Driving while high on marijuana can be as dangerous and illegal as driving drunk, but unlike alcohol, there’s no way to detect pot on your breath. That could change, however, as University of Pittsburgh scientists are working hard to develop a breathalyzer that can measure the psychoactive ingredient in pot. Although the technology may work, many questions must be answered before police start checking drivers. “We envision that this sensor can be produced as a breathalyzer like an alcohol breathalyzer,” said lead researcher Alexander Star, a professor of chemistry and bioengineering. As more states legalize pot, it’s likely more drivers will get behind the wheel stoned. Since Washington state legalized marijuana in 2012, the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes who tested positive for marijuana rose from 8% in 2013 to 17% in 2014, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Since current testing relies on blood, urine or hair samples, it can’t be done in the field when a driver suspected of being high is pulled over. Using carbon nanotubes, however, Star’s team has found a way of detecting tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the ingredient in marijuana that creates a high, in a user’s breath. These hollow nanotubes are 100,000 times thinner than a human hair. The electrical components of molecules in the breath bind to the tubes. Since different molecules bind at different…  read on >

Marriage has been said to deflect depression, stave off stress, even help people live longer. Now a new study says it may also decrease your chance of developing dementia. Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Married people have a far lower chance of being diagnosed with this dreaded disorder than those who are divorced or separated, widowed, or never married, according to the study. And marriage is more protective than cohabitation, the study revealed. Divorced people have more than twice the odds for mental decline compared to married folks, the 14-year study found. And divorced men have it worse: They have a 2.6 times higher chance of developing dementia than married men, while divorced women have a 30% increased risk versus married women. “There are a lot of theories about why marriage might be good for general health,” says Hui Liu, lead investigator and professor of sociology at Michigan State University. “Married people, of course, are financially better off than those who do not have a spouse,” she said. “But there are factors other than economics that play just as strongly into this. There’s the social psychology benefit.” While the study only found an association rather than a cause-and-effect link, it noted that divorce can lead to financial and emotional stress, which may…  read on >

When severe storms or hurricanes like Dorian sweep through communities with high winds and flooding, they can leave more than physical damage in their wake. New research suggests that dealing with the aftermath — which can include a damaged home and property — puts people at high risk for depression, anxiety and other mental health problems. “This study shows that exposure to extreme or even moderate weather events may result in ‘psychological casualties,’ with significant impacts on mental health,” said study author Hilary Graham, a professor in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of York in England. “This is reflective of the huge impact storms and flooding have on people’s lives as alongside the physical damage to homes and businesses, there is the emotional damage to the sense of security that many people derive from their home,” Graham explained in a university news release. “With extreme weather events on the rise due to climate change, environmental and health policies need to be brought much more closely together. This means recognizing that flood protection policies are also health protection policies,” Graham said. The level of risk to mental health is similar to that associated with living in a bad neighborhood, and even people whose homes suffer relatively minor damage are at risk for mental health problems, the researchers noted. In the study, they analyzed…  read on >

The overall death rate of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa may have been underestimated, with new research finding survivors could have a five times higher death rate after leaving the hospital than the general population. An outbreak of Ebola is currently raging in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where more than 3,000 cases of the viral disease have occurred over the past year, including more than 2,000 deaths. The new study focuses on 1,130 Guinean survivors of the 2013-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the largest such outbreak ever recorded. These patients were tracked from early December 2015 to the end of September 2016. During that time, 59 died in the first year after hospital discharge. That 5.2% death rate was five times higher than what would be expected in the general Guinean population, according to the study. It was published Sept. 4 in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. “Our findings highlight the need to strengthen Ebola survivor programs, particularly as the number of people surviving the infection are increasing,” study author Dr. Ibrahima Soce Fall said in a journal news release. Fall is the World Health Organization’s assistant director-general for emergency response. Of the 59 deaths, 37 were initially attributed to kidney failure based on symptoms reported by family members. There was a lack of documentation or autopsies available to rule out other…  read on >

Decades spent on couches, chairs and otherwise not exercising could mean much shorter lives, new research shows. A Norwegian team who tracked health outcomes for more than 23,000 adults over 20 years found that those who were inactive over that time had twice the risk of a premature death, compared to those who were physically active. The take-home message from the study: “To get the maximum health benefits of physical activity in terms of protection against premature all-cause and cardiovascular death, you need to continue being physically active,” said study author Dr. Trine Moholdt of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. And it’s never too late to get off the sofa. “You can also reduce your risk by taking up physical activity later in life, even if you have not been active before,” Moholdt stressed. Her team was scheduled to present the findings Saturday at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), in Paris. The study involved Norwegians aged 20 and older who were grouped according to their activity levels, and assessed in two time periods (1984-1986 and 2006-2008). People were placed into one of three categories: inactive; moderately active (less than two hours of physical activity a week); or highly active (two or more hours per week). By the end of 2013, those who were inactive in both time periods…  read on >

Men who are on the blood-thinning drug warfarin have more difficulty taking the medication if they live alone, but the same is not true for women, a new study finds. Warfarin (brand-name Coumadin) is a common anti-clotting treatment to prevent stroke in people with atrial fibrillation, the most common type of heart rhythm disorder. Continuous blood-monitoring is required for warfarin to be safe and effective. Too little of the drug may allow a blood clot to form and cause a stroke. Too much causes bleeding. Having ideal warfarin concentrations in the blood to prevent stroke and avoid bleeding is called time in therapeutic range (TTR). European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines say patients should be in TTR at least 70% of the time. In this study, researchers assessed nearly 4,800 patients in Denmark with six months of continuous warfarin use and monitoring. Median TTR in men living alone was 57% — 3.6% lower than in men who lived with partners. (Median means half had longer times, half shorter.) Women who lived alone had a 0.2% lower TTR than those who lived with partners, but the difference wasn’t significant, according to the study authors. The findings were presented Monday at the annual meeting of the ESC in Paris. Research presented at meetings is typically considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. “Men living alone had…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Flat feet occurs when one foot or both feet have a flatter-than-normal arch, says the Institute for Preventive Foot Health. About 18 million adults in the United States have the condition. The institute says cases that aren’t inherited may be prevented by: Wearing well-designed footwear. Looking for wide toe boxes in the front of the shoe. Looking for solid heel counters in the rear of the shoe. Avoiding high heels and shoes that stress the forefoot. In some cases, the institute says, orthotics or arch supports may be effective.

Do you ever think that being more at ease at social and business functions could make you happier or possibly help you get ahead at work? Your personality greatly influences your life because it influences so many aspects of your day-to-day world, from personal to business relationships, from your mental to your physical well-being. The Five Traits That Define Personality How outgoing or extroverted you are How open you are to new experiences How agreeable you are How conscientious or self-disciplined you are Your level of emotional stability The old thinking was that your personality was set early in adulthood or even younger. But a research review done at the University of Chicago and published in the journal Psychology Bulletin shed new light on the topic. Researchers looked at information gleaned from 200 studies on mental health treatments ranging from medications to psychotherapy. Though changes in personality weren’t the direct focus of the studies, these changes were revealed when treatment effects were analyzed. The researchers found out that personality traits can change — and change for the better. The reasons study participants had for starting therapy influenced how deep their personality changes were. For instance, people seeking help with emotional stability issues (like anxiety or personality disorders) and those wanting to become less introverted had the deepest changes. People needing help for eating disorders or…  read on >

Pro football players who had long careers at key positions are more likely to have concussion-related problems such as confusion, memory loss, depression and anxiety, a new study finds. In a survey of nearly 3,500 former NFL players (average age 53), 1 in 8 (12%) reported serious cognitive problems. That compares to about 2% of the general U.S. population. Age didn’t appear to be a factor. Former players younger than 52 had a rate (13%) of problems similar to that of other ex-players. Even those 45 and younger had an increased risk. In fact, 30% of those 45 and younger who suffered the most serious concussions had severe problems with thinking and mental health, the study found. Those who played 10 or more seasons were twice as likely to have severe problems than those who played just one season (12.6% versus 5.8%). The risk rose with each season played, and every five seasons of play was associated with a nearly 20% increase in risk. Kickers, punters and quarterbacks had the fewest concussion symptoms per season, followed by wide receivers, defensive backs, linemen and tight ends. Running backs, linebackers and special teams players had the most. The risk of serious problems was twice as high among former players with the most concussion symptoms (15%) than in those with the fewest (6%). Those with the most concussions…  read on >

Drinking and driving an electric scooter doesn’t mix, according to a new study. Researchers reported serious injuries like brain bleeding or fractures that have happened while riding an electric scooter (e-scooter). Alcohol and drugs were a factor in many of these crashes. “E-scooters may look like fun and games, but it’s a vehicle. It’s a motor attached to wheels, and you need to have a healthy respect for it. Anyone drinking or using any mind-altering substance should not be operating an e-scooter,” said the study’s lead author Dr. Leslie Kobayashi. She’s an associate professor of clinical surgery at the University of California, San Diego. Several people have died while riding e-scooters, according to published reports. Though these devices aren’t new, their popularity soared when several companies introduced rentable, dockless e-scooters in 2017, according to the study authors. Less than a year after the introduction of this environmentally friendly mode of transportation, almost 4% of U.S. adults said they had ridden one. E-scooters are available in more than 65 cities, the study said. The laws regulating them vary depending on where you’re riding. In California, drivers over age 18 aren’t required to wear helmets, and they can use e-scooters on roads with speed limits up to 35 mph. Kobayashi’s study found that almost none of the injured riders was wearing a helmet. She said anytime you’re…  read on >