An exception may be vitamin D: Offit said it is thought to improve bone health by helping the body absorb calcium and phosphorous.…  read on >  read on >

Could taxing soda cut down on the consumption of sugary drinks? That’s exactly what happened when a local “soda tax” was launched in Oakland, Calif., according to researchers from the University of California, San Francisco. Purchases of sugar-sweetened beverages dropped nearly 27% between July 2017 and December 2019, after the one-cent-per-ounce tax began. “These results suggest SSB [sugar-sweetened beverage] taxes can meaningfully improve diet and health and generate substantial cost savings over a sustained period of time, all of which support the case for a national tax on SSBs,” said senior study author Dr. Dean Schillinger, a UCSF professor of medicine and a co-chair of the National Clinical Care Commission (NCCC), formed by Congress to advise on diabetes policy. The NCCC has recommended a national tax on sugary beverages. “The American Beverage Association cornered the California legislature into passing the law barring further SSB taxes in our state. Voters now have evidence that allowing such taxes can yield significant benefits to society, and we hope that legislators at the state and national level act on these findings,” Schillinger said in an UCSF news release. Schillinger was referring to a prohibition on new soda taxes enacted by California state legislators about five years ago. Existing taxes in the California cities of Oakland, San Francisco, Berkeley and Albany were grandfathered in. To study the impact of the…  read on >  read on >

Poverty is the fourth-greatest cause of death in the United States, according to new research. Researchers at the University of California, Riverside estimate that poverty was associated with 183,000 deaths in 2019 among people 15 years and older. And that’s a conservative estimate, they say, because the year was just prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Poverty kills as much as dementia, accidents, stroke, Alzheimer’s and diabetes,” said David Brady, the study’s lead author and a UCR professor of public policy. “Poverty silently killed 10 times as many people as all the homicides in 2019. And yet, homicide firearms and suicide get vastly more attention,” he added in a university news release. People living in poverty have incomes less than 50% of the U.S. median income, the researchers noted. (In 2021, the median household income was $70,784 per household, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.) Impoverished Americans have roughly the same survival rates as richer folks until they hit their 40s. Then they die at significantly higher rates, according to the study. The analysis found that only heart disease, cancer, and smoking kill more people than poverty. Deaths related to obesity, diabetes, drug overdoses, suicides, firearms and homicides were all fewer than deaths associated with poverty. Researchers analyzed income data from the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan and death data from household…  read on >  read on >

Striking a better work-life balance might make you a more effective manager on the job, according to a new study. A survey of managers and their employees found that bosses who could shut off after-work emails, calls and job-related stress had greater success guiding underlings to meet work goals. “We found that when leaders psychologically detached from work when at home — they did not actively think about work-related issues, but instead engaged in activities that allowed them to disconnect and recharge — they felt more energized the next day at work, in ways that made them more effective as rated by their direct reports,” said study lead author Klodiana Lanaj. Managers who were best able to distinguish between their work life and their home life ended up “rated as more transformational and powerful by their subordinates,” said Lanaj, an associate professor of management at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business. “In contrast, on days when leaders kept ruminating about negative aspects of their work while at home, they felt more drained the next day at work, and were less transformational and powerful,” she added. Lanaj and her colleagues in 2019 surveyed 73 full-time work managers/leaders, including human resources managers, directors of finance, general managers and/or chief engineers. Nearly 6 in 10 were women, and the majority were white, with an average age…  read on >  read on >

Most cases of type 2 diabetes can be linked to making poor food choices, a new study finds. Researchers from Tufts University in Boston linked poor diet to 14 million cases of type 2 diabetes — about 70% of new diagnoses globally — in 2018. The biggest impact came from insufficient intake of whole grains, too much refined rice and wheat, and overconsumption of processed meat. “Our study suggests poor carbohydrate quality is a leading driver of diet-attributable type 2 diabetes globally, and with important variation by nation and over time,” said study co-author Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, a professor of nutrition and dean for policy at Tufts’ School of Nutrition Science and Policy. “These new findings reveal critical areas for national and global focus to improve nutrition and reduce devastating burdens of diabetes,” Mozaffarian said in a Tufts news release. In type 2 diabetes, the body’s cells are resistant to insulin, a hormone necessary to convert the food you eat into fuel for the body. The scientists looked at data from 1990 and 2018, using a research model of dietary intake in 184 countries that was developed at Tufts. All of the countries studied saw an increase in type 2 diabetes cases during that time frame. Poor diet is causing a larger proportion of total type 2 diabetes incidence in men versus women, in younger…  read on >  read on >

With so many American kids and teens dealing with depression or anxiety, pediatricians are increasingly stepping in as mental health care providers. Now, a new study suggests they are doing a decent job — but too few kids are being referred for talk therapy. Researchers found that in cases where a pediatrician prescribed medication for a child’s depression or anxiety, it was by and large appropriately done. Of kids who later saw a mental health specialist, few had their medication adjusted — a sign, experts said, that the original prescription was right. On the other hand, the study found, only one-third of kids prescribed medication also received a referral to see a therapist. That’s a concern, because if kids have symptoms substantial enough to warrant medication, they should also receive some type of counseling, said Eric Butter, chief of psychology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. “A pill never taught a kid how to cope better,” said Butter, who wrote an editorial published April 17 with the study in the journal Pediatrics. It’s not clear why only a minority of children in the study were referred to a therapist. However, Butter said he suspects it’s because of a well-known national problem: There are too few child mental health specialists to meet the demand. “I think that 33% figure might be higher if pediatricians had…  read on >  read on >