Study finds their sons score high in intelligence and focus read on >
A little about: Weekly Gravy
All Sauce from Weekly Gravy:
Health Tip: Make a Bright, Healthy Plate
Suggestions for adding color to meals
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Breaking Bad (Eating Habits)
How to change your relationship with food
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Cooking Out? Don’t Forget Your Food Thermometer
Keeping everything at a safe temperature will help prevent food-borne illnesses read on >
Acupuncture May Be Effective Painkiller in the ER
It’s a safe alternative to addictive opioid pain relievers, Australian researchers say read on >
Are You at Risk for Metabolic Syndrome?
Protect yourself from ‘pre-diabetes’
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Nighttime Airport Noise May Raise Heart Risks
More research needed to confirm that exposure to aircraft noise is the cause of health issues read on >
Protein Powerhouses
5 nutritious ideas for every diet read on >
Who Looks Obese to You?
White women are expected to be thin, blacks not so much, study finds read on >
Choosing a Personal Trainer
Ask questions to find the right fit read on >