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Smoke from Canadian wildfires sent high numbers of people suffering from asthma attacks to America’s emergency rooms this spring and summer, according to two new reports. From April 30 to August 4, 2023, smoke from out-of-control wildfires in Canada increased emergency room visits for asthma by 17% over average, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. East Coast states, from New York down to Virginia, were especially affected, as were a swath of Midwest states including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. “These results highlight the need to reduce smoke exposure during wildfires and can help guide emergency response planning,” said CDC epidemiologist Cristin McArdle, who led the study. A second report focused on asthma-linked ER visits in New York state during the first two weeks of June when Canadian wildfire smoke blanketed the state. On the worst day, June 7, levels of tiny airborne particles called PM2.5 rose to levels that were six times higher than average for western New York and 13-fold higher for people living in New York City. That study was led by CDC epidemiologist Haillie Meek. PM2.5 are products of combustion and are a hazard for people with asthma and other respiratory and cardiovascular health conditions (including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]), because they can lodge deep in the respiratory tract and even enter…  read on >  read on >

Weight-loss drug Wegovy (semaglutide) and its diabetes-focused cousin, Ozempic, have already upended the treatment of both obesity and diabetes, with sales of both drugs skyrocketing. Now, injected Wegovy could prove a boon for many patients battling heart failure, a new study suggests. The trial results were presented Friday in Amsterdam at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Treatment with the drug “produced large improvements in symptoms, physical limitations and exercise function” compare to placebo, explained study lead author Dr. Mikhail Kosiborod, of Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City. In the trial, obese heart failure patients who took Wegovy for a year also showed “greater weight loss and fewer serious adverse events as compared with placebo,” Kosiborod added in an ESC news release. The findings were published simultaneously in the New England Journal of Medicine. The new trial focused on a subset of patients with what’s known as “heart failure with preserved ejection fraction,” comprising about half of all people with heart failure. Ejection fraction measures the heart’s ability to pump oxygen-rich blood out to the body. Having a low ejection fraction means pumping ability is dangerously impaired. But heart failure patients can have a preserved ejection fraction, meaning they retain pumping ability that’s in a healthy range. Heart failure is still an often lethal ailment, however, with patients…  read on >  read on >

Coupons for tobacco products appear to have a big impact on relapse rates for smokers who have recently kicked the habit, researchers report. A study of more than 5,000 former smokers who participated in a national survey found double the relapse rate for those who received cigarette coupons by direct mail or email. “We hypothesized that people who received coupons would be more likely to relapse, but we were surprised by the magnitude of the effect,” said lead author Jidong Huang, a professor in the Department of Health Policy and Behavioral Sciences at Georgia State University School of Public Health. “It really shows that smokers who have quit the past year are the most vulnerable to relapse, and it implies that policies that prohibit the distribution of tobacco coupons could help more people succeed in quitting,” he said in a university news release. Smoking continues to be the leading cause of preventable death for Americans. It claims more than 480,000 lives each year in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Huang said strong tobacco prevention and control policies, including raising tobacco taxes, adopting comprehensive smoke free policies, conducting hard-hitting anti-tobacco media campaigns and implementing restrictions on tobacco advertising, have reduced cigarette smoking to all-time lows. Yet more regulation is needed. Physicians and smoking cessation counselors should warn people…  read on >  read on >

AI might not always be your most accurate source of health information, especially when it comes to cancer care, new research finds. Two new studies assessed the quality of responses offered by AI chatbots to a variety of questions about cancer care. One, published Aug. 24 in JAMA Oncology, zeroed in on the full-sentence conversational AI service known as ChatGPT, which launched to great fanfare last November. The upside: About two-thirds of cancer information offered by ChatGPT accurately matched current guidelines from the U.S. National Comprehensive Cancer Network. The downside: The rest did not. “Some recommendations were clearly completely incorrect,” said study author Dr. Danielle Bitterman, an assistant professor of radiation oncology at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and at Harvard Medical School in Boston. “For example, instances where curative treatment was recommended for an incurable diagnosis.” Other times, incorrect recommendations were more subtle — for instance, including some, but not all, parts of a treatment regimen, such as recommending surgery alone, when standard treatment also includes radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, Bitterman said. That’s concerning, she said, given the degree to which “incorrect information was mixed in with correct information, which made it especially difficult to detect errors even for experts.” A second study in the same journal issue offered a much rosier assessment of AI accuracy. In this instance, investigators looked at answers…  read on >  read on >

The American middle-class squeeze has grown even worse in recent years, with many in the “forgotten middle” facing financial pressure and poor health as they near retirement age, a new study reports. Essentially, the U.S. middle class has split in two, and those relegated to the lower-middle are facing tough times in retirement, said lead researcher Jack Chapel. He is a doctoral candidate in economics at the University of Southern California Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. “We see that the middle class is hollowing out a little bit and separating out into this lower-middle and upper-middle,” Chapel said. “People in this lower-middle group compared to people in the upper-middle group are going to be living longer lives, but living a longer proportion of their life with worse health.” For the study, researchers fed federal survey data into a computer simulation to estimate future life expectancy and disability for people in their 50s at different times between 1994 and 2018. Quality-adjusted life expectancy — living not just longer, but healthier — increased by 5% for people in the upper-middle economic status group, the results showed. However, their lower-middle peers didn’t experience a similar increase. Instead, their quality-adjusted life expectancy has stagnated, the researchers found. They will live longer, but also will suffer more in their old age. For example, an average 60-year-old woman in…  read on >  read on >

Stroll past the supplements in any drugstore and you’ll find broad claims about fish oil helping everything from heart and brain health, to joints, eyes and immune systems. But you just might be wasting your money, according to a new study. “We know from recent large, randomized trials that fish oil supplements do not prevent heart disease in the general population, but yet they are one of the most common supplements taken, often by people who still believe they will benefit their heart,” said lead study author Joanna Assadourian, fourth-year medical student at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. The authors researched what these labels actually say, using data from labels of on-market fish oil supplements, to measure the frequency and types of health claims. They included both U.S. Food and Drug Administration-reviewed qualified health claims and those that made assertions about supporting structure or function in various organs. The researchers also assessed the total daily doses of combined EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, found in supplements from 16 leading manufacturers and retailers. They found that 2,082 of the 2,819 analyzed made at least one health claim, which is nearly 74%. And of those, only 19% made an FDA-approved qualified health claim, which helps consumers understand any scientific uncertainty surrounding a claim. The others made general structure or function…  read on >  read on >

With 2023 predicted to be the hottest year on record, a new study is pointing to another potential consequence of heat waves: faster declines in older adults’ memory and thinking skills. The study, of nearly 9,500 older U.S. adults, found that those with greater exposure to heat waves over 12 years also showed a steeper decline in cognitive function — critical mental skills like memory, reasoning and judgment. The connection was specifically seen among older Black Americans and those living in poorer neighborhoods — groups who typically have fewer resources to protect themselves from scorching summer heat. Experts stressed that the findings show only an association between heat and cognitive decline, and cannot pin the blame on temperature extremes. Cognitive decline is complex and influenced by many factors, said lead researcher Eunyoung Choi, a postdoctoral associate at NYU School of Global Public Health in New York City. “Isolating the specific effect of extreme heat from this complex web is a challenging task,” she said. At the same time, there are reasons that repeated exposure to heat waves could affect older adults’ mental acuity, according to Choi. For one, there could be direct effects: Extreme heat can dull mental performance in the short term, and continued exposure over time might promote inflammation and damage brain cells. Sizzling temperatures could also act in indirect ways, Choi said.…  read on >  read on >

Living through days of smoky air from Canadian wildfires in June was unpleasant for New York City residents, but new data shows it wasn’t as immediately concerning for their lungs as feared. The research finds breathing-related hospital visits weren’t much worse in the city on these days than when pollen is especially high, though longer-term impacts aren’t so clear. “Thankfully, the respiratory effects of the wildfire smoke in June were not much worse than what had been seen on really bad pollen days back in the spring, and despite what many New Yorkers may have feared on seeing hazy, orange air,” study co-author Wuyue Yu said in an NYU news release. Yu is a doctoral student at NYU Langone Health in New York City. The researchers, from NYU Grossman School of Medicine, looked at the first six months of 2023, analyzing daily levels of PM2.5, tiny particles that can be breathed deep into the lungs. When wildfire smoke was at a peak in June, asthma-related visits to the ER rose 3% on average for every 10 microgram increase in PM 2.5 per cubic meter of air. On the smokiest day, 335 people visited emergency departments for their asthma — significantly more than the daily average of 188 earlier in the year. This peak wildfire number was only slightly higher than the 302 visits recorded on…  read on >  read on >

Young people have high levels of distress about climate change, and a new study argues that their anguish could be key to fighting it. “People of all ages are being affected by the climate crisis. Young people in particular, though, will live through more of the unfolding hazards of the climate crisis than older generations,” said researcher Emma Lawrance, mental health innovations fellow at Imperial College London’s Institute of Global Health Innovation. “Children born today will experience seven times the number of heat waves of their grandparents, for instance,” she noted. “At the same time, they are not yet in traditional positions of power to make the changes they know are urgently needed to safeguard their future.” For the research, Lawrance and her colleagues surveyed 539 people in the United Kingdom between 16 and 24 years of age. In all, 64.3% had moderate or high levels of climate distress. Those with diagnosed mental health conditions were significantly more likely to be among this group. Those who were more well-to-do had significantly higher odds for experiencing moderate as opposed to low climate distress. And guys were less likely to have high levels of climate distress. A child psychiatrist in New York hears the alarm coming from young people all the time. “If you speak to many young people today they will often say, ‘I’m worried about…  read on >  read on >

An international research team has achieved the first complete sequencing of the human Y chromosome, which is closely linked to male development. This is the last of the human chromosomes to be fully sequenced, an effort that may shed light on everything from fertility to disease. The work was led by the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium, which is a team of researchers funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in Bethesda, Md., part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. The new sequence fills in gaps across more than 50% of the Y chromosome’s length. The research, published Aug. 23 in Nature, uncovered important genomic features, including factors in sperm production. While both the X and Y chromosomes have a central role in sexual development, the factors involved are spread across the genome and very complex, according to the study. Other recent work has shown that genes on the Y chromosome contribute to other aspects of human biology, including cancer risk. Researchers completed the first human genome sequence 20 years ago, but there were gaps in the sequences of all 24 chromosomes. While some had just small gaps, more than half of the Y chromosome’s sequence was unknown. The Y chromosome is unusually repetitive, which made its sequence particularly difficult to complete. Study authors explained the challenge with an example of reading a book.…  read on >  read on >