From Mariah Carey and Jimi Hendrix to Michael Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald and Bing Crosby, a select group of famous musicians past and present have had have perfect pitch. Now, a new study suggests that you can, too — with proper training. Absolute or perfect pitch is the ability to identify or re-create musical notes by hearing them without any reference or cues. For example, if someone were to play the note C sharp (C#) on a piano, a person with perfect pitch would be able to name the note without seeing which key was struck. Perfect pitch had been considered a rare gift for a few people with special genetic gifts or those who began musical training when they were very young. The new research — published Feb. 12 in the journal Psychonomic Bulletin & Review — debunks this widely held belief. “Our findings provide compelling evidence that absolute pitch is not limited to a select few. With focused training, adults can acquire this remarkable skill, much like how they learn other complex cognitive skills,” study author Yetta Wong, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Surrey in the U.K., said in a news release. For the study, 12 adult musicians with varying levels of musical experience participated in an eight-week online training program. Musicians completed more than 21 training hours. At the end of the training, they were exposed to more than 11 pitches,… read on > read on >