(HealthDay News) — Winter can be hard for those watching their weight, the U.S. National Institutes of Health says. But you don’t have to wait until it warms up to burn those calories. Losing winter weight can start with equipment-free, in-home exercises: Squats. Push-ups. Planks. Wall sits. Lunges. Jumping jacks. Mountain climbers. Working out for 30 minutes each day can burn hundreds of cold-weather calories.

Have you been neglecting your calves? Many people forget about these important muscles when doing strength training. These exercises will add definition and help protect against some lower leg injuries. Start with seated calf raises. Sit on a chair or bench with feet flat on the floor. Lift your right heel as high as you can, pressing toes into the floor and flexing your calf muscles, then slowly lower your heel. Do this 12 to 15 times, then repeat with your left heel. Build to two sets of 15 reps with each leg. To increase your range of motion, place a block in front of your feet and position the ball of your foot on the block for the calf raises. To add resistance, place a weight cuff around the working thigh, about 3 inches from the knee. Now move to standing calf raises. Stand behind a sturdy chair, holding it for balance if necessary. With feet shoulder width apart, slowly rise up on your toes as you tighten your abs. Keep your back and knees straight. Hold briefly, then slowly lower heels to the floor. Build up to two sets of 12 to 15 reps. To increase the challenge, hold dumbbells at your sides, palms facing inward as you do the exercise. For another variation, lift your left foot off the floor while doing…  read on >

Upper body strength is important at every age, but you don’t need to be a bodybuilder to benefit from working your pectoral, or chest, muscles. For a study sponsored by the American Council on Exercise, scientists from the University of Wisconsin La Crosse evaluated nine popular pec exercises to determine which ones best engaged these muscles. Popular Pec Strength-Training Exercises Barbell bench press Pec dec machine Bent-forward cable crossover Chest press machine Inclined dumbbell flys Dips Push-ups To develop muscle size, the barbell bench press is at the very top of the list, followed closely by the pec deck machine and the bent-forward cable crossover. Here’s how to perform the barbell bench press. Lie with your back flat on a weight bench. Knees are bent at the far end of the bench with feet flat on the floor. Grip the barbell with both hands, placing them slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Elbows make a 90-degree angle. With control, lower the bar so that it’s just barely touching your chest, then press upward as you extend your arms. Hold briefly and, again with control, slowly lower the barbell to your chest for one complete rep. Repeat for the appropriate number of reps, typically up to 15 with a lighter weight, up to eight with a heavier weight. To protect against injury to your shoulders, focus on…  read on >

A half-hour of morning exercise can help control blood pressure in overweight and obese people for the entire day, a new study finds. And for women in particular, adding frequent short breaks from sitting through the day can offer additional benefit, the Australian researchers said. “For both men and women, the magnitude of reduction in average systolic blood pressure following exercise and breaks in sitting approached what might be expected from antihypertensive medication,” said lead author Michael Wheeler. “However, this reduction was greater for women,” he added. Wheeler is a member of the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne. The research involved 67 people between the ages of 55 and 80 who did three different laboratory sessions, in random order, separated by at least six days. Those sessions included: uninterrupted sitting for eight hours; one hour of sitting prior to 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill at a moderate pace, followed by 6.5 hours of prolonged sitting; and one hour of sitting prior to 30 minutes on the treadmill, followed by sitting that was interrupted every 30 minutes with three minutes of light-intensity walking for 6.5 hours. Average systolic (top number) and diastolic (lower number) blood pressure was reduced among both men and women who took part in morning exercise, compared to when they did not exercise. There was an additional benefit —…  read on >

A typical workout doesn’t give you license to eat whatever you want. Even a full hour of vigorous skiing burns just 600 calories — less than the amount in a super-sized fast food sandwich. That’s why it’s important to think of exercise as just one part of a shape-up plan. Exercise works the cardiovascular system and builds muscle, but it takes calorie restriction to also lose weight. Small diet tweaks that you can make when you’re building a healthier body through exercise will maximize your efforts. Here’s what you need to know about nutrition when you work out regularly. You don’t need to fuel up like a marathon runner, but give your body some nourishment about two hours before every workout to make exercise more effective. Have a small meal with healthy carbs and protein, and some fat. If eating two hours in advance doesn’t work with your schedule, aim for a small snack about an hour before your workout. It’s also important to eat a small meal with carbs and protein within two hours after your workout to give your body the nutrients it needs. Keep in mind that “calories in and calories out” is a balancing act that varies from person to person. So whether you’re trying to lose weight or maintain, keep a journal that records the amount of calories you get…  read on >

Physical activity is closely linked to development of a child’s mental skills — ones essential to academic success and navigating challenges they’ll face throughout life. Studies show that boosts in thinking ability, or executive function, often follow bouts of activity. But only one-third of children are physically active every day. Less than half the time they spend in school activities — like physical education, team practices and even games — includes movement that qualifies as physical activity. This shortfall means that their physical health, as well as their mental skills, may suffer. Some problems can begin during the preschool years if youngsters don’t get the activity they need for motor skill development. A 4- or 5-year-old needs 30 minutes of exercise every day. In addition to other benefits, this amount of exercise can also help kids who are overweight stem further fat increases. Introduce your preschoolers to fun and age-appropriate activities. Give them “active toys” like a tricycle and a ball to kick and throw, and encourage active games like tag, hide-and-seek and hopscotch. When kids enter elementary school, help them explore various team sports, such as soccer or T-ball. As they get older, they might like the challenges of running or strength training. Make time for exercise in your child’s schedule at every age and join in. Children who see their parents engaged in…  read on >

Are your feet something you think about only when they hurt? Simple steps can protect them from common problems, some of which are hard to get rid of. The first step is to wear shoes, such as water slip-ons, in moist environments like indoor swimming pools and communal showers at the gym. Damp areas allow bacteria and viruses to thrive, and walking barefoot makes you more susceptible to common infections like nail fungus, athlete’s foot and warts. You don’t have to give up style, but skip shoes that don’t feel comfortable from the moment you try them on. Calluses, corns, blisters and irritations can all result from or get worse from shoes that pinch and don’t fit well. It’s a mistake to expect that the shoes will “give” and feel better over time. Choose hosiery with care. That means buying socks and tights made from breathable fabrics. It’s not always possible to wear cotton, so if your feet get sweaty when you wear hosiery made of synthetics like nylon, take these steps: Carefully wash and dry feet when you get home, hand-wash the hosiery every night and let shoes dry out before you wear them again — you may need to wait 48 hours. A pedicure might be a great treat for your feet, but beware of harmful practices, both at salons and at home.…  read on >

Men and women alike want defined abs. But you don’t have to achieve a “six-pack” — the nickname for the three most visible pairs of abdominal muscles — to get the benefits of a stronger middle, needed to support your back. For a study sponsored by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), scientists from the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, evaluated popular ab exercises to determine the best ones. Popular Ab Strength Training Exercises Bicycle crunch Captain’s chair crunch Classic crunch Decline bench curl-up Front plank Side plank Stability ball crunch Yoga boat pose Of all these, the winner was the classic crunch. And it makes no difference whether you do crunches with arms folded across the chest or hands behind the head, researchers found. What does matter is using proper form. Here’s how ACE recommends doing crunches with hands behind your head: Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor between 12 and 18 inches from your rear. Press your elbows back to bring shoulder blades together without arching your lower back. Keep elbows in this position and keep your feet, tailbone and lower back in contact with the floor throughout the entire exercise. Exhale and engage your ab muscles. Tilt your chin up slightly as you slowly curl head, shoulders and upper back off the floor. (Try not to tense…  read on >

Teen boys who are unfit and/or obese have higher odds for chronic disease and disability as adults, according to a large Swedish study. Researchers followed more than 1 million boys for an average of 28 years, starting when they were 16 to 19 years of age. Those who were inactive, obese or both as teens were more likely to receive medical disability pensions as adults. The pensions are granted in some countries to working-aged adults who are unable to work due to chronic illness or injury. “Cardiorespiratory fitness and obesity already in adolescence is strongly related to later health,” said lead researcher Pontus Henriksson, a registered dietitian at the Karolinska Institute in Huddinge, Sweden. His team cautioned that this study does not prove that being unfit or obese as a teenager causes disabilities in adulthood, only that the two appear to be related. This association, however, is important because many teens are less fit and weigh more than previous generations, Henriksson said. The study also provides more evidence for the relevance of fitness and obesity in adolescence as markers of future health. Morbidly obese men were at greatest risk, the study found. Henriksson and his colleagues also found that compared with being unfit, being moderately or highly fit was related to a reduced risk for disability, whether one was obese or not. Common disabilities associated…  read on >

Research consistently tells you just how important exercise is for health. It can help head off heart disease, stroke, diabetes and many types of cancer, including breast and colon cancers. A report published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that another important prevention factor for an even wider group of cancers is having a body mass index (BMI) below 25. BMI is a measure of body fat that takes into account a person’s height and weight. A low BMI means you have less fat on your body. The report also showed that health risks can be up to 50 percent higher if you’re overweight (with a BMI between 25 and 29.9) — and up to 80 percent higher if you’re obese (with a BMI of 30 and over). Indeed, a high BMI may be to blame for nearly 4 percent of all cancer cases, according to another study, published in The Lancet Oncology. There’s no doubt that diet and exercise work together to lower BMI. Besides cutting calories, to lose weight you need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week, and 60 to 90 minutes a day to maintain a loss. But don’t stop there. Other research has found that the more exercise you do, the more you can reduce your risk for many diseases. Indeed, people…  read on >