It can happen when you’re stuck in traffic, or hunched over for hours at your desk, or even sitting in the stands watching your child’s lacrosse game — that painful twinge in the back of your neck. These fast and easy stretches can help, and you can do them anywhere. Repeat each one up to three times unless otherwise indicated, and rest for 10 seconds between each exercise. Stretch No. 1: Lower your chin to your chest as far as you can go without causing any pain. Hold for 20 seconds. Return to start, rest and repeat. Stretch No. 2: Without moving your shoulders, turn your head to the right as far as you can go. Hold for 20 seconds. Slowly bring your head all the way to the left and hold for 20 seconds. Return to center, rest and repeat. Stretch No. 3: Tilt your head to bring your right ear to right shoulder without moving the shoulder. Hold for 20 seconds. Switch to the left side and hold for 20 seconds. Return to center, rest and repeat the sequence. Stretch No. 4: Turn your head to the right and look behind you. From this position, raise your chin toward the ceiling. Hold for 20 seconds. Slowly return to start and repeat. Then switch to the other side and repeat. Stretch No. 5: Gently…  read on >

Even seniors who never exercised regularly can benefit from a workout program, researchers say. A new study found that men in their 70s and 80s who had never followed an exercise regimen could build muscle mass as well as “master athletes” — those of the same age who had worked out throughout their lives and still competed at the top levels of their sports. The U.K. researchers took muscle biopsies from both groups in the 48 hours before and after a single weight-training session on an exercise machine. The men were also given an isotope tracer before the workout in order to track how proteins were developing in their muscles. It was expected that the master athletes would be better able to build muscle during exercise, but both groups had an equal capacity to do so, the University of Birmingham team found. The study was published Aug. 30 in the journal Frontiers in Physiology. “Our study clearly shows that it doesn’t matter if you haven’t been a regular exerciser throughout your life, you can still derive benefit from exercise whenever you start,” lead researcher Leigh Breen said in a university news release. He’s a senior lecturer in exercise physiology and metabolism. “Obviously a long-term commitment to good health and exercise is the best approach to achieve whole-body health, but even starting later on in life…  read on >

Pro football players who had long careers at key positions are more likely to have concussion-related problems such as confusion, memory loss, depression and anxiety, a new study finds. In a survey of nearly 3,500 former NFL players (average age 53), 1 in 8 (12%) reported serious cognitive problems. That compares to about 2% of the general U.S. population. Age didn’t appear to be a factor. Former players younger than 52 had a rate (13%) of problems similar to that of other ex-players. Even those 45 and younger had an increased risk. In fact, 30% of those 45 and younger who suffered the most serious concussions had severe problems with thinking and mental health, the study found. Those who played 10 or more seasons were twice as likely to have severe problems than those who played just one season (12.6% versus 5.8%). The risk rose with each season played, and every five seasons of play was associated with a nearly 20% increase in risk. Kickers, punters and quarterbacks had the fewest concussion symptoms per season, followed by wide receivers, defensive backs, linemen and tight ends. Running backs, linebackers and special teams players had the most. The risk of serious problems was twice as high among former players with the most concussion symptoms (15%) than in those with the fewest (6%). Those with the most concussions…  read on >

For most healthy women, exercise during pregnancy is as important as it is at all times of life. It brings benefits such as better overall health, preventing back pain and keeping you regular, which can be a challenge for some women. While low-impact aerobic activities like walking are often emphasized, research has found a surprising benefit to working out in the weight room. It turns out that, beyond keeping muscles toned, strength training can ease the fatigue and low energy that affects so many women when they’re expecting. For a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 26 women did six low- to moderate-intensity resistance exercises twice a week from week 23 to week 35 of their pregnancies. Each session started with a five-minute warmup of walking on a treadmill followed by seated resistance machines — dual leg extensions, leg presses and leg curls, arm lat pulldowns and back extensions. Each exercise was done for two sets of 15 reps each at a controlled pace with a minute of rest between sets and two minutes of rest between machines. The participants also did two sets of a standing ab exercise using only their body weight. The results were clear: Nearly all of the women felt more energized and less fatigued, both physically and mentally, starting after a single workout. Strength training is…  read on >

Decades spent on couches, chairs and otherwise not exercising could mean much shorter lives, new research shows. A Norwegian team who tracked health outcomes for more than 23,000 adults over 20 years found that those who were inactive over that time had twice the risk of a premature death, compared to those who were physically active. The take-home message from the study: “To get the maximum health benefits of physical activity in terms of protection against premature all-cause and cardiovascular death, you need to continue being physically active,” said study author Dr. Trine Moholdt of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. And it’s never too late to get off the sofa. “You can also reduce your risk by taking up physical activity later in life, even if you have not been active before,” Moholdt stressed. Her team was scheduled to present the findings Saturday at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), in Paris. The study involved Norwegians aged 20 and older who were grouped according to their activity levels, and assessed in two time periods (1984-1986 and 2006-2008). People were placed into one of three categories: inactive; moderately active (less than two hours of physical activity a week); or highly active (two or more hours per week). By the end of 2013, those who were inactive in both time periods…  read on >

Developing core strength is essential for fitness and overall health, but it doesn’t have to be a drudge. If you’re ready to go beyond crunches — or never liked them to begin with! — consider these moves that target the muscles in your torso and spine. The Advanced Bird Dog: Begin on your hands and knees. Contract your core muscles and straighten your right leg behind you until it’s level with your hip. Now raise your left arm straight out in front of you to shoulder level. From this start position, draw in your right knee and left elbow, touch the elbow to the knee if you can, and then straighten them back to the start position without touching the floor. Do one set, then switch sides and repeat. The Plank With Knee Drive: Begin on your hands and knees. Straighten your legs behind you, shifting your weight to the balls of your feet. Contract your core muscles and, with control, bring one knee toward your chest and then back out to the starting position. Alternate legs throughout the set. The Lying Single Leg Extension: Lie flat on a mat and then draw in your knees so that they make a 90-degree angle with your thighs; calves are parallel with the floor. Contract your core muscles. Keep your back pressed into the mat as you…  read on >

Waging a successful battle against advanced colon cancer should include regular doses of exercise, a new study suggests. It found that physical activity was associated with slower cancer progression and reductions in severe treatment side effects in more than 1,200 patients undergoing chemotherapy. Exercise — even low-intensity activity such as walking — helped. “What we found was that people who engaged in some type of physical activity had a statistically significant improvement in progression-free survival [20%]” said senior study author Dr. Jeffrey Meyerhardt, from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. The results also suggested that exercise might extend overall survival, but the data were not statistically significant and that possible connection requires further investigation. “Physically active patients in our study also appeared to tolerate chemotherapy better,” said study first author Dr. Brendan Guercio, who worked on the study while a hospitalist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “Total physical activity equivalent to 30 or more minutes of moderate daily activity was associated with a 27% reduction in severe treatment-related toxicities,” Guercio said in a Dana-Farber news release. The findings were published recently in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Previous studies have found that regular exercise can reduce the risk of recurrence and death from colon cancer that has not spread to other parts of the body, but this is the first study to examine…  read on >

Exercise, even a little of it, can lengthen your life, a new study suggests. The Norwegian researchers also found that too much sitting was associated with a higher risk of early death. “Developing ways to limit sedentary time and increase activity at any level could considerably improve health and reduce mortality,” the study authors concluded. In the study, the team analyzed data from eight studies that included more than 36,000 adults, aged 40 and older, who were followed for an average of almost six years. During follow-up, nearly 6% of the participants died. After adjusting for other factors, the researchers concluded that any amount of physical activity, regardless of intensity, was associated with a significantly lower risk of early death. Death rates fell sharply as total activity increased to an amount that was similar to average activity levels in U.S. men and about 10% to 15% lower than activity levels in Scandinavian men and women, the findings showed. A similarly steep decline in death rates was associated with increasing amounts of light physical activity up to about 300 minutes (5 hours) a day, and moderate-intensity physical activity of about 24 minutes per day. The largest difference in early death risk (about 60% to 70%) was between the least and most physically active, with about five times more deaths among inactive people than among those who…  read on >

Your dog might be your heart’s best friend, if a new study is any indication. Researchers found that compared with people who had no pets, dog owners tended to have fewer risk factors for heart disease: They got more exercise, and had healthier diets and lower blood sugar levels. Even compared with other pet owners, they were doing better with diet and exercise. The study of nearly 1,800 Czech adults is not the first to suggest our canine friends can do our hearts good. In fact, in 2013 the American Heart Association (AHA) issued a scientific statement saying that dog ownership is likely linked to a lower risk of heart disease. That was largely based on evidence that people with dogs are more physically active. The new findings suggest the benefit might extend to diet and blood sugar levels. It’s easy to see how having a dog could get people moving, according to senior researcher Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez. And it’s possible that dog owners’ lower blood sugar levels were related to their exercise habits, said Lopez-Jimenez, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. It’s less obvious, though, why dog ownership would encourage a healthier diet. One possibility is that the two are not directly related, he said. On the other hand, past research has shown that dogs do more than demand walks and…  read on >

There’s no shortage of self-help apps, videos and podcasts on topics from having better mental health to having a better six-pack. Though the programs they offer bring the convenience of working at your own pace and in your own space, it’s important that you evaluate any program on its merits before committing your time and energy. Also, realize that many are not designed to replace help from an expert for a serious problem, though they might complement it. First, check out the credentials of the expert behind the program. This is key, whether for a diet guru or a mental health therapist. It only takes a few minutes to do an online search of their background, training and experience with the subject matter. Just as you’d check to see if medical specialists treating you were board-certified in their area of expertise, look to see if he or she has affiliations with institutions and associations important in the field. Next, does the advice have any scientific research behind it? Is it endorsed by a key association or respected professional? This is especially important for a program that addresses physical and mental health issues to help you distinguish between a fad and a bona fide technique that could bring lasting results. Now evaluate what’s involved with following the program. Is the material presented in a way that’s…  read on >