U.S. cases of syphilis have soared past numbers seen just a decade ago, new government statistics show. The grim numbers are for 2022, the latest year for which an accurate tally is available. More than 202,000 cases were recorded among Americans that year — a 17% rise over 2021 numbers and an 80% rise over numbers recorded in 2018, the report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found. Congenital syphilis — when the disease is passed from a mother to her newborn — can be very harmful to infants, and those cases have also risen at an alarming rate. Over 3,700 such cases were reported in 2022, the CDC reported in November, including 231 stillbirths and 51 infant deaths. Left untreated, syphilis in adults can damage the heart and brain and cause blindness, deafness and paralysis. Why the steady, sharp rise in cases? Experts believe that reductions in condom use have occurred as more Americans are turning to drug regimens that effectively prevent HIV infections without condoms. According to the New York Times, condom use by high school students has fallen by 8 percentage points between 2011 and 2021. The number of clinics focused on sexual health has also declined nationwide, experts say. “Sexual health services remain inadequate relative to the need pretty much everywhere,” Dr. Jay Varma, chief medical officer at…  read on >  read on >

The maker of a drug used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy has recalled one lot of the medication after a pill mixup was discovered. The recall notice, issued by Azurity Pharmaceuticals Inc., states that one lot of Zenzedi 30-milligram tablets is being recalled after a pharmacist found antihistamine tablets in a bottle labeled as Zenzedi. The active compound in Zenzedi is dextroamphetamine sulfate, a stimulant used for the treatment of narcolepsy and ADHD. Meanwhile, the allergy drug found in the mislabeled bottles contains the sedative carbinoxamine, which has the opposite effect of a stimulant. The recall comes amid an ongoing national shortage of ADHD drugs, creating further frustration for people with ADHD who have struggled to find medications for their condition, CNN reported. The recall notice said that people who take carbinoxamine instead of Zenzedi have a higher risk of accidents or injuries and may have drowsiness, increased eye pressure, urinary obstruction and thyroid disorder. The recalled lot has the lot number F230169A and an expiration date of June 2025. Azurity added that it has not received any reports of serious injury related to the medication mixup. Consumers who have the recalled medication should return it to their pharmacy and call their doctor if they have any bad reactions to the drug. Problems may also be reported to the FDA’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program. More information Drugs.com has…  read on >  read on >

A white winter landscape might look magical, but the cold and snow and ice can make even the simplest of tasks potentially dangerous. “It’s slip and fall season,” said Dr. Letitia Bradford, an orthopedic surgeon who practices in rural communities in New Mexico and California. “We see a lot of ankle and wrist fractures during this time as people are slipping on water when it’s raining and ice spots or snow in colder areas.” Orthopedic surgeons with the American College of Surgeons (ACS) have some important tips for getting through the winter safe and injury-free: Slow down People who are cautious and mindful of conditions around them are less likely to slip and fall, Bradford said. “The thing that I tell people the most is to really take their time when doing something. Most of the time, injuries like slips and falls happen when you’re in a hurry,” Bradford said. People should move slowly and deliberately and keep an eye out for hazards like puddles, black ice and snow-hidden curbs when walking about, especially when carrying things like grocery bags that obstruct your view of the ground. “You can’t always watch out for ice spots because they do sneak up on you sometimes, but try to be wary of them when walking,” Bradford said. “Taking your time really is the key to a lot of…  read on >  read on >

Five of eight British children who received human growth hormone from the pituitary glands of deceased donors went on to develop early-onset Alzheimer’s disease many decades later, researchers report. Researchers at University College London (UCL) suspect that the growth hormone received by these people in childhood may have contained amyloid-beta protein plaques, which build up in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease over time. Their finding suggests that — in very rare contexts like these — the brain-robbing disease could be transmitted person-to-person. However, “there is no evidence that amyloid beta can be transmitted in other contexts — for example, during activities of daily life or provision of routine care,” wrote a team led by Dr. John Collinge. He’s a professor of neurology and head of the department of neurodegenerative disease at the UCL Institute of Neurology. The findings were published Jan. 29 in the journal Nature Medicine. As explained by the researchers, between 1959 and 1985 British children with growth issues were sometimes treated with human growth hormone that was extracted from the pituitary glands of cadavers. However, doctors worldwide put a halt to the practice when it came to light that these procedures could transmit a type of misfolded protein called a prion, which in turn could trigger a deadly degenerative brain disorder called Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD). When seen in animals, the…  read on >  read on >

It’s not easy to lose weight, especially when facing a world filled with the temptation of tasty treats and rich, delicious meals. But being kind to yourself can make the difference when it comes to sticking to a diet, a new study reports. Dieters who practice self-compassion — showing themselves the same care and kindness they’d show loved ones — are better able to get past an overeating setback and stick to their weight-loss goals, researchers reported recently in the journal Appetite. Study participants reported more self-control over their eating and exercise if they gave themselves a break regarding a recent diet lapse, researchers found. The findings suggest that self-compassion can prevent people from becoming demoralized by a setback, said Charlotte Hagerman, an assistant research professor with Drexel University’s Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science (WELL) Center. “Many people worry that self-compassion will cause complacency and lead them to settle for inadequacy, but this study is a great example of how self-compassion can help people be more successful in meeting their goals,” Hagerman said in a Drexel news release. “The road to achieving difficult goals — especially weight loss — is paved with setbacks,” Hagerman added. “Practicing self-compassion helps people cope with self-defeating thoughts and feelings in response to setbacks, so that they are less debilitated by them. In turn, they can more quickly resume pursuing…  read on >  read on >

Stuart Douglas, 78, has played the accordion all his long life. “I learned to play the accordion as a boy living in a mining village in Fife and carried on throughout my career in the police force and beyond,” said Douglas, of Cornwall, England. “These days I still play regularly, and playing in the band also keeps my calendar full, as we often perform in public.” Douglas’ playing has done more than keep him busy. A new study suggests it also kept his mind sharp as he aged. Playing a musical instrument, particularly the piano, is linked to improved memory and the ability to solve complex tasks, according to a new report published Jan. 28 in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Researchers also found that continuing to play into later life provides even greater benefit. “Overall, we think that being musical could be a way of harnessing the brain’s agility and resilience, known as cognitive reserve,” said study co-author Anne Corbett, a professor of dementia research at the University of Exeter in the UK. For the study, researchers analyzed data on more than a thousand adults over the age of 40 participating in an ongoing study of brain health. Singing was also linked to better brain health, although researchers said this might be due to the social factors of being part of a choir…  read on >  read on >

‘Young folk don’t write in cursive anymore’ is a common complaint of older folks in this keyboard-obsessed age. Now, new research suggests that kids who ignore handwriting are, in fact, missing out: By the time they reach college, their brain “connectivity” may be weaker than folks who write regularly. In a study of 36 university students, “we show that when writing by hand, brain connectivity patterns are far more elaborate than when typewriting on a keyboard,” said study co-author Audrey van der Meer, a brain researcher and professor of psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Better neural connectivity has myriad brain benefits, she added. “Such widespread brain connectivity is known to be crucial for memory formation and for encoding new information and, therefore, is beneficial for learning,” van der Meer explained in a university news release. Her team published its findings Jan. 26 in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. In the study, the Norwegian team tracked electroencephalogram (EEG) data from the group of students who were repeatedly asked to write or type a word they saw on a screen. EEG records electrical activity in the brain. The study had the students use a digital pen to write the word in cursive on a touchscreen and a single finger to type out the word on a keyboard. EEGs recorded brain activity every five…  read on >  read on >

SATURDAY, Jan. 27, 2024 9HealthDay News) — When should you worry about a rash? Rashes may look alike, but while over-the-counter medications can treat some rashes, others can signal a more serious condition, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says. “It is important to watch your symptoms closely at the onset of a new rash,” said Dr. Mallory Abate, a board-certified dermatologist in Baton Rouge, La. “Making note of any changes or new developments are instrumental to determining the severity of the medical condition and if immediate assistance is needed.” One key sign of bigger trouble is if you have a rash that is infected. Evidence of infection might include pus, yellow or golden crusts, pain, swelling, warmth or an unpleasant smell. The skin around an infection might look red, purple or brown, you might feel very hot or cold, have swollen lymph nodes, or a fever. “If you have a rash and your symptoms are not improving, make an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist,” Abate said in an AAD news release. Abate and the AAD recommend people with rashes uses these clues to know when to seek medical attention: A rash over most of your body. A rash that blisters or turns into open sores or raw skin Fever or illness with a rash A rash that spreads rapidly A painful rash A…  read on >  read on >

It’s long been thought that it takes more time for a woman to recover from a concussion than a man. But a new national study of U.S. college athletes refutes that notion, finding that women and men recover from sports-related head injuries at about the same pace. Recovery patterns for both genders were similar on tests of brain function, concussion symptoms, mental health, and balance and reaction time, according to a report published recently in the journal Sports Medicine. There also was no significant difference in the time it took men and women to return to unrestricted participation in sports, researchers found. “I think a lot of people will be surprised in such a large sample that women and men recover along the same trajectory,” said senior researcher Jaclyn Caccese, an assistant professor with the Ohio State University School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. “For many years, we’ve thought women took longer to recover, but evidence suggests that if women get the same access to care, they do recover similarly.” For the study, researchers analyzed medical data from more than 900 athletes competing in sports at NCAA colleges. About three in five athletes in the study were female. The analysis focused on 15 sex-comparable sports that included basketball, diving, ice hockey, soccer and volleyball. The research team specifically excluded all-male sports like football and wrestling,…  read on >  read on >

The old saying “feed a cold, starve a fever” is baloney, doctors say. People fighting off a seasonal respiratory virus need adequate nutrition, regardless of their symptoms, according to advice from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Fever is just one of the many defense mechanisms the human body uses to stave off any infection, said Dr. Pedro Piedra, a professor of molecular virology, microbiology and pediatrics at Baylor. All the body’s immune responses require energy gained by eating a well-balanced diet, Piedra said. That’s why sick-friendly foods like chicken noodle soup are commonly recommended. Feeling awful from an infection might put a dent in a person’s appetite, but Piedra said folks should resist that malaise and pick up a spoon or fork. Cold weather tends to increase people’s risk of catching the flu, the common cold and COVID-19, Piedra said. That’s because people tend to huddle together indoors when it’s cold outside. “Colder temperatures also allow for viruses to survive on surfaces longer, and the humidity we experience here in Houston also contributes to these viruses being able to survive outside of a host,” Piedra added in a Baylor news release. “There is also a saying that if your hair is wet and you are in a cold environment, you will get sick. That is partly true,” Piedra added. “You won’t contract a…  read on >  read on >