Float therapy, where a patient is suspended in a pool of warm, salty water in a soundproof room, could help ease some aspects of anorexia nervosa, a small new study found. “The idea is that women with anorexia have dysfunctional interoceptive abilities [sensing internal signals from your body], so they’re not able to attend to and perceive their bodily experiences in the same way that healthy individuals can,” explained study co-author Emily Choquette, a postdoctoral research associate at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research in Tulsa, Okla. “And one unique thing about floating is that it helps people become more in tune with those body signals.” The research involved 68 women and girls hospitalized for anorexia treatment in a Tulsa clinic; 45 participated in a one-hour float therapy twice per week for four weeks, while the other 23 (the control group) did not. Every participant also received care as usual. Both immediately after the float therapy, as well as in the six months after therapy, participants showed significant reductions in body dissatisfaction, which was measured by the Photographic Figure Rating Scale. The control group did not show significant changes in body dissatisfaction levels. “We showed them a series, a validated scale that is composed of 10 different pictures of actual female bodies varying from an underweight to an overweight body mass index. And they pick… read on > read on >