Fried chicken, french fries and chicken-fried steak might be delicious, but treating yourself to such fare regularly could be deadly, a new study warns. Women who eat more than one serving a week of fried chicken or fried fish have an increased risk of heart disease and death, researchers report. “Overall, we found that total fried food consumption is related to higher risk of all-cause death, and also death from cardiovascular disease,” said senior researcher Dr. Wei Bao. He’s an assistant professor of epidemiology with the University of Iowa’s College of Public Health. The results are not surprising “given the association of fried food to weight gain and obesity, as well as elevation of cholesterol and triglycerides,” said Dr. Guy Mintz, who was not part of the study. He directs cardiovascular health and lipidology at Northwell Health’s Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y. “Poor decisions lead to poor outcomes. We have the opportunity to help ourselves live healthier and longer with lifestyle changes,” Mintz said. “It is time we own what we eat and realize our dietary choices have consequences.” For the study, Bao and his colleagues relied on data from the Women’s Health Initiative, a long-running federally funded study focused on heart disease, cancer and other health problems in postmenopausal women. Nearly 107,000 women between ages 50 and 79 were quizzed on…  read on >

Weight loss wisdom suggests chewing every bite 15 or more times to give your brain time to process what you’re eating and send the signal that you’re full. Now a group of studies has found that counting the bites themselves could be an effective way to lose weight. Knowing that dieters often underreport how many calories they eat, researchers from Clemson University conducted a number of studies that showed bites could be a more accurate measure of food intake. They also found that wearable technology that can count the bites for you and tell you when you’ve reached your limit can help you eat less. To create a realistic bite goal for yourself, start by establishing your baseline number of bites. Without changing anything about your current consumption, track and write down every bite you take at every meal and snack for one week. Then you can work on reducing that number. A pilot study at Brigham Young University found that when participants cut their bites by 20 percent or 30 percent at every meal and snack, they lost an average of about one pound a week and lowered their body mass index (BMI), too. (BMI is a measure of body fat that takes into account a person’s weight and height.) One reason counting bites helps is that it keeps you from mindless eating. It’s…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — If you have arthritis, there are foods that may help you feel better. A diet that’s rich in vitamins and minerals, and includes fruits, lean proteins, fish, vegetables, nuts and healthy oils may be most beneficial, the foundation says. But it cautions against changing too much, too soon. Gradually swap out ingredients at each meal, and you may feel a big difference in how you feel and how well you can manage your pain and discomfort, the foundation adds.

The average person’s daily diet will need to change drastically during the next three decades to make sure everyone is fed without depleting the planet, a panel of experts has concluded. Global consumption of foods such as red meat and sugar will have to decrease by about half to make sure the Earth will be able to feed a growing population of 10 billion people by 2050, according to the EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems. At the same time, people will need to double the amount of plant-based foods they eat, including nuts, fruits, vegetables and legumes, experts said. Agriculture must to be redirected to focus on these new food goals, which will put less stress on the environment, researchers said. An effort also will be needed to protect land and ocean resources, and cut food waste globally. While the recommended dietary changes might be wrenching for some, they come with a tremendous benefit in terms of human health, said co-lead commissioner Dr. Walter Willett, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “About 11 million premature deaths per year could be avoided if everyone adopted this healthy diet,” Willett said. “That’s because this reduces unhealthy parts of the diet but substantially increases health-promoting parts of the diet.” The globally sustainable diet recommended by…  read on >

Would you stop taking a medication if you heard a negative news story about it? Sticking with a prescription drug regimen, or “medication adherence,” is already a challenge for many patients, with not taking medications as prescribed being a key reason people struggle to control chronic conditions. Adding to the problem, according to a Danish study, is that negative reports in the media can further erode adherence, especially with new prescriptions. The study looked at one of the most commonly prescribed drugs, statins, which are designed to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. It showed that for every negative news story about statins, there was an increased likelihood of people new to the drugs stopping them. That’s particularly dangerous, because people who stop taking their statins have a higher risk of heart disease and death than patients who stay on their medication, according to the research. There’s no doubt that headlines about drugs can be confusing and even overwhelming. There were more than 1,900 stories about statins alone during the 15 years of the study, both positive and negative. And there have been even more since then, including the value of using statins to get LDL (“bad”) cholesterol down below the guideline of 70. This shows that it’s important not to overreact to any one piece of news. If you’re concerned about any drug that…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — More than 70 percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases says. Are you one of them? Before starting a weight loss plan, you should visit your doctor. The first questions to consider are: How can I change my eating habits so I can reach a healthier weight? How much and what type of exercise do I need to reach a healthier weight? Could I benefit from seeing a nutrition professional or weight-loss specialist? The agency says you should do your research before starting a new weight loss plan. Look for one that will promote healthy behaviors that help you lose weight safely. Also, find one that you will commit to every day, to help keep the weight off permanently.

(HealthDay News) — A key to successful dieting is to enjoy your food more, while eating less, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says. Your meals should include all of the food groups while limiting sugar, salt and saturated fat, the agency says. The USDA offers these additional suggestions: Learn the ingredients in all foods and beverages you consume, which will help you make healthier choices. Eat slowly, enjoy the taste and texture of your food and pay attention to how you feel. Use a smaller plate. Chose healthier options if you eat out. Feed your sweet tooth with fruit, instead of choices with added sugar. Eat more vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Opt for calorie-free beverages, such as water, unsweetened tea or sparkling water, over soda and alcoholic drinks. Make sweets a once-in-a-while treat. It’s OK to indulge occasionally, not daily.

(HealthDay News) — Refrigeration can help keep food safe from germs and prevent food-borne illnesses. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration suggests these refrigeration tips: Marinate food in the refrigerator instead of at room temperature. Bacteria can multiply rapidly at room temperature. Never reuse marinating liquid unless you bring it to a rapid boil first to kill any germs. Clean the refrigerator often and wipe spills immediately to reduce the growth of bacteria. Prevent drips from thawing meat that can allow germs from one food to spread to another. Cover foods in the refrigerator. Check leftovers daily for spoilage. Store eggs in the carton in the refrigerator itself rather than on the door, where the temperature is warmer. Always check expiration dates. If food looks at all questionable or is past its expiration date, throw it out.

Nearly all TV food ads aimed at Hispanic and black children in the United States are for unhealthy products, a new report claims. In 2017, black teens saw more than twice as many ads for unhealthy food products as white teens, researchers found. “Food companies have introduced healthier products and established corporate responsibility programs to support health and wellness among their customers, but this study shows that they continue to spend 8 of 10 TV advertising dollars on fast food, candy, sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks, with even more advertising for these products targeted to black and Hispanic youth,” report lead author Jennifer Harris said in a University of Connecticut news release. Harris is director of marketing initiatives at the university’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. In the report released Tuesday, researchers analyzed advertising by 32 major restaurant, food and beverage companies that spent at least $100 million or more on advertising to U.S. children and teens in 2017. They were part of the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative, a voluntary program that sets standards for food advertising aimed at children younger than 12. Fast food, candy, sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks accounted for 86 percent of food ad spending on black-targeted TV programming, and 82 percent of ad spending on Spanish-language TV, the researchers found. Of the nearly $11 billion spent…  read on >

For many people struggling with weight, an underlying reason for the excess pounds is the habit of using food to soothe bad feelings and reward good behavior. To lose weight, turn that habit on its ear. Incentives can help motivate you in many areas, including your diet, but your incentive can’t be food. Small, non-food treats or dollars for your piggy bank can sway you to choose less food at meals. It can help with kids, too, and avoid instilling the food-as-reward habit in them. University of Southern California researchers tested the theory with experiments involving kids and adults. They found that kids were willing to cut portions in half when offered inexpensive headphones. Adults were eager to eat less if given just the chance to win a prize, such as a gift card, frequent flyer miles or a small amount of money. What’s more, eating less did not lead participants to compensate by eating more later in the day. There are many ways you can incentivize yourself, if not at every meal, certainly at ones when you’re apt to overeat. Try putting a dollar in a “mad money” jar — that’s merely the money you saved by eating less — and then buy yourself a non-food item at the end of every month. Make a list of the rewards you’d like most and then…  read on >