Many people rely on chicken noodle soup to soothe a cold, but few know exactly why the warm broth brings relief. But one dietitian can explain its magic. “Studies have shown that a hearty bowl of chicken noodle soup may help clear nasal congestion and ease cold symptoms,” said Sandy Allonen, a clinical dietitian at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “It’s all about the ingredients.” When you have a cold, it’s also important to stay hydrated, she added. “A clear broth is warm and soothing, making it a great source of hydration while you’re sick, especially if you have a sore throat,” Allonen said in a hospital news release. “You may think added salt and other seasonings aren’t great for you, but in moderation, these spices can help combat the feeling of dull taste buds,” she noted. “A loss of taste is common in a cold, but as with any flavor enhancer, salt is great for getting you to eat more.” The chicken in your soup offers a number of benefits. It’s high in protein that helps the immune system, and is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, which boost immunity and help with digestion. “Chicken is also high in tryptophan, which helps your body produce serotonin that can enhance your mood and give you the feeling…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Chapped lips often occur throughout winter, but there are things you can do to prevent them, the Mayo Clinic says. Here are the clinic’s suggestions: Before you go outside in cold weather, apply a lubricating lip cream or balm. Then cover your lips with a scarf. Reapply the balm as needed. Do not lick your lips. Saliva evaporates quickly, leaving lips drier than before you licked them. Drink plenty of fluids, and moisten the indoor air with a humidifier. Avoid contact with irritants or allergens, such as fragrances or dyes, in cosmetics and skin care products. Breathe through your nose. Breathing through your mouth can cause your lips to dry out.

Jen Godfrey couldn’t shake the “deep cloud” that lingered even after she found an antidepressant she could tolerate. Then a string of stressors hit — five years of fertility treatment and an 80-pound weight gain during pregnancy that left her with persistent pain; a close relative’s suicide; another who went missing; and her own divorce. It was all too much for Godfrey, a recovering alcoholic with a family history of depression. “The life stuff just had a gravitational pull,” said the 44-year-old stay-at-home mom from Reno, Nev. “I just thought: I don’t drink, I’m a good friend, a good mother, a good spouse — I should be a lot happier.” Godfrey’s search for relief pointed her to an unapproved and costly treatment for depression — ketamine. An animal anesthetic best known as the addictive party drug “Special K,” ketamine was approved for use as a human anesthetic in 1970 and it’s often used in emergency care to sedate kids and patients with breathing problems. Low, intravenous doses have been found to boost mood and curb suicidal thoughts, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved it as a treatment for depression. And the American Psychiatric Association (APA) warns patients about the potential for abuse and the lack of large, long-term studies of its effectiveness. Even so, ketamine clinics like the one now treating…  read on >

Does your typical afternoon snack leave you feeling unsatisfied and reaching for more? If your pick-me-up is a bag of salty chips or a chocolate bar, a better (and healthier) way to go is with a high-protein choice, according to research published in The Journal of Nutrition. Snacks can make or break your diet. They can be a bridge from one meal to the next, keeping hunger in check and keeping you from overeating at meals. But if you’re not careful, they can add unwanted and even excessive calories to your daily total. Studies show that people of normal-weight tend to choose healthy snacks, like protein, fruit or whole grains, while overweight people tend to choose snacks high in fat and sugar, often compounding their weight woes. The study, which involved teens, found that surprisingly good snacks are soy-based, high-protein choices — a perfect way to get more plant foods in your diet. When comparing the effects of a high-protein soy snack to a high-fat snack, the researchers found that eating soy protein improves appetite control and diet quality, and helps you feel more satisfied. It can also boost your mood and brain function. Soybeans are nutritionally unique — the only vegetable that offers complete protein, all nine essential amino acids needed for health. They’re rich in B vitamins, iron, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids.…  read on >

In a finding that shows the obesity epidemic is far from over, new research reveals that most Americans have grown wider but not taller in the past two decades. Height measurements remained relatively stable during the past 20 years, even dropping slightly between 2015 and 2016 for some groups. But the weight, waist circumference and body mass index (BMI) of many kept increasing, new federal government data indicate. Only Asian-Americans and black men appeared to buck this trend. “The current report provides updated data on trends in weight, height, waist circumference, and BMI from 1999-2000 through 2015-2016, showing an increase of over 8 pounds in men and 7 pounds in women over this time period and overall, no increase in height,” said researchers from the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As of 2016, the U.S. average weight for men was 198 pounds, while it was 170 pounds for women. Which groups fared the worst? White men and women, along with Mexican-Americans and black women, put on the most pounds, according to the report. Which groups did the best? Black men, whose weights leveled off between 2005 and 2016, and Asian-Americans, who saw no significant differences in the four body measures over the two decades. At the same time, there was little change in height among…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — A pulled hamstring is a common injury for athletes who play sports such as track, soccer and basketball. Symptoms of the injury include swelling, bruising or discoloration and weakness in the hamstring. Most hamstring injuries will heal with rest and won’t require surgery, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons says. The academy suggests: RICE, which stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Immobilization. Your doctor may recommend wearing a knee splint to help your leg heal. Physical therapy. Once the initial pain and swelling go away, physical therapy can help restore range of motion and strength.

Who doesn’t crave a big bowl of spaghetti every now and then? But then comes the question of how to fit it into a smart diet plan. The answer is portion control. On average, one cup of cooked pasta has between 180 and 220 calories. But that number can change depending on how long you cook it: The more water it absorbs, the fewer calories it has by measure. Also, it’s very likely that you’re putting far more than one cup of pasta in your dinner bowl, and a near certainty that restaurant portions are up to three times the size of that suggested serving. For the most accurate count when you’re cooking at home, weigh the pasta dry and count 100 calories for each ounce you’re having. (Do choose whole grain pasta for its nutrients.) Depending on what you’ll add to it, you can generally have 2 to 3 ounces, which will cook up to a filling meal. (Be sure to make note of what that amount of pasta looks like when cooked so that you know how much to eat when facing a supersized plate at a restaurant.) The key rule, home and away, is to keep pasta dishes light. Skip sauces made with butter, cream and heavy amounts of cheese in favor of tomato sauces. Cherry tomato halves, chopped herbs and a…  read on >

Here’s some straight talk about the value of “the talk.” Fathers who talk with their teenage sons about condom use can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancies, researchers say. Condoms are the only contraceptive method that can prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Yet, recent U.S. government data showed that condom use among teens steadily declined over the last decade. And as condom use dropped, the number of sexually transmitted infections increased, researchers found. In 2017, the number of STIs reached an all-time high for the fourth year in a row, with teens and young adults accounting for about half of the cases, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Two out of three new HIV infections in young people are among black and Hispanic males, and more than 200,000 births a year are to teens and young adults, the study authors noted. For the new study, researchers interviewed 25 black and Hispanic fathers and sons (aged 15 to 19) from New York City. The research was led by Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, a professor at New York University and a nurse practitioner specializing in adolescent sexual and reproductive health at the Adolescent AIDS Program of Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City. The interviews made it clear that fathers talking to their sons about using…  read on >

Major heart surgery does not cause significant memory decline in older patients, a new study finds. Researchers found no greater risk for loss of brain function among patients who had heart surgery compared to those who had a much less invasive procedure called cardiac catheterization. “We expected to find a bigger difference in the surgery group, since there are many anecdotes about serious cognitive [mental] decline after heart surgery,” said Dr. Elizabeth Whitlock, of the University of California, San Francisco. “Our results are different for several reasons, one being that our follow-up is up to two years after surgery, to account for the fact that people may improve over time,” she said. The study included nearly 1,200 heart surgery patients. Another 1,900 had cardiac catheterization, which is used to diagnose and treat certain heart conditions, including blocked arteries. All were aged 65 or older. The results were published online Dec. 18 in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Whitlock described the study results as “comforting.” The findings “suggest that there isn’t a major long-term impact when these two methods of correcting serious heart problems are compared. We think this is because severe heart disease itself probably has a cognitive impact,” she said in a journal news release. About 92 million people in the United States have some form of heart disease. Nearly 8 million undergo heart…  read on >

You’d think vitamin deficiencies would be rare in the United States, but many people are running low on vitamin D, and it’s a serious health threat. Being short on vitamin D not only affects bone density, it’s also been linked to conditions such as heart disease, mental decline, some types of cancer, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and type 2 diabetes. The problem is twofold: Not knowing how much vitamin D you really need, and how to get it. While 600 to 800 International Units (IUs) is the recommended daily amount, it can take more than that to bring you up to a healthy level and maintain it once you have a deficit. The body can make vitamin D through sun exposure, but there are many variables, from time of day and the season to your location and your skin color. People with pale skin make vitamin D more quickly than those with darker skin. While there is concern about skin cancer risk, under the right conditions, exposing arms and legs (and your torso when possible) for only a few minutes two to three times a week allows the skin to produce enough vitamin D. Very few foods naturally contain D. Many others are fortified with it, but it’s usually only 100 IUs per serving, making it unlikely that you’ll get even the daily minimum just…  read on >