Evidence that soccer heading — where players use their heads to strike a ball — is dangerous continues to mount. Research to be presented at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) annual meeting in Chicago on Tuesday points to a measurable decline in brain structure and function as a result of the practice. “There is enormous worldwide concern for brain injury in general and in the potential for soccer heading to cause long-term adverse brain effects in particular,” said senior study author Dr. Michael Lipton, a professor of radiology and an affiliate professor of biomedical engineering at Columbia University in New York City. “A large part of this concern relates to the potential for changes in young adulthood to confer risk for neuro-degeneration and dementia later in life.” Unlike other studies that have examined adverse effects at one point in time, Lipton’s team looked at brain changes over two years. They asked 148 amateur players (average age: 27) how often they play, practice and head the ball — and in what situations. Their exposure was ranked low, moderate or high. Just over a quarter of participants were women. Players’ verbal learning and memory were assessed and each had a specialized head scan known as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). These advanced MRI techniques track the movement of water through brain tissue. The images were telling.… read on > read on >