Taking a day off from a favorite exercise doesn’t mean spending the time sitting on the couch. In fact, getting some R&R has a special meaning when it comes to exercise: Rest and recovery. Recovery is everything that happens after the end of one workout and before the start of the next. Whether you’re talking about taking a day off after every strength-training session to build muscles or taking a day off once a week from your usual cardio workout, you still want to engage in physical activity, just at a different pace, one without the challenge of intense training. Experts at the American Council on Exercise say moving is important, because it boosts blood circulation, and that brings nutrients to your muscles for recovery and growth. While a set recovery time is needed after every strength-training workout, with 48 to 72 hours between sessions being typical, recovery after other types of workouts, like high-intensity training or endurance training for a marathon, is much more individualized. Listen to your body to know when to take a break. For many people, it’s feeling more soreness than usual. For some, it may be after every three-to-five days of consecutive, strenuous workouts. Remember: If a workout causes soreness that lasts for several days, your workouts are too intense. Training should get you to the point where recovery time…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — A helmet can prevent someone from a serious head injury, says the New York State Department of Health. Some states even require people, especially children, to wear helmets while biking or skateboarding. The Department of Health encourages parents to: Select a helmet that meets Consumer Product Safety Commission standards. Make sure your child wears a helmet appropriate for his or her sport. Buy a helmet that fits your child. Replace a helmet that has been involved in an accident.

(HealthDay News) — A helmet can prevent someone from a serious head injury, says the New York State Department of Health. Some states even require people, especially children, to wear helmets while biking or skateboarding. The Department of Health encourages parents to: Select a helmet that meets Consumer Product Safety Commission standards. Make sure your child wears a helmet appropriate for his or her sport. Buy a helmet that fits your child. Replace a helmet that has been involved in an accident.

(HealthDay News) — “Charley horse” is another name for a muscle spasm or cramp of the leg. When a muscle cramps, it contracts involuntarily and does not relax. To treat a charley horse, MedlinePlus suggests: Stop activity. Try stretching and massaging the muscle. Use heat to relax the muscle initially, then ice after. If the muscle is still sore, use anti-inflammatory medicine to ease the pain. After treatment, MedlinePlus recommends speaking with your doctor to help prevent the cramp from coming back.

You don’t have to do hundreds of sit-ups and all manner of crunches to see abdominal muscle definition. The following moves are done standing and holding a weight, such as a 5-pound ball with an easy-to-grip handle. For the standing twist, feet are hip-width apart, toes turned slightly out to the sides for better balance. Holding the weight with both hands, extend your arms straight out in front of you, just below shoulder level. Squeeze your glutes to steady your hips and visualize pressing your abs into your spine as you twist your upper body to the right, then all the way to the left and finally back to center for one rep. Repeat up to 15 times per set. Gradually progress until you can complete three sets. For the overhead lean, stand in the same starting position, holding the weight, then straighten your arms all the way up toward the ceiling. With control, lean your upper body to the right, then all the way to the left and back to center for one rep. Repeat up to 15 times per set. Gradually progress until you can complete three sets. For side bends, hold the weight in your right hand. Place your left hand behind your head or on your waist for better balance. Keeping your hips, back and head aligned, slowly lean to the…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Fitness boxing is a popular way for adults to stay fit. Unlike regular boxing, fitness boxing does not involve sparring, so there is no risk of head trauma, says Harvard Medical School. Instead, participants throw punches at the air or at a punching bag. Harvard mentions these benefits: Increased upper-body strength. Better hand-eye coordination. Increased aerobic fitness. Improved mood. Better balance.

You don’t have to go to the gym for a strength-training workout. With these three moves, your own body weight provides the resistance needed to develop key muscles. Start with the classic wall sit. Press your back into a wall and slide it down the wall as you walk your feet out in front of you, bending at the knees. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor and make right angles with your calves. Try to keep shoulders relaxed. Hold for up to 90 seconds, return to standing and repeat. For a challenging twist, once you’re in the wall-sit position, straighten your right leg out in front of you, holding it parallel to the floor for five seconds, return and switch legs. As the exercise becomes easier to do, increase the number of times you alternately straighten legs while holding the sit. Jumping jacks, an old standby, are still effective and offer a cardio workout as well. Here’s how to make them more fun and more challenging: Start by standing with feet together, arms at your sides and then jump out with feet as wide apart as is comfortable as arms lift out to the sides and up to shoulder-level. When you jump back in, cross your right arm over your left at mid-chest and cross your right leg over your left leg. Jump…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Preparing for a safe hike outdoors begins with a few pieces of equipment. The American Hiking Society urges hikers to carry a map, compass and emergency whistle at all times. Furthermore, understanding how to use each item is critical. Despite preparations, hikers do get lost. If you’re lost outdoors, the society encourages you to: Not panic. Locate yourself on a map or retrace your steps. Stay put, if you realize you are genuinely lost. Blow your emergency whistle in bursts of three. Be as visible to rescuers as possible.

Want a quick brain boost? A morning session of exercise and short walks throughout the day provide a number of brain benefits for older adults, a new study says. The findings show that people should avoid uninterrupted sitting to maintain good mental function throughout the day. The study also indicates that moderate-intensity exercise such as brisk walking should be encouraged to maintain brain health, according to researcher Michael Wheeler. “Relatively simple changes to your daily routine could have a significant benefit to your cognitive health. [The study] also reveals that one day we may be able to do specific types of exercise to enhance specific cognitive skills such as memory or learning,” Wheeler added. He’s a doctoral student at the University of Western Australia’s Heart and Diabetes Institute. The study included more than 65 men and women, aged 55 to 80, in Australia. The researchers examined how moderate-intensity exercise on a treadmill in the morning with and without 3-minute walking breaks during an 8-hour day of extended sitting affected different kinds of mental function. Decision-making throughout the day was improved when the participants did the morning exercise session, compared with uninterrupted sitting, according to the study. It also found that the morning bout of exercise combined with a number of short light-intensity walking breaks throughout the day led to improvements in short-term memory, compared with…  read on >

“Get your head in the game!” Coaches say it to players all the time to get them to focus. The same advice can help you be more enthusiastic about your workouts. Here are five ideas: 1. Set both short-term and long-term goals based on your current abilities. Celebrate each one as you reach it and then re-set it. According to the American Council on Exercise, a goal should meet five different criteria to be effective. Make sure each goal is: Specific: You should be able to articulate it in one simple sentence. Measurable: The goal should be something you can see, like an amount of weight lost or duration of a workout. Attainable: The goal should represent a challenge to you, but not be impossible to reach. Relevant: It should be important to you and your life. Time-Bound: The time you allot to reach the goal shouldn’t be open-ended, which could lead to procrastination. Set a reasonable time period for achieving it. 2. Identify what type of pre-exercise prep gets you psyched, such as quiet focused breathing or loud pulsing music. 3. Develop and repeat a mantra, an uplifting statement of what you know you can do. This will help you develop a positive attitude and have an unshakable belief in yourself. It will naturally get stronger as you reach goals. 4. Practice mental toughness.…  read on >