If you were up all night and you ache all over the next morning, your lack of sound slumber might be to blame. New research found that sleep loss delivered a double whammy to the brain that all but guaranteed greater levels of body pain. “Activity in the somatosensory cortex, previously associated with the location and intensity of pain, was enhanced following sleep loss,” explained study author Adam Krause. And “in two regions called the striatum and the insula, sleep deprivation decreased the activity associated with pain [relief],” he added. These regions control the release of dopamine, often called the “feel-good” hormone. Krause is a Ph.D. candidate with the Center for Human Sleep Science at the University of California, Berkeley. During the study, 25 healthy, young participants got the normal eight hours of sleep one night. A week or so later, the same group underwent a night of no sleep whatsoever. After each session, all the volunteers underwent “thermal pain sensitivity” tests, followed by MRI scans to monitor brain activity while their legs were exposed to uncomfortable levels of heat. After a full night of sleep, most participants reported feeling heat discomfort at about 111 degrees Fahrenheit. But after a night of no sleep, that pain threshold dropped to 107 degrees F. Brain scans pinpointed the neurological basis for the uptick in pain sensitivity following… read on >